
CANDICE'S LIFE THREATENED (2): Do you think you can runaway?



"My life is being threatened!" Candice shouted.

"What! How is that supposed to be possible?" Adriana asked shocked by what Candice just said.

"I don't know! I just got home this evening from work and a bloody scary doll with a note that says 'we are coming for you' in it. I am freaking out right now" Candice said still pacing round her bedroom biting on her fingers.

"Calm down Candice, calm down, I will get to the root of it, okay? You don't need to do anything. I will get someone to protect you" Adriana said assuringly.

"Don't you think that this is the handiwork of miss Eve?" Candice suddenly asked. There was silence at the other side of the line and Candice thought Adriana has hung up. She removed the phone from her ear and looked at the screen, 'but the call is still on' Candice thought.

"Hello? Are you there, big sis Adriana" Candice said again.

"Yes... Yes I am here" Adriana zoned out for some seconds. She was thinking of the possibility of Eve being behind the threat note and the bloody doll.

"Are you okay?" Candice asked.

"Yes and Eve can't be the culprit for this" Adriana said.

"Why do you say that?" Candice asked.

"Because she is too stupid and naive to come up with that idea" Adriana said.

"How are you sure?" Candice asked.

"Yes I am very sure of that" Adriana said affirmatively.

"Okay but I am scared of sleeping now" Candice said.

"Just try and relax. Watch a movie or something to distract yourself" Adriana said.

"Okay, I will try. Thank you big sis Adriana" Candice said.


"What are you planning, Eve?" Adriana thought.

"As long as she has known Eve, she is just a naive girl that is controllable, how did she change" Adriana thought.



Three days later~~~~~

Devan corporation~~~~~

Candice's mind felt kind of relaxed because after the threat three days ago, there was no particular sign of someone trying to kill her and even if they want to kill her it will not be possible because Adriana assigned two bodyguards to protect her ( so she thought ) and she was beginning to suspect if the whole threat thing is just a prank.

Author>> Candice! Candice!! Candice!!! Why are you so naive.

Candice sat on her seat and was typing something on the computer when her colleague Ossy came in to inform her that she had a package delivered to her and it is with the receptionist on the CEO's floor[1].

"Hey! Good morning Candice! You are early today!" Ossy said.

"Yes. I had some previous work to complete, so..." Candice said.

"Okay. Ahh... There is a package delivered to you and it is with the receptionist" Ossy said remembering the receptionist told her to help he pass the message.

"Do you know what is it?" Candice asked curious.

"I don't know. It is in a box that was wrapped up. Maybe it is from one of your admirers" Ossy said winking at Candice.

"Stop that! Which admirer? There is none so stop whatever you are thinking" Candice stood up and proceeded to the receptionist's desk. When she got to the receptionist's desk she asked for her package.

"I was told by Ossy that a package was delivered to me and you are with it" Candice said.

"Yes" the receptionist  bent down and stood up three seconds later with a square box that looks quite average and Candice we wondered what was inside the box.

"This is it" the receptionist said and gave her the box.

"Thanks" Candice said and went to a secluded corner in the same floor to open the package. She tore the box open and she freaked out immediately.

"Ahhh!" Candice shouted but she immediately covered her mouth so as not to attract attention.

Inside the box were the same scary looking baby doll and a note with it but what was written on it is different from the one three days ago. The note says:

"Do you think you can run away?" It was a question this time (like a rhetorical question) [2].

Candice hurriedly took picture of it and sent it to Adriana. She covered the package and threw it inside the nearest trash can and her phone rang. She saw that it was Adriana and she immediately answered the call.

"What is going on? I thought there won't be any threats anymore?" Adriana asked immediately Candice answered the call.

"I don't know big sis Adriana and I am feeling scared again. I was beginning to feel it was a prank because no other threat came for the last three days! I am beginning to think someone is really after my life" Candice said trembling.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to you. I assigned capable bodyguards to protect you so you have to go back to work and act as if nothing happened" Adriana said.

"Hmm.." Candice sighed and ends the call and walks back to her cubicle.


When she got back to her cubicle, her colleague Ossy was surprised why Candice didn't come back with anything.

"Where is the package?" Ossy said.

"Oh... My friend sent me food and since I haven't eaten anything yet this morning, I decided to eat it in the rest area before coming back" Candice said forcing a smile on her face to mask her fear.

"So tingy!" Ossy said and went back to what she was doing.

Candice tried so hard to hide her fear from her colleagues. Some noticed that something was bordering her and asked her about it and some even offered to help but she denied it and they left her alone.

Candice could not wait still the end of work and she took three days off with the excuse that she was sick and would need to stay at home to recuperate.


Some certain people knows that she is not exactly sick at all.



[1] The CEO's floor in the company has it's own receptionist separately. Each department in Devan corporation has a receptionist.

[2] Rhetorical question: rhetorical question is a question that does not really need an answer. E.g "do you think you can run away?."



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Weekend biscuits



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