
CHAPTER 11: We meet again little girl (1)

"Hello?" Said Charlie with a low voice, "don't think you can wiggle out of this party, for all I care you must attend this event whether you like it or not and that's final" his father said angrily and he hung up the phone immediately then.

As Charlie was thinking about what he would do, Eve walks in and he gets an idea, "sir, this documents need your signature" Eve said as she drops the documents on the table, he signs it and hands it over to Eve who turns to leave but was stopped by Charlie, "I want to propose a deal for you" said Charlie. Eve turns back and looks at Charlie wondering what the deal is about, "am listening" she said as she walks back and sits on one of the chairs opposite Charlie.

"Okay, I want you to pretend to be my fiancee so my dad won't match make me with his friend's daughter who is coming back from Switzerland by weekend" said Charlie, "why would I do that? I don't think I can do that" Eve said and stands up to leave the office when Charlie said, " I will give you five million" shouted Charlie and Eve stopped in her tracks and turns to face her boss wide eyed, "what!" Shouted Eve, "five million just to pretend to be your fiancee to your dad?" Asked Eve, "yes, and other incentives if you do well" Charlie said as he rests his back on his chair.

Eve begins to think, "is he really going to give me five million just to pretend to be his fiancee" Eve thinks and looks at her boss with a look that shows she doesn't believe him. Charlie notice that Eve doesn't believe him and he asked her, "give me your account number", Eve reluctantly gave him, fee minutes later she sees an alert of 2.5 million on her phone and she is shocked, by the look on her face he guesses she has seen the alert and said, "you will get the other half when our deal has ended", " there is no harm in agreeing, am only going to pretend to be his girlfriend, but I need to set down rules" Eve thinks in her mind.

"Okay sir, I agree but I have conditions" said Eve, " okay.... which are?" Asked Charlie.

"Firstly, no physical contact unless necessary."

"Secondly, I will stay at my own house"

"Thirdly, we stay out of each other's life"said Eve.

"Am okay with the first and partially the third because you need to stay in the same house so they would believe you are my fiancee and the third condition we are not going to interfere in each other's life but you are not allowed to date anyone while we are together" Charlie said, "okay but we sleep in different rooms", said Eve, "okay" said Charlie.

"Deal" Eve said as she stretches her hand to shake Charlie.

"Deal" Charlie says as he accepted Eve's hand shake.