
CHAPTER 13: We meet again little girl (3)


The following morning, Eve went to work as usual and funny enough as it is the week went fast and it was weekend the next day, she goes home. As she enters her house, her phone rings (the message type) and she brings it out of her bag and sees that the message is from her boss and he says he would pick her up at 6:00pm tomorrow, she replies with okay and goes inside her room to freshen up and she went to sleep.


The sun shines through the curtain in Eve's room, she stands up and stretches her body to relieve some body pains she has when she was sleeping. She goes into the bathroom and freshen up. After that she goes to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for herself, as she does that her door bell rings, "my boss isn't supposed to pick me up until 6:00pm so would that be?" Eve thought curiously as she walks slowly to the door, she opens the door and is shocked who it was..... Sue and Nars!!!.

Hello babe!!!! Shouted both of them in unison. Eve was dumb founded and she asks, "what are you guys doing... here?" Asked Eve, "what do you mean by that, can't we visit our friend again?" Sue said and both of them push they way into Eve's apartment, went into the living room and sat down on the sofa, "something smells nice and won't continue to smell nice if it's burnt" Sue said sarcastically and Eve remembers she didn't put off the gas when she went to open the door, she hurriedly went to the kitchen and finishes with her cooking and sets the food on the table, "I am really famished" Sue said as she sits on the table, "me too" said Nars as he settles down to eat also.

Few minutes later, they were done with eating and they sit in the living room while drinking fruit juice. Then Eve clears her throat and says, "there is something I want to tell you guys", "Mmmm..." Said Sue and Nars together while Watching TV, "our boss wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend to his father so his father will not match make him with one of his friend's daughter" Eve blurted out, Sue spits out her juice as soon as she heard what Eve said.

"What!!!!!!" Shouted both of them, "so is he going to give you anything in return?" Asked Sue, "how do you know that?" Asked Eve surprised, "of course that's how most stories begins, from contract relationship to they end up falling in love with each other" Sur said dreamily, Eve begins to laugh "do you think that would happen if someone like our boss is the main character?" Eve said, "you can't be very sure, it might happen" Sue said, "that won't happen don't worry, our boss is not my type" said Eve as they all focused on the program showing on the TV.