
The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

[I will take a small break for this story until the romance contest is over, in the meantime you can check my newest novel The Divine Mage System I can guarantee you that you will like it ;)] Alanis was the most powerful phoenix of his generation, the only one who could use the sacred fire, but as his world was experiencing war for the first time after millennia of peace, his clan leader, having found no other solution, gave him a perilous mission that sent him away from his people with the aim of making him a celestial phoenix, which was the only way to defeat the Emperor of the Dragons and restore peace in their world. In the world of Gadreel, where he had been sent, he met Mika, a boy who seemed rather ordinary at first but who quickly fascinated him. Alanis began to make a deal with him to get what he needed to become a celestial phoenix, but soon, in spite of himself, Mika took hold of his heart. Mika as for him possessed a Wandering Soul that he wasn’t even aware of, and as their adventures progressed, they would discover together that the two of them hadn’t met just by chance and that their destinies had been linked since the dawn of time. ……………………… Mika who once again felt his heart racing at the touch of Alanis then replied, "Maybe ... " And he added suddenly, his curiosity getting the better of his rationality, because it would probably have been better not to ask this kind of question, "Are all phoenixes as tactile as you?" Alanis frowned and he answered him honestly, "No, phoenixes are generally not tactile creatures and touch is reserved only for our family or lover." Mika couldn't help but point out to him then, "Then why are you being so tactile with me, I obviously don't fit into either of those categories." Alanis laughed heartily and he suddenly said very seriously, grabbing his chin so that he could look him in the eye, "Obviously... Not yet!" Not yet! These words sounded strangely like a sweet melody to Mika's ears and Alanis' look clearly expressed his desire for him. He saw Alanis looking at his lips and he saw him leaning dangerously towards him, Mika tried in vain to remember why he shouldn't mix pleasure with work but when he felt Alanis' lips touching his, all his good resolutions went up in smoke. ……………………… Mika will have to level up from level 0 to 12 in Gadreel and for that he will have to loot dungeons and do quests, of course Alanis will be there to give him a hand, that will be the first arc of this story. The second arc will take place in Nihava and we will learn more about their origins, there will also be epic battles and family time. WARNING : this is a BL novel with mature content, it's not a slow burn romance and it will be a sweet love. If you like this novel you can give a try to my other works : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL) UPDATE : Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
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160 Chs

Why me?

Mika checked what time it was, and since he still had a few minutes before his classes started, he suddenly asked him, "Why me Alanis? Why did you offer me this deal when you could have easily found a Guardian more qualified than me to help you."

He added quickly because he didn't want there to be any misunderstanding between them, "Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with our deal, I'm just curious, that's all."

Alanis then leaned in and he rubbed his lips against his and he said, "Really, you are satisfied with our deal."

Alanis then heard the soft melody of Mika's heartbeat that was racing again but Mika put two fingers on his lips to stop him from really kissing him and he then said, "I am serious Alanis, you must admit that I have the right to ask myself this question."

Alanis then told him the truth, at least part of it, "This dimension was created by the most powerful warriors of my clan, and when I came out of my long meditation and wanted to start gathering the magic pills I needed, a vortex opened before me and you were on the other side.

I still don't know anything about you Mika, but the mere fact that you were chosen to help me fulfill my mission by the greatest warriors of my clan shows me how special you must be. And I can't wait to find out just how special you are. The attraction we feel for each other has nothing to do with it and to tell you the truth I never intended to be in a relationship with anyone, neither here nor in my world.

But I'm also not someone who will deny his feelings and I really...really like you."

Alanis then added as he made appear the holographic screen in front of them, "Besides, I already told you that Guardians who managed to reach level 12 were extremely rare, see for yourself if you don't believe me."

Mika understood better now, maybe the spirits of the warriors of his clan had felt his fighting soul, that would explain why they had chosen him and he also appreciated Alanis' honesty about his feelings.

It was very nice to know that he could be appealing to someone like him even if at the moment, this physical attraction that Alanis felt for him was due to Mikail's body, and it made him feel a little uneasy.

But he couldn't do anything about it, besides this body was his now and he had to get use to it, so he focused on the screen that was in front of them and he saw that it was a sort of leaderboard.

On this board there were no level 12 Guardians and there were only 3 level 11 Guardians, they were ranked according to the tasks they had already managed to accomplish to become a level 12 Guardian.

Mika still had a million questions he wanted to ask him but it was time to go to school and do his dropout process, so he told him, "So the print was just a bluff you just wanted to test if I was determined enough to be able to help you complete your mission."

Alanis smiled at him and he said, "Everything I told you about the print is correct, it wasn't a bluff, the only thing I failed to tell you is that a phoenix can only put his print on one person in his entire life and usually that person is the one he has decided to spend the rest of his life with."

Well, at least that was true for the permanent print, but as Mika didn't know that there are 2 different types of prints he could use to get closer to him.

Mika looked at him dumbfounded and then he asked him, "Why did you do it then?"

Alanis grabbed his waist and pressed his body against his, he couldn't tell him that he had discovered that he was a Wandering Soul and that he had done that to link them together and bring him back with him to Nihava to fight against the Emperor of the Dragons so he said to him instead, "Because I love hearing your heartbeat go crazy when you look at me, it drives me crazy."

By the time Mika understood the meaning of what Alanis had just said, he didn't have time to blush with shame as Alanis was already kissing him passionately.

When he opened his eyes again, breathless after their passionate embrace, his hands were now behind Alanis' neck, clutching his hair, and Alanis was still holding his waist firmly.

After looking around them he saw that Alanis had taken the opportunity to teleport them, because they were now inside his high school in front of the entrance of the main building and he asked him then seeing that the other students were ignoring them superbly, "Did you cloak us?"

Alanis kissed his forehead and he said to him, "Of course I did, for now we are invisible to them, don't worry I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable in front of the other students in your school.

Look Mika, we'll have plenty of time to talk later I promise, finish doing what you have to do here so we can be free to do what we want."

He then added, "And if you're bored and want to contact me you can use the central system to do it."

Mika nodded, still a little shocked that Alanis could hear his heartbeat, it was super embarrassing and the worst part was that he couldn't do anything to calm it down, he could keep a stoic face but he could not control his heartbeat.

The bell for the beginning of class rang then, and he decided that he better get used to it because there would probably be other embarrassing moments like this in the future, he caressed Alanis' cheek one last time and after having moved away from him a few steps he said to him before turning to enter to the main building, "See you later."

hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this story so far, thank you for your power stones I really appreciate it :)

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