
Chapter 11

  Everyone was stunned.

  “isn’t that miss Gem?, isn’t she a small actress……how could she afford a professional bodyguard?,” they gossiped.

  “Leon…..?” I called.

  “Shhh…..let’s go inside first…..” he said as he lead me inside the set.

  “Leon…..I thought I fired you…..” I said and Ruth pinch me “Ouch!!!!”

  “Gem you should be thanking Leon here….don’t be rude” she said

  “Thanking him?, he’s only here to see his goddess Jolene……now he’s the main character in the movie!!” I yelled

  “Gem what’s with you?” Ruth asked, Leon was quiet the whole time…

  “What’s with me?, what’s with me?, today he’s acting a kissing scene with Jolene and……and…..”

  “And am not acting anymore” his deep voice cut in.

  “What??!!!” I was surprised.

  “Let’s talk after your scene today……I have something important to say…..”

  “Hi Mr. Leon….” It was the game spoiler the fun killer…..I call her the boredom bitch…. Jolene. She smiled at Leon and hook his hands round his huge arm.