
CHAPTER 18: Does my boss love me?

Eve's POV

Eve turns round and round on her bed unable to sleep because of the kiss with her boss. She is confused and curious why her boss would kiss her "does he like me?, Nah, I don't think so, my boss is not that kind of person" she says as she shakes her head. She knows that on Monday at work will be really awkward between them and she would try to avoid him in any way possible and she went to sleep.


Eve is awaked by the continuous ringing from her phone, she grumbles a little and gets up to answer the phone.

"Hello" she said and her eyes were almost pulled out by the noise from the other end, she removes the phone from her ear to look at the ID caller and sees that it's her friend Sue, she puts it back on her ears and said "what is it this morning, can't I enjoy my weekend without any disturbance?" She shouted angrily but not too loud.

"Are you still sleeping, don't you know what's going on right now?" Said Sue, "what is going on?" Asked Eve still feeling sleepy, "Your name and picture is all over the internet!!!, Wait.... don't tell me you don't know?" Said Sue.

Eve sleepiness vanished immediately Sue said her name and picture is all over the internet "how do you know?" Asked Eve.

"When I woke up this morning, I said said let me check the news on my phone and I saw that you are trending, apparently you and boss Charlie is in the top three hot topics searched on the internet right now!" Said Sue, "what!!!!" Shouted Eve, she thinks and remembers something "then it would be as a result of yesterday's party I attended with boss Charlie" said Eve as she is thinking Sue said "okay gotta go now I will send the link to you now so you can check it out yourself, bye!!".

Eve hangs up the phone and waits for Sue to send her the link, few minutes her phone beeped and she checks the message and clicks on the link sent to her by her friend and is marvelled by the comments on the post, some are in support, some are against while some are neutral (they aren't supporting any sides), she continues to read the comments and concludes that her life will never be the same again.

Eve prepares herself to go out and enjoy herself since it's Sunday, as she opens her door to her apartment building she is surrounded by reporters who keeps on asking her numerous questions at the same time.

As she uses her hands to cover her face so the reporters won't take more pictures, a black sports car appears which draws the attention of the reporters, a tall, handsome figure comes out of it and it happens to be...... HER BOSS...

Hello everyone, rate and comment on my book, have a nice day ahead!!!💕