
CHAPTER 19: Eve moves in with Charlie (1).

As she uses her hands to cover her face so the reporters won't take more pictures, a black sports car appears which draws the attention of the reporters, a tall, handsome figure comes out of it and it happens to be...... HER BOSS...

Charlie gets down from the car and walks over to where Eve is standing, of course the reporters makes way for him, they dare not anger Charles Powell or they are doomed. Charlie reaches Eve and takes her to his car, he opens his car and she enters it and he zooms off.

There was silence in the car and Eve keeps stealing glances at Charlie . Charlie notices Eve looking at him and said "do you have anything to say to me because you keep on staring at me", Eve chokes on her spit "well, where are we going to ?" She asked.

Charlie looks at her for some while before answering her "my house" he said, "what! Why?" Asked Eve, Charlie looks at Eve surprised that she is asking him that "we agreed to live together, remember?" Charlie said, "oh, but what of my things at my apartment?" Asked Eve, "you don't need all that because everything you need is available at my house, unless you want your things at your apartment I will make sure it's brought over to the house today" Charlie said, "okay" Eve nods and looks outside the window.


They arrived at an electronic gate that opens by itself, Charlie drives in and he stops in front of a magnificent building. Eve jaw drops and she turns to ask Charlie "is this your house?", "Yes" he answered while smiling at Eve's facial expression. As they they were talking an elderly man comes out of the house and greets, "welcome young master and ma'am", Eve is surprised the man called her ma'am, Charlie introduces them both "Eve this is butler Leo, Leo this is Eve", "nice to meet you" Eve said, "same here ma'am" said the butler, "here he goes again with the Ma'am thing" Eve mumbled to herself.

They go inside the house and they were greeted by to the two maids who seem to be mother and daughter duo, Eve greets them back. Charlie takes her upstairs to show her her room which happens to be opposite his, she opens the walk in closet and she goes she is not dreaming. It was filled with expensive things from cloths to shoes and even jewelries and also underwear, when she saw the underwear she blushed and Charlie did not fail to notice her reaction, "do you like everything?" Charlie asked, "Yes, thank you very much" Eve said while blushing.

"Okay since you like it, I will get going, the butler will show you round the house" Charlie said, "where are you going?" Eve asked, "I just need to go take care of something, I will be back before dinner" said Charlie, "okay, bye" Eve said, "Mmmm" said Charlie and he leaves the house.