
The Celestial Nobles (The Awakening of the Phoenix)

"Let us fight for the sake of humanity..." "I hate this kind of world..." "Friendship can last forever, but treachery can break its bond..." "Friendship? Like hell I care for that kind of shit!"

Your_Author_DessA · Sci-fi
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36 Chs

Chapter 29: Weird Feeling~

We all looked at the person who is the only one who didn't introduced himself. He wears a black suit with a detective cloak around him. His cloak has spines on both shoulders with a red like string at the lower part of the shoulder. And he has gloves on his hands. His hair is black but has a white dye on the front left of his hair.

And his gun is in his holster.

"What?" He asked, crunching his eyebrows right at us.

"Meet, our newest member... The sonata guy as everyone calls him. But you may call him Granger." Just the mention of his name, made me feel something deep within me.

I held my left chest as I feel the thumping of my heart getting faster.

I tried to stop it, but it won't. It only kept on moving faster, making me breath heavily.

"Daisy? Are you okay? You look pale." Rose asked and I could hear her voice sounding worried.

I on the other hand, tried to calm myself while still holding my chest. I can't help it, this is too much. Why would I even feel this way? I don't want to worry, but why do I feel scared and angered at tge moment.

"I- can't... Breath!" I tried to talk, but my voice is cracking and I can't talk straight! What is wrong with me?

Everyone went to my aid to support me, but it only made things worse. The more they come closer, the more I feel like the air is being blocked.

"You idiots! Don't circle around her! It'll just make things worse!" I don't know who said that though. My hearing feels like it was about to be deaf, and I am hearing two voices at once. Then my sight started to swirl, I felt dizzy... Until I didn't made it and went unconscious.

(A couple of hours later)

I woke up from my bed and I felt lightheaded for some reason. I also saw someone sleeping right at the side of my bed. I can't tell who it was at first because his cloth is a bit unusual for a student here. But after realizing who it was, I was surprised.

It was the sonata guy! Granger as I recall?

Remembering his name made my heart ache. The feeling I have right now is really weird. Maybe it's because of the fact that he has the same name as him.

Also, whenever I am close to him, I feel kinda safe. Like, this feeling, I only felt for my one and only friend. My family~

Anyway, after that, I slowly went out of my bed to go outside. I quitely opened the door and was about to close it, when someone held me by the shoulder. That almost made me scream, but he covered my mouth.

"You don't want him to wake up wouldn't you?" Marc asked, making me sigh in relief.

"Why would you sneak up like that you dimwit?!" I whispered pissedly and he just apologized. "And why are you here?"

"Aside from wanting to see ny junior, everyone wants to know if you awoke, and if you did... They told me to call you down." He answered, and that made me nod.

Leaving Granger behind... I am not really comfortable calling him by that name, sorry... We went towards the training room.

"Good thing you're awake now!" Dean Jean said and I just nodded as an answer. "We called you to discuss about what happened earlier." She continued, and without any reason... I felt nervous.

"To be honest dear... We got worried about you earlier." Professor Eurie said.

"But after our study... We figured out the reason why you experienced such a thing... The truth is, you forced yourself to use your magic and didn't mind about your limit, am I wrong?" It was Professor Rylie explained.

"Y-Yeah~ that's true." I said and scratched my nape. "But I didn't mean to... He made me pissed-"

"Didn't you forgot our training dear? I thought I told you to stay focused and calm, even if the situation is getting out of hands." Professor Rylie lectured, so I just looked down embarrassingly.

"We're not mad, okay? We're just worried about you. What you did back there was unexpected and really dangerous! We're just warning you." Professor Eurie said.

"Sorry professors... I won't do it again." I said and bowed to pay my respect.

"But it's not just that's the reason why you went unconscious earlier. Basing on your facial expression and body language, I could tell that you're having trouble breathing." Dean Jean said and I looked at everyone of them, unsure of what to say.

"I also noticed that. Maybe it's because of her, reaching her limits. Tell us what caused you to be in that suffering my dear?" Professor Rylie asked.

"Well... I don't know myself either. But after hearing his name, it just happened." I explained, making them look at me with squinted eyes. "I don't want to talk about it now please." I told them all, hearing some sighs.

"Are you sure you're okay now? How about if we go check you first."

"No, I can manage. And I also don't want to make sone noises up there. He's asleep." I explained and they all nodded, Mye on the other hand looked at me worriedly. "About the training earlier. May I please, train with you all again?" Because of what I said, everyone was shocked. "I want to become stronger, to make sure that our mission will be successful." I said with no second thought.

"Daisy's right! We have to train some more, to make sure everything will go our way." Guinevere answered and the others nodded.

"That's a great idea! But remember, that you'll be leaving three days from now. So I guess, we need to have your training start as soon as possible." Dean Jean said and we all nodded.

"What do you say royal elites? Do you all agree?" Professor Eurie asked with her cute smile.

"No problem ma'am! We will be glad to!" Zandre answered with a smile and looked at us. "Hope to help you all the best we could!" He bowed.

"The pleasure is ours!" I answered and bowed with the rest.

"How about if we start now? Starting early might be helpful~" Rose asked and we all agreed.

"If that's what you all want then." After that, we all went out again. At the place were we fought earlier.

The place wasn't damaged though. And it didn't even have some signs of fight there. So we stand im front of each other.

"Should we fight like earlier? Or randomly?" Sky asked with her high-pitched tone.

"I think what we did earlier is challenging." Rose answered, making Sky look at her with an excited smile.

"Then what will Daisy do? Her opponent is inside sleeping soundly." Traceler asked and everyone went silent.

"It's fine Traceler~ I can do focusing or help you with fighting them. Just like what I did at the forest. I'll just support you guys." I explained, and even though he nodded, he looks like he wasn't satisfied. So it made me curious. Everyone are too.

"Weird." I said to myself.

"Even if I was sleeping soundly, doesn't mean that I don't know what is happening." I heard that voice again. That voice that gives me goosebumps.

When I looked at the person who was walking towards us, my heart went dobump! And I could feel my body starting to freeze.

"Something is really wrong with this guy."

"Okay! Enough with the talks! We're all complete now. So~ shall we begin?" I tried my best to talk before anyone could. And it's a good thing that my voice didn't betrayed me.

As we were about to start the fight. About to cry for battle, a white dove flew right above us and towards Dean Jean, making us all stop.

She was then given a letter attached to the dove, and after reading it, her face couldn't hide the surprised expression that she has.

"The palace has been attacked again!"

To be continued~