


When Charlie got to the office, Eve has already set up her office space and his, also documents were already on his table waiting for his signature, he heads to his table and starts the work for the day.

Few minutes later, Dan comes in and tells him that he has a meeting in few minutes and he said " okay " and turns to Eve "let's go"

"Okay sir" Eve said while packing her laptop and notebook and follows him to the meeting.

***Charlie and Eve with his secretary Dan reached the conference room, secretary Dan opens the door and goes inside first followed by Charlie and lastly Eve. When Eve got into the room and raises her head, she is shocked to see who they are to have a meeting with, she looks at Charlie and wonders if he knowingly told her to follow him to the meeting, the person is non other than her cousin Adriana Anderson.

Charlie on the other hand saw Adriana and knew why her father decided to send her for the meeting instead of attending the meeting himself, he wanted to try his luck to see if the son of the most powerful family will take a liking to his daughter so he would become the in-law to the most powerful and influential family, of course that would be great; at looking at the way Adriana is dressed, he becomes annoyed.

Adriana is dressed seductively in other to attract Charles Powell, but on seeing the figure at his back, she becomes angry and grits her teeth while saying in her mind "what is this wh*re doing here but she keeps her calm in other not to disgrace herself in front of Charlie.

"Hello Mr Charles" Adriana greeted with a smile that shows her perfectly white teeth that will attract any man to fall in love with her while she extends her hand for a hand shake which Charlie did not return and she puts down her hand; "it good to finally meet the legendary god in the business world" Adriana said.

"Hello Miss Adriana" Charlie said as usual with an expressionless face and sits down on his seat and Eve sits close to him and this made Adriana mad.

"If I may ask Mr Charles, who is this lady with you?" Adriana asked.

Eve smirked "you want to act as if you don't know me right? Who are you trying to fool!" She said in her mind.

Charlie looks at her and thinks "this lady is good at pretending not to know Eve..ha, let's see how it goes, I will play along of that's what she wants and see how long her façade will last";

"She is my personal assistant, any problem?" Charlie said non chalantly.

Learning who Eve is, her plan is threatened and she needs to do something about her before Eve spoils her plan, but for now she just work on attracting Charlie and eventually get him to marry her.