
Chapter nineteen

(Matthew's POV)

She says that she has forgiven me but I don't think I will be able to forgive myself. As much as I hate to admit it, her mother is right, Cassandra getting hurt was my fault and staying out of their lives would be better for her.

I have a few dangerous enemies and I won't be able to protect my mate at all times, today proved as much.

I guess the saying, "if you love her, you'd let her go" applies in this case.

I can hear Cassandra say something but I don't hear the words, too busy drowning in my self-inflicted misery.

I knew I should never have gotten involved in all this soulmate business. Just a few weeks after meeting and she almost dies.



I am pulled out of my thoughts and look down at my adorable baby tucked into my side.

She has become quite sensitive to the mating pull lately. I have to do something about it.