
The champion of the unknown god

the young orphan named Jaz has gotten himself dragged into a game to decide who gonna become the new god of the gods. I'm right now rewriting so be ready for THE UNKNOWN GOD CHAMPION

Suprememonky · Fantasy
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2 Chs

CHAPTER TWO:competition beginning

You Zach blinked and when could see clearly, he was in a palace of light kind of the one from his dream before he couldn't think more about it he started to hear people scream some screamed for the mom, others yelled for the dad or their children. He looked around and realized that he was standing in a huge room filled with people screaming at each other.

Suddenly before the exit appeared an angel dressed in red with wings of Fire

And a stone tablet in his hand,

the angel said" If you don't want to die you should be silent.

"a momentary silence followed as everyone stared at the angel who continued

now when everyone is silent I can explain what is happening here. For 6000k years the former king of the god's disappeared without a trace since then many gods have been trying to find out where he went but nobody has found them yet. Now we are all going to go through a competition, so we can figure out who will be the next king of the gods and rule over this Earth and the gods. So the gods are gonna chose a new king, so the reason you all are here is that all of you a been chosen to represent different gods, you are gonna get sent to nine realms that are full of monsters in 3 years' the bridge to Asgard, the object is to reach Valhalla if you reach Odin's throne, your God become the king of the gods and you get a wish, a man raised his hand and asked" what if we refuse" the angel said with a calm expression" we kill you and your whole family and everyone you know" the man was pale as a ghost, the man becomes silent, the angle continues, you're getting a system like what you humans call RPG, you can see your stats lvl and ability, you grow stronger either from killing the monsters or each other kill a gods champion give you boost in a stat call supgod. Supgod stat is the only stat that you can't use stat points you get from how much support from your God, and it grants you abilities, the higher the level of supgod the more powerful the abilities get, and the higher the level of your character the more experience points you gain. The angels say that the more you kill the better chance you have of winning the competition and becoming the next king of the gods, the gods are waiting for you at the gate, so get ready and make your way there, good luck."

the angel said, and the portal opened and everyone went inside and start walking toward the gates, Zach didn't understand why he was chosen he was not a good fighter, he hoped that his supporting god is strong, everyone goes through the portal, Zach wakes up in a forest, he hears singing birds, then he sees it like a pop-up screen he guess it is the system, at the top of the screen it says, Champion Zach, SUPPORTING GOD: THE HARVESTER.

Sorry for it taking so long but here is a chapter 2,

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