
CHAPTER 14: We meet again little girl (4)

"What!!!!!!" Shouted both of them, "so is he going to give you anything in return?" Asked Sue, "how do you know that?" Asked Eve surprised, "of course that's how most stories begins, from contract relationship to they end up falling in love with each other" Sur said dreamily, Eve begins to laugh "do you think that would happen if someone like our boss is the main character?" Eve said, "you can't be very sure, it might happen" Sue said, "that won't happen don't worry, our boss is not my type" said Eve as they all focused on the program showing on the TV.


Once it's 5:00pm, she prepares for the party, she freshens up, she puts on her dress which surprisingly exactly her size and she puts on her shoes. She sits in front of her mirror to put on light make-up, after that she puts on the jewelry and she looks at the time, it's 5:45pm and she goes to the living room to wait for her boss.

Few minutes later, she heard sound of a car and goes to the window and sees her boss and she she picks up her purse and proceeds to go downstairs and meet him. Charlie sees Eve and he is mesmerised, "you look beautiful" he said without him realising he said it out loud, "you look handsome sir" Eve said to prevent the atmosphere been awkward, Charlie opens the passenger door and Eve enters and he enters the car and drove off.

They arrived at the Holmes cooperation, Charlie gets down and goes to open the door for Eve but Eve hesitated because of the reporters but Charlie assures her that she is safe and she takes his hands and gets out of the car, reporters begins to take pictures and they asked Charlie who is his date tonight, Charlie stops, turns and faces the reporters while holding Eve's hand and said "she is my fianceé", the crowd immediately becomes crazy and Charlie takes her inside before any questions is again.

Charlie takes her and enters a room and Eve notices that the people are all rich people ranging from business tycoons to celebrities. She is dragged by Charlie towards a corner where some men who seem to be in their 60s standing and she sees a familiar face, she tries to remember but couldn't, they reach the group of men, that greet and Charlie introduce her to his father as his fianceé, his father looks and says that she looks familiar before he remained where he met her.

"You are the girl who help me at the bus stop the other day right?" Asked Charlie's father, Eve's eyes bulge out as she remembers where she knows him from and she says "yes sir, great to see you again" she said as she moves in for a hug which was immediately reciprocated by Charlie's father. Charlie on the other hand is surprised how his dad and Eve know each other.