
Chapter 10


  Leon was so angry. How could she insult me like that.

  “Sir…….” An old woman came in.

  “Grandma……why….why are you here?” Leon asked looking surprised but the woman kept on walking about like she was searching for something.

  “Where is she?” she asked

  “Who?” Leon asked

  “Don’t play dumb with me boy….I know you are hiding a young lady in this house….so you got a new girlfriend and you couldn’t introduce her!!!!!” she yelled

  “What?!!, Gem is not my girlfriend…..!!!” Leon yelled.

  “Oh her name is Gem….hmm…. beautiful….then how do you explain kissing her?” she said and Leon was shocked, he knew this old woman was a spy in his life but he didn’t know she’ll go as far as putting a CCTV camera all around his house.

  “Where is she!!!??” she yelled

  “She’s not my girlfriend and by the way she’s not here anymore….we had a fight and she left” he said looking angry.