
The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

[I will take a small break for this story until the romance contest is over, in the meantime you can check my newest novel The Divine Mage System I can guarantee you that you will like it ;)] Alanis was the most powerful phoenix of his generation, the only one who could use the sacred fire, but as his world was experiencing war for the first time after millennia of peace, his clan leader, having found no other solution, gave him a perilous mission that sent him away from his people with the aim of making him a celestial phoenix, which was the only way to defeat the Emperor of the Dragons and restore peace in their world. In the world of Gadreel, where he had been sent, he met Mika, a boy who seemed rather ordinary at first but who quickly fascinated him. Alanis began to make a deal with him to get what he needed to become a celestial phoenix, but soon, in spite of himself, Mika took hold of his heart. Mika as for him possessed a Wandering Soul that he wasn’t even aware of, and as their adventures progressed, they would discover together that the two of them hadn’t met just by chance and that their destinies had been linked since the dawn of time. ……………………… Mika who once again felt his heart racing at the touch of Alanis then replied, "Maybe ... " And he added suddenly, his curiosity getting the better of his rationality, because it would probably have been better not to ask this kind of question, "Are all phoenixes as tactile as you?" Alanis frowned and he answered him honestly, "No, phoenixes are generally not tactile creatures and touch is reserved only for our family or lover." Mika couldn't help but point out to him then, "Then why are you being so tactile with me, I obviously don't fit into either of those categories." Alanis laughed heartily and he suddenly said very seriously, grabbing his chin so that he could look him in the eye, "Obviously... Not yet!" Not yet! These words sounded strangely like a sweet melody to Mika's ears and Alanis' look clearly expressed his desire for him. He saw Alanis looking at his lips and he saw him leaning dangerously towards him, Mika tried in vain to remember why he shouldn't mix pleasure with work but when he felt Alanis' lips touching his, all his good resolutions went up in smoke. ……………………… Mika will have to level up from level 0 to 12 in Gadreel and for that he will have to loot dungeons and do quests, of course Alanis will be there to give him a hand, that will be the first arc of this story. The second arc will take place in Nihava and we will learn more about their origins, there will also be epic battles and family time. WARNING : this is a BL novel with mature content, it's not a slow burn romance and it will be a sweet love. If you like this novel you can give a try to my other works : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL) UPDATE : Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
160 Chs

Being someone’s priority

Alanis nodded, he still didn't know how he was going to spend his time but then Mika said, "After my classes I have to go and quit my job as a waiter and after that I'd like to try to do a low level 2 star dungeon.

Last night, the one I did before I met you was only 1 star, and I finished it easily even though I only had a wooden stake with me at that time.

Now I have a machete and an axe, these are the weapons that the boss of this dungeon had and curiously they didn't disappear with him so I kept them, and I also have your print on me, that should be more than enough to raid a low level 2 star dungeon."

Alanis then looked at him in amazement at this revelation and he asked him to make sure he had understood correctly, "Wait a minute Mika! Did you just say that you raided a dungeon all by yourself with only a wooden stake and that you found it easy?"

Mika didn't understand what was so surprising about that, so he said to him, "If you had been in my place you would have found it easy too, there is nothing surprising about that."

He then added, because he didn't know if Alanis was the macho, possessive type, "Tonight I don't mind if you come with me, but you have to promise me not to interfere in my fights.

And to become a level 1 Guardian I have to loot 10 dungeons, and one of them has to be a low level 3 star, so if tonight the 2 star one is too easy for me, I'll try directly one with 3 stars."

Alanis who knew that thanks to his print Mika wasn't risking much just said to him, "Okay... I'll only intervene if your life is threatened, is that okay?"

Mika who had no intention of dying a second time simply nodded, he just hoped that after tonight Alanis would trust him a little more, even though he knew he had nothing to prove to anyone because he was well aware that he was an outstanding fighter, he really wanted Alanis to realize it too.

Alanis suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the temple before getting up and heading for the hallway without saying anything to him. He came back not long after with a smile on his lips, that must have melted the hearts of so many people... And with their breakfast.

Mika's stomach immediately started to rumble which made Alanis laugh and the latter after having asked him what he wanted served him like a king.

Mika wasn't used to this kind of special treatment, all his life his parents had raised him to be quickly autonomous, and it was rather him who took care of the others usually.

However, this didn't seem to bother Alanis in the least, and he even seemed to take great pleasure in serving him. Damn it, Mika thought, how was he supposed to resist him and protect his heart if he kept behaving like this.

Mika knew that their relationship couldn't last long, when Alanis would get what he needed he would go back to his world, he had been very clear that this was his priority and Mika as for him had his own dreams.

He just wanted to enjoy his life and finally be someone's priority, and that would never be the case with Alanis. His instinct was telling him that he would have to play the hero again if he wanted to stay with Alanis and after his death experience, he wasn't sure he could be this kind of man again.

But it was also the first time that his heart had raced like this at the mere sight of a man so it would be a shame not to at least try as Alanis had suggested.

And while Mika was enjoying his breakfast lost in his thoughts, Alanis couldn't resist the temptation any longer and he took the towel that was still around his shoulders and started to dry his hair with it.

When he saw that Mika had stopped eating, he thought that he was going to reject him and tell him that it was ok and that he could manage by himself, he had already felt this very strong independence in Mika, but in the end Mika continued to eat and let him do what he wanted, which he took as a small victory.

After breakfast, and once they were both ready, Alanis first took Mika to his dimension before leading him to the portal of his school.

Mika was surprised and he asked him, "Why are we staying into your dimension?"

Alanis smiled enigmatically and he then said, "I wanted to give you something first before you left for the day."

Mika raised an eyebrow wondering what it was and he saw a small bottle of water appear in Alanis' hand which he emptied onto the ground and then he teleported to the lake and filled the bottle with the water from the lake.

He hardly had time to blink before Alanis stood in front of him again and handed him the bottle telling him, "This water is very special, if you feel tired or dizzy drink it and you will feel better right away, okay?"

Mika took the bottle and thanked him, he put it directly into his magic bag and asked him, "How do you make something appear in your hand like this."

Alanis smiled at him and he said, "Easy, I'm the owner of this dimension, I just have to order it to do something and it does it, and it is now connected to the central system of your world, so it can buy anything I want through the Guardians market, including this bottle of water."

Mika smiled at him and he said, "That's great, not only can you teleport wherever you want as you wish, but now you can also buy anything you want through your connection to the central system. You're so lucky, I'm jealous."