
George and his family finale


"Speaking of work? When are you resuming back?" Sue asked.

"Soon... Don't worry, soon . I will discuss it with my husband" Eve said pushing Sue out of the mansion.

"Be fast because everyone at the company miss you" Sue said.

"Yes I know, you told me before, now go" Eve said.

"Okay, bye!" Sue waved at Eve.

"Bye!" Eve said and waved back.

As Sue was leaving, Charlie's car drove into the mansion. Charlie got down from the car and saw Sue as she was coming out of the mansion.

"Hello Charles" Sue greeted.

"Hello" Charlie said and nodded his head.

"I will be leaving, bye Eve" Sue said once more.

"Bye" Eve said and Sue left. Eve turned to look at Charlie looking at her with a look of curiosity.

"The girls just came to visit me and the baby" Eve said and Charlie replied with an "oh".

"Let's go inside" Eve said.

"Okay" Eve helped Charlie with his bag and they went inside the mansion hand in hand.

After they were done with dinner, Charlie and Eve were relaxing on the balcony in their room. Eve turned to Charlie and said;

"I want to talk to you about something" 

"What is it?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie, I want to resume work at the company, is that okay with you?" Eve asked.

Charlie looked at Eve for a while before saying "okay if you want, you can resume work next week, if that is okay by you" Charlie said.

"It is okay. I missed working" Eve said but she remembered something, "but who will take care of the baby while we are at work?" Eve asked.

"We would have to hire a nanny for him" Charlie said.

Eve remembered her adopted mother, Mrs long and asked Charlie if they could have her take care of their baby.

"Instead of hiring a nanny, why not we invite my mom over to take care of him?" Eve suggested.

"Okay, if you are okay with that, I will have someone bring her over" Charlie said.

"Thank you Hun!" Eve said and kissed Charlie on the lips.


The day of the escape~~~~~

Remote area~~~~~

George and his family is packing their bags and all the necessities they need for the escape journey ahead of them.

"Are you both done with parking all our stuff?" George asked his wife and daughter.

"Yes dad, we are done" Adriana said.

"Now let us hurry up and go before Charlie as nd his men gets there" George said and leaves the house followed by Sofia and Adriana.

Underground tunnel~~~~~

As George and his family approached the entrance of the tunnel, Charlie's men has already spotted them and were getting ready to catch them.

"Wait here let me go and check if it is safe and there are no police at the entrance of the tunnel" George said.

"Okay, be careful and do not get caught" Sofia told her husband worriedly.

"Do not worry I will be careful" George said and went towards the entrance.

"Boss, only George came forward towards the tunnel" Ken said.

"Wait some more, maybe he just wanted to make sure that the coast is clear" Charlie said on the other side of the line.

"Okay boss" Ken said and signaled his men to wait until his wife and daughter appears.

As Charlie predicted, George looked around for some while, left and came back later with his daughter, Adriana and wife, Sofia.

"Get them!" Ken signaled his men and they all jumped out from their hiding.

"Hold it!" Ken said stopping them.

"I thought there would not be any hindrance to our escape" Sofia said. She was scared.

"That is what I thought and I checked everywhere before now so where did you all jump out from?!" George said.

"You do not need to know where we came from but you are leaving with us, capture them!" Ken shouted and his men moved forward to capture George and his wife and daughter.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" Adriana and Sofia shouted while George kept quiet and did not say anything.

They were thrown into the trunk and taken away.

"Where are you taking us?!" Sofia asked shouting.

"Yes where are you taking us to? So you know who we are and what we can do to you!" Sofia continued shouting but no one listened to her.

Ken is becoming frustrated because of Sofia's continuous shouting so he points his gun at her and says;

"Anymore word from you, do not blame me of what I would do to you!" Ken threatened Sofia. All the words Sofia wanted to say got stock in her mouth and did not come out.

They were taken to the police station and thrown in jail. Charlie was already at the police station waiting for them to arrive, so when they arrived Charlie went close to the criminals and said;

"I will make sure you all rot in jail" Charlie said and left the police station.


Three days later~~~~~

New York court room~~~~~

"My client is not guilty, your honor and all the accusation labeled against them are all false" the Anderson's lawyer objected.

"Objections my Lord! My client's accusations are not false and I have evidence to support the case" Charlie's lawyer said.

"Bring forward the evidence" the judge said. The evidence was submitted.

The hearing went on for hours before the judge came to an end.

"With all the evidences submitted in this honorable court, I hereby declare George and his family guilty and sentence them to life in prison with hard labour" the judge said and the hearing ended.

George and his family were taken back to the maximum height jail cells.

"Thank you Hun" Eve said.

"For what?" Charlie asked.

"For not dealing with George and his family in your own way and also capturing and putting an end to all this problem" Eve said.

"All for you little bunny" Charlie said. Charlie and Eve left the court and went home.


AUTHOR>> Hope you guys are enjoying the story?☺️

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Random question for the day 😊:

Assorted pepper soup 


Chicken pepper soup 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing appetizers ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite appetizer in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗