
Baby bump



"You are fired" Charlie said without remorse.

Everyone "..."

Mr Marvin "... What do you mean Mr Charles?" Mr Marvin was in denial of what he just heard.

"Are you deaf? I said you are fired Mr Marvin" Charlie said and stood up from his chair and proceed to walk out of the conference room but was stopped by Mr Marvin's voice.

"Why?" Marvin asked.

"Because you are obviously not qualified for your position as one of the director" Charlie paused and continued  "meeting dismissed" he walked out of the conference room with secretary Dan leaving everyone shocked and intimidated.

After Charlie left, the conference room was engrossed in silence for about a minute before everyone started leaving the room. After about 10 minutes the conference room was empty with only Mr Marvin inside. He was spacing out when his phone rang and he answered the call.

"Hello my friend!" Mr Honor greeted his friend happily.

"What do you want?" Mr Marvin asked. Mr Honor noticed the hostility in Marvin's voice but decided not to pay attention to it.

"Was my proposal approved?" Mr Honor asked. He was hoping for a positive answer because the proposal is hos only hope to reviving his company.

"Don't ever call again" Mr Marvin said suddenly shocking his friend.

"What is it, Marvin?" Mr Honor asked shocked by Marvin's sudden outburst.

"The proposal did not only get rejected but I also lost my job because I volunteered to help you" Mr Marvin said gritting his teeth.

"What! You lost your job? How did that happen?" Mr Honor shouted.

"Yes and one more thing, we are no more friends so there is no reason we should be be in touch, so don't call me again, bye" Mr Marvin ended the call and blocked his number.

Mr Honor tried calling his friend but the call was not connecting. "Did he block my number?" Mr Honor thought.


Charlie's mansion ~~~~~~

Charlie got home from work and is greeted by his wife at the entrance of the house.

"Welcome Hun, how was your first day at work?" They hugged and kissed each other for sometime before they separated.

"Let's go in first, I have something to tell you" Charlie said.

"Okay, go freshen up and I will get dinner ready" Eve said and she helped Charlie carry his bag upstairs. Charlie came down 5 minutes later and they had dinner and decided to rest and watch TV before they went to bed.

"Yeah Hun! I remember you telling me that you were going to tell me something" Eve reminded Charlie that he said he had something he wants to tell her before they had dinner.

"Yeah I did..." He paused and then continued "Did you know that one of the board of directors accepted a proposal from Honor group of companies?" Charlie asked.

"What! Isn't that the company that refused to sign a contract with us claiming he found another company to partner with?" Eve said in disbelief.

"Yes it is" Charlie said.

"I wasn't aware of it at all! Who was it?" Eve asked.

"Mr Marvin" Charlie answered.

"I will make sure I deal with him when I resume work" Eve said with bloodshot eyes.

"No need for that because I have already taken care of him" Charlie said.

"What did you do?" Eve asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry I didn't kill him or anything, I just fired him and I may have probably make sure he was not employed by any reputable company again" Charlie said gazing at Eve's face for her reaction.

"Why did you do that!?" Eve said and she playfully hit Charlie on his chest.

"Don't worry! It's not parmanent, it's only temporary, I just wanted to teach him simple lesson and also show other board of directors what I am capable of" Charlie said.

Eve did not say anything and just lie in his body and said"let's go to bed."

"Little bunnyyy, you know there are many interpretation to what you just said now" Charlie teased.

"Hey pervert! You know I am pregnant" Eve shouted at Charlie.

"I know! I know and I can't wait for you to give birth so we can go back to our special excercise" Charlie continued to tease Eve.

Eve blushed furiously and she stood up and ran upstairs . Charlie chuckled at her behavior and he also stood up and followed Eve upstairs to their room.


It's been four months Eve has been pregnant and the baby bumb is becoming visible. Charlie has always been a gentle, patient and loving husband. He massages areas Eve felt sore and he can't wait for the baby to be born.

He would put his head on Eve's stomach to hear when the baby is moving and Eve would laugh at him because he does that every two minutes.

"So tomorrow morning I, Sue, Racheal and Ginger would go shopping for the baby" Eve said.

"Isn't it still early to shop for baby things" Charlie asked surprised.

"It's better early than late. It good we start the preparations to welcome the baby than waiting still the baby is born" Eve said.

"Okay, if you say so. You can use this card to buy whatever you need" Charlie said giving Eve a gold platinum card. It is the only one in the country and he happens to have it. She is really lucky because Charlie is god sent.

"Okay..." Eve paused, taking the card from Charlie and continued "but the money in the order card you gave me isn't finished yet" Eve completed.

"You are my wife and what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine" Charlie said.

"So you don't mind me spending your money anyhow?" Eve asked.

"Wifey, the money I have can take care of our next seven to ten generations to come, so don't worry and buy whatever that picks your interest" Charlie said.

"Okay" Eve said.

"What do you want to eat?" Charlie asked Eve.

[Paused] author: did mention that Charlie wouldn't allow anyone to cook for Eve? Charlie practically refused to allow anyone cook for his wife. He prepares breakfast and lunch for Eve before going to work and rushes back home from work early so he can prepare dinner for his precious wife. Eve had told him multiple times to leave her morning and lunch meals for the chef to make so he won't be tired before going to work but he refused. Isn't it romantic?

[Continue] "uhmm..." Eve started thinking and when she thought of what she wanted to eat she said "I want spicy chicken, rice, and scrambled eggs" Eve said.

"What a weird combination of food" Charlie chuckled.

"Hey! Don't blame me! That's what our baby wants not me" Eve said.

"Okay. You watch something to keep yourself busy" Charlie said.

"Okay and be fast I am hungryyyy!" Eve said.

"Okay wifey" Charlie said and went into the kitchen.


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     Golden morn



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