
Fugitive family 3


CEO's office ...........

Charlie settled down for the day and began to work when secretary Dan knocked and came in.

"Sir..." Secretary Dan said.

"What is the matter? Do you have any new information on George and his family?" Charlie asked.

"This sir..." Secretary Dan gave Charlie the tablet he was holding and continued talking "George Anderson and his wife and daughter was spotted in front of the airport yesterday around 8:50pm but they did not stay for long and left in a hurry" secretary Dan said.

"Why did they leave the airport in a hurry?" Charlie asked while watching the CCTV footage on the tablet.

"If you zoom a little closer in the CCTV footage, you would see that George was on a call with someone before he left the airport. I presume that whoever it is he was speaking with on the call, must have informed him that the airport authorities have been notified in case he tries to leave the country by air" secretary Dan said.

"Did you find out who was on the call with him?" Charlie asked while he zooms in on the video.

"Yes sir. We were able to hack into his phone and we found out that the person who he was speaking with was none other than Mr Marvin and his nephew, Dr Andrew" secretary Dan said.

"Did you find out their present whereabouts?" Charlie asked.

"I am sorry sir, we were not able to find out his current whereabouts because he disposed the phone after he made the phone call to Mr Marvin and Dr Matthew" secretary Dan said.

At the mention of their names again, Charlie became furious. He broke the pen in his hand as he was trying to contain his anger inside him.

"They still dared to help that criminal to run away even after my warning" Charlie said but in a low but a little bit audible voice and used his hand to hit the table making some things to fall to the ground. Secretary Dan was scared by Charlie's action but composed himself.

"What should we do to them?" Secretary Dan asked.

"I want Dr Andrew's medical license is revoked, as in make sure that he would not be able to practice medicine for the rest of his miserable life and also teach him a lesson he would not forget so easy" Charlie said.

"And what should we do to Mr Marvin?" Secretary Dan asked.

"Make sure he loses all his assets and also send them to jail and make sure they rot in there" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said and went out of the office to carry out the task given to him.


Back at M city hospital ~~~~~

Sue and Nars came to visit Eve and keep her company as Charlie told them to because he knew that she would be bored staying alone in the hospital with people she does not know around her.

"Hey girl!" Sue and Nars said as they entered the room.

Eve stared at them with her eyes wide open because she was not expecting them to visit her at that particular time of the day. She strongly thought they would be be at work.

"What are you guys doing here?! I thought you should be at work!" Eve said surprised.

"Yes, you are not wrong that we are supposed to be at work but Charles gave us a day off" Nars said.

"Huh..." Eve is confused.

"When we got to work today, Charles gave us a day off and his reason for giving us a day off is because he knew that you will bored all by yourself so he sent us to accompany you still when he comes to pick up up later" Sue said.

"Okay" Eve said.

"How are you doing?" Sue asked Eve.

"I am fine... Guys can I ask you a question?" Eve asked.

"Yes sure!" Sue said.

"As far we have the answer, we would tell you right away" Nars said.

"Okay. How did my husband take it when he found out I was kidnapped?" Eve asked.

Sue and Nars were surprised with the question Eve asked them but they answered it away.

"Charles was beyond devastated. He was not happy at all" Sue said.

"The day he found he found out that Mr Marvin and his nephew, Dr Andrew were involved in your kidnap, he was furious. The whole office were really cold. We were able to feel the killing intent in him" Nars said. His body shivers as he remembered that day in the office.

"Did he kill anyone?" Eve asked.

"No, he did not! Although he felt like he would kill someone but thankfully he did not and I think it was because of you" Sue said.

"Since you did not kill anyone, then what happened to Mr Marvin and his nephew, Dr Andrew?" Eve asked.

"I heard that Mr Marvin went bankrupt and his assets were taken from him, even his wife left him and took the children with her" Sue said.

"What of Dr Andrew?" Eve asked.

"His medical license has been revoked and he was sent to the meanest prison together with Mr Marvin" Sue said.

"Very good because they deserved everything that is happening to them right now" Nars snorted.

"Have my uncle and cousin been caught?" Eve asked.

"No, they have not been caught. They are still on the run" Sue said.

"Don't worry all the means in which they can leave this country has been blocked, so they can't leave this country and they will eventually be caught no matter how long they run" Nars said.

"I'm not worried because I know they will be caught eventually but I was just worried about my husband" Eve said.

"Don't worry about all that, trust your husband and his capabilities, he will be fine" Sue said.

"Okay" Eve said.

"No that is settled, where is your baby?" Sue said.

"The nurse took him to clean him up. They should be back any minute now" immediately Eve finished talking, the nurse walked in with her baby "here they are!" Eve said.

Sue and Nars hurried to the baby and began playing with Eve's baby. They were talking and laughing.


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Random question for the day 😊:

  Chicken barbeque with french fries 


Fish barbeque with french fries 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing food ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !