
The champion of the unknown god

the young orphan named Jaz has gotten himself dragged into a game to decide who gonna become the new god of the gods. I'm right now rewriting so be ready for THE UNKNOWN GOD CHAMPION

Suprememonky · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter one unexpected change of plan

in a place, so light I hard to see you can hear people scream at each other after a time you could see something you can see a man with a toga and a big white beard, the man said, who is already the king of the Greek gods should be king of every good, but the other god's protested what the man said, a woman with a bird head, said Zeus I'm never gonna accept you as the king, the man asked why isis, the woman that was isis said because you're a man pig, Zeus, the other woman agreed to what she said, but a man's voice said loud, silent and every wan become silent but not Zeus a woman stopped him and said silently husband and he was silent, so the man was silent everyone said, I have an idea we pick a human Champion to represent us and send them to a tower the gods Champion who has reached the top gets a wish and the God become the king of gods, everyone thinks of it but it was the best idea so they agreed, each, zach feels a hand on his shoulder he had a wake up it was the flight attendant that said we have arrived in Japan, everyone gets out and he got out, then he went into the bathroom and

He stands before the mirror and cools himself off with water he looks at the reflection and loses his breath for a second he saw his eyes were different the left eye was purple gold and the right eye was silver black, he feels that his pocket vibrate it was his sister, he answers her call, she asks what is going on, he tells her about the dream, she says, nothing, it's just a dream, but he said, no, it wasn't just a dream, she said she'll talk to him later and hangs up.

he goes to the place where the bus is gonna be, and while he waits the starts to think of when he was picked to be an intentional student and get sent to Japan, he remembers how he felt when he was chosen, he also remembered the incident in which the school board and principal agreed to send him to Japan, and how everyone agreed to it even though they hated the idea, and then he remembers how he was forced to go to Japan by his foster parents. while he was waiting for the bus he felt that someone was watching him he looked around he saw a man staring at him he ignored it and continued looking around until he notices a guy standing next to him he was tall, very muscular, and he wore a black leather jacket over a white tee shirt he had a shaved head, and tattoos all over his body, he turned around and said" you have been chosen" a flash of light.