

RATED 18+| Tinsley Rutherford's life turns upside down when her rich parents are killed in a tragic car accident. To make things worse, her fiance suddenly breaks off their billion-dollar contract marriage engagement. Sad and lost, Tinsley goes out one night to drown her sorrows in alcohol and meets the mysterious and handsome Kian Wilson at a bar. To her shock, she wakes up the following morning in this handsome stranger's arms. In her panic, she flees his house and leaves him to search for his mystery princess. What happens when these two fated strangers meet again? Will they get a second chance this time, or will Tinsley make a run for it again?

chayasreedeka · Urban
Not enough ratings
575 Chs


"You can tell me now..."

"You are drunk!"

She pointed it out. And he shook his head in denial.

"I'm more than sober to hear you out."

She eyed him and so did he. It was as if she was trying to analyze him, what was wrong and he was trying to seek answers to his questions by gazing at her green orbs.

"I do not think so..."

"Tinsley...just tell me...do not make this anymore harder."

He interrupted her in midway. He wanted her to say it all in one go than beating around the bush and hurting him anymore.

Although, she was not sure at first if it was right to disclose to him in a time like that.

But he was being persistent and insisting her to go for it. If she was in her sensible mind, she perhaps would have just walked out of that room and not say anything.

Then again, being so close to him, her reasonable mind always bid her farewell.

"I'm pregnant!"