
The Catharsis of Atheism

This story takes for granted the stereotype of "Romantic Comedy" (haha, no) The story stars Tatsuda Manabu, a young man of unremarkable appearance, qualifications, and reputation among his classmates. Having made it through the lengthy two-year phase as a high school student, he is in his third year of high school, unwilling to graduate. Manabu is an ordinary young man who can go unnoticed easily, he does not like to attract the attention of others, however, after an unexpected encounter with a transfer student, he begins, for the first time in what can be his entire life, to take a stance in which she will catch everyone's attention while doing his best to avoid falling in love with that student. This is how the story of romance between a girl and a boy begins that will include countless plot twists and plot changes as more characters are added. - - - - - After the completion of my main story, I have been quite bored (which allowed me to publish several chapters of the fanfic that I do), so I would be really grateful if you read this story as well. - - - - - Kanji: 無神論のカタルシス - - - - - Warning: This story has very sensitive content for certain audiences, discretion is advised for all readers. For more information about mental illness, read it on: https://www.psychiatry.org/ - - - - - Additional notes: The cover of the book will change depending on the chapter that is being developed in the story. Thanks to AARN GIRI for the original artwork for this first cover.

_kagamineakira · Realistic
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14 Chs

He and the transfer student (Prologue)

For a sad devil like me, the illusion of a "girlfriend" had been practically imaginary for several years of my life.


No, wait. That's a bad introduction, it makes me look like an antisocial person incapable of making friends and much worse, having a girlfriend. But I have a good explanation for it.

First of all, my name is Tatsuda Manabu.

And before you get the idea that I'm completely antisocial, let me correct you.

I have friends, lots of friends. Both guys and girls.

Only my assertion at the beginning, I said it because I haven't dared to cross the line of "more than friends" with the odd girl. Among all the things I have experienced as a person with a high sociable ability, love is not one of them.

YES, I can be attracted to a woman.

It's not like I have restrictions or complex family situations. I am just the son of a man who became a widower a very short time after marriage and out of respect for his late wife has not dared to look for another partner.

My father is a bit conservative, but he wants my prosperous happiness. I have a younger sister and two older brothers as well, the family is a bit big, but in itself, we love each other very much.

I am not an overly complex man, after all, I like the life I have had so far.

In my life there are a lot of characteristic supportive characters, a childhood friend who appreciates me unconditionally, a popular best friend, a group of guys I can talk dirty with, I also have an attractive teacher who often asks me for favors, I even have a club president with me who slightly catches my eye.

Now that I've said that.

Surely you've noticed, right?

Of "what it takes" in my life.

Being the son of a man who is conservative with his family, someone who protects his four children as the most important belonging in his life, I naturally learned some of his tendencies.

A saying that has stuck in ma Tatsuda family is:

"Keep your life on your own rails, make twists and turns, but don't stop being who you are."

There are three statements within that same sentence.

The first is that I must follow the path I want to choose.

The second is that I can choose when to change.

The third is about maintaining my values and beliefs regardless of the changes around me.

This is how I, Tatsuda Manabu, have maintained a quiet life without having to be bothered by romantic interests.

Of course...

If someone had told me back then, that the fourth time love would come into my life, without a doubt, it made me doubt the words, "Third time's the victory."

I thought it was a simple joke of destiny.

Meeting each other was chance.

Talking to each other was fortune.

Getting involved with each other was a miracle.

On a May evening, during sunset, my life took an inexplicable turn that I never thought would happen.

─Manabu-kun, I like you.

Words that made me finally realize that I was not as bad a person as I thought I was.