
The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess

"The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess" is an enthralling wuxia tale set in a fantastical land teeming with martial arts experts, legendary monsters, and the pursuit of vengeance. The story follows the journey of a brilliant and peerless beauty named Li Xuehua, who was tragically killed by the most formidable monster in the land, the Shadow Dragon. Consumed by a burning desire for revenge, Li Xuehua meets an untimely end, vowing to return stronger and gather the most powerful martial artists to aid her cause. Miraculously, Li Xuehua is reincarnated as a baby, retaining memories of her past life. As she grows older, she diligently cultivates her skills, harnessing an innate talent for martial arts and unlocking her hidden potential. Guided by her past experiences, Li Xuehua embarks on a quest to locate the most skilled and brilliant martial artists she encountered in her previous life, in order to both learn from them and enlist their aid in her future endeavors. Throughout her journey, Li Xuehua forms a close-knit group of male followers, each a prodigy in their own right. Unbeknownst to her, these followers fall deeply in love with her, creating a captivating reverse harem dynamic. However, the oblivious Li Xuehua remains focused on her ultimate goal of exacting vengeance upon the Shadow Dragon, oblivious to the romantic affections that surround her. As the story progresses, Li Xuehua and her loyal followers face numerous trials and challenges, battling monstrous creatures and formidable adversaries. Together, they grow stronger, forming an unbreakable bond as they train, learn, and evolve. Amidst the battles and dangers, a main love interest emerges, captivating the readers' hearts and leaving them torn as to who among her devoted followers will eventually win her affections.

emjhie · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Official Start

The day of official training had arrived, and the 34 new students assembled once again in the admission room, their eyes fixed on Master Zhou, who sat on a grand chair, exuding an aura of authority. With a commanding presence, he began to introduce the illustrious Wulong Academy.

Master Zhou: "Welcome, esteemed students, to Wulong Academy, a bastion of martial arts excellence. Here, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and skill refinement."

Li Xuehua, Shen, and the other students listened intently, their curiosity piqued by the mysteries that lay within the academy's walls.

Master Zhou: "Wulong Academy is divided into four levels, each representing a different stage of mastery: beginner, intermediate, master, and the esteemed genius class."

A student asked, "So, we won't all start as beginners?"

Master Zhou: "Correct, Mei Ling. While some of you may begin as beginners, others may already possess some level of skill".

Li Xuehua's gaze widened, surprised that not all the students would start as beginners. She could sense the mixture of excitement and apprehension in the room.

Master Zhou: "You will be grouped and assigned classes based on your current skills and levels of martial arts proficiency."

The students exchanged curious glances, wondering where their abilities would place them among their peers.

Master Zhou continued, revealing the existence of a sacred tower that held great significance in their martial arts journey.

Master Zhou: "On the academy grounds, you will find the sacred tower. Ascending its levels will determine your classification. Tower levels 1-5 are for beginners, 6-15 for intermediate, and 16-30 for the master class. Those who surpass level 30 will be classified as geniuses, granting them access to the esteemed genius class. Every year, you will have a chance to challenge this tower, improving your level."

Whispers of awe and excitement rippled through the room, as the students contemplated the challenges and rewards that awaited them.

Master Zhou: "However, the path to mastery is not without risk. The tower is unforgiving, and accidents have occurred in the past. Some students have lost their lives within its depths."

A wave of unease washed over the students, their expressions shifting from excitement to apprehension.

Shen, his voice trembling, voiced his fear, "I'm... I'm afraid."

Li Xuehua turned to Shen, her voice steady and comforting, "Shen, fear is natural. If at any point you find yourself unable to face a formidable monster, remember that your life is precious. Do not hesitate to give up, and the teachers will ensure your safety. Life is more valuable than class leveling. Remember, we have many years ahead to improve our martial arts skills."

Mei Ling, her eyes wide with trepidation, nodded in agreement, grateful for Li Xuehua's courage and wisdom that belied her tender years.

Master Zhou concluded his explanation, urging the students to utilize the library as a resource for self-study, providing them with books detailing the monsters they would encounter in the tower.

Master Zhou: "For now, focus on learning and strengthening your foundation. In three months' time, you will begin your ascent of the sacred tower. Study diligently, for the tower's challenges will test your skills and determination."

With these parting words, Master Zhou dismissed the students, sending them on their way to the library, their minds filled with the knowledge of the tower's trials and the weight of their own aspirations.