
THE CAT EYED QUEEN (Secret of the past)

Qin Huifei is a powerful Queen. She is the ruler of the Republic of China. She was beautiful no doubt but no one could describe her beauty because they had never seen her face but then she was special because of her eyes. She had cat like eyes and very long gray hair, that was her distinct feature. She was extremely proud and she ascended the throne after her parents death since they didn't have a son. Yet as a lady, she was very powerful. She was powerful enough to gain the respect of the world's greatest power like the Russians, American, Britain. But one thing was that she was cold hearted and very arrogant, watching her parents killed right in front of her made her so cold. And to add to it, her face was never seen because she always wore a veil wherever she goes. But one day, somebody unexpected saw her, saw her eyes and her life changed. More to it, she was special but she didn't know how special she was.

Abimboye_Favour · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Huifei's eyes widened immediately he said that while Lingyun watched clenching his fists tightly.

All Lingyun wanted to do at that moment was to punch Feng hard on the lips.

"You should have some respect for me.." Huifei pushed him away.

"Since you don't have anything else to do. You can leave.." Huifei rolled her eyes but he couldn't see her anyways.

Feng nodded and bowed his head slightly.

"I have something important to say but I will save that for later.."

He flashed a smile at Huifei which she found irritating. Then he walked out.

"Your highness, are you okay?" Lingyun asked and Huifei nodded before she sighed.

"Why's he disturbing me?" Huifei asked herself.

"Lingyun, call for an emergency meeting with my family members.." Huifei ordered and then brought out her phone.

She dalied a number and the person picked up almost immediately.

"Your highness.."

"Is everything ready?" Huifei asked.

"Yes, your highness.. "

Without any further words, she hung up.

"Zhang Feng.." She muttered and then clenched her fists.


"Are you sure you want to see your grandpa boss?" Lett asked and Zhang Feng sighed.

"Is there anything wrong in wanting to see my grandpa, Lett?"

Zhang feng opened his car's door and came down from it.

Then he sighed again as he stared at ancestral mansion.

His childhood memories filled his head and he smiled.

"Why are you smiling boss?" Lett asked.

"Just because.."

Zhang feng shrugged and then proceeded into the mansion.

The maids opened the door for him snc he walked into the living room.

"Where's Grandpa?" He asked one of the maids.

"In his room sir. He said you should wait for him at the pool side.."

Zhang feng nodded and looked at Lett.

"Wait here.." He told him and Lett scoffed.

'Fine.." He grumbled and fell on the couch.

Zhang Feng walked to the pool side and ge smiled when he saw the pool. He crouched before it and then scopped some of the water in his hands and instantly it transformed into ice.

Zhang Feng chuckled and threw the ice into the water.

"You fool! You shouldn't show yourself unless I ask you to.." He muttered again and then scooped some into his hands again. It transformed into a bigger ice this time.

"I see you've learned to control your powers.." A voice was heard and Zhang feng turned.

Smiling, he stood up and faced Zhang AI who was holding an aid stick.


Zhang AI walked towards him and pulled him into a short hug.

"How's my grandson doing.. " AI caressed his dark gell hair.

"I'm fine, grandpa.."

"And how's your task?" AI asked him and Feng sighed.

"It's not easy Grandpa. The queen is way too cold.."

"I don't think I can do this anymore.."

Zhang AI smiled.

"You have to.."

"Why?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You are her guardian.."

"Guardian?" Zhang Feng asked with a bemused look.

"Yes.." AI replied and Feng scoffed.

"Grandpa, I know I might be as old and knowledgable as you but I've read books well enough to know this. A guardian can never come from the Ice Royal family. Never!"

"I thought as much until I read this book.." Zhang AI said and brought out an old looking book though it was still neat. It was titled "Secrets of the Supernaturals.."

"It clearly stated a guardian came from the ice royal family. Yes, you are the crown prince and it's not denied but you are also the guardian of Qin Huifei.."

"She has a heart that is locked, cold and she is very stone hearted. It won't be easy to win her over but since you are her guardian, you have to do it. Bring light and spread happiness into her life.." Zhang Ai explained and Zhang Feng nodded.

"I'm trying my best Grandpa. At least I should do this as a crown prince. I won't stop until I bring light into her life. ." Zhang Feng smiled revealing his beautiful dimples.

"But Grandpa, do you think the queen is supernatural?"

Zhang AI looked at him immediately and smiled.


Imperial palace.

Royal Kitchen.

"Bring me the vegetables.." Qin Min yelled and she continued chopping the onions.

She turned back to see if the vegetables were brought and she mistakenly cut her finger.

"Ouch.." She yelped in pain staring at the blood that was coming out of the small cut.

She rinsed it off and glared hatefully at the wound.

It's all your fault, Huifei. It's all your fault.."

She dropped the knife on the counter and clenched her fists angrily.

"I poisoned that drink that night and I saw her drink from it but how come nothing happened to her. She should have been dead by now.." Min seethed in anger.

"Anyways, I can still try again. Nothing can stop me this time. You will die soon Huifei! That's a promise.."

Frozen Palace

"Mother, mother, mother.." A female voice was heard and a woman turned back smiling. She was wearing a long blue gown and her long blond hair fell on her back.

"What's it daughter?" She asked and Irya smiled.

"The cortex is open again. We can now go to the human world.." Irya squealed excitedly and her mum Anya scoffed.

"That again? I've told you. You are not leaving this place. This is your home.." Anya said.

"But mum? Why can't I just go? I just want to see the human world and how it looks like.." Irya sighed.

Anya came to her and held her shoulders.

"Anya, you are a citizen of the frozen city. You are a princess here. You have everything you want so why do you want to go to human world?" Anya asked her.

"To see the crown prince. I've seen several portraits of him and he's really handsome and also I heard he resides in the human world. He was born there and he had never ever come to the frozen city. I really like him and I want to see him.." Irya gushed and Anya sighed.

"Don't listen to your childish daughter again.." Another female voice was heard and both Irya and Anya turned back.

Arya smiled and walked towards them with a bow in her right hand. Her black hair packed into a ponytail. Her eyes were see blue giving her the definite meaning of beautiful.

"Here you come again, Arya.." Irya scoffed.

"I'm not childish just because you are older.."

"Oh well! I don't wanna argue with you again. But sometimes I wonder why I have such a dumb sister.." Arya said and Irya gasped.

Irya immediately stretched her hands to her and just like rain, Ice fell on her.

Arya gasped and looked at her wet clothes.

"How dare you?!" She glared at Irya. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. Her fists already turned into ice. She was about to use to punch Irya but her mum's voice stopped her.

"Stop that!"

Arya sighed and her hands returned back to normal.

"I'm hungry mum, what did you prepare?" Arya asked.

"Mum, what do you say about me going to the human world?" Irya asked and Anya sighed while Arya laughed.

'You are seriously thinking of meeting the crown prince. How cheap! He doesn't need a plain girl like you. He needs beauty like me.." Arya smiled and Irya rolled her eyes.

"I'm beautiful. I know I am.."

"Stop convincing yourself. You are not.." Arya said.

"Stop that Arya, you don't have to look down on your sister. She's beautiful.." Anya scolded.

"Fine! You will always support her anyways!" Arya rolled her eyes and immediately teleported herself out.


Imperial Palace.


Qin Min sighed as she looked upstairs almost everytime.

"Why are you so impatient Min? Is anything the problem?" Qin Bo asked her and she quickly faked a smile.

"Nothing's wrong.."

Just then the clicking of heels sounded and they all looked up to see Huifei coming down.

They all stood up to pay their respects to her.

"Welcome your highness.." They greeted her.

"You may sit.." Huifei said and they sat down.

"Why did you call us here today Huifei? It's rare of you to do so?" Bo asked.

"Why don't you eat first and I will tell you that later.."

"I will dish out the food..." Min said with a smile and suddenly stood up.

Qin Huifei smirked.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"


"It's nothing. You asked me to be useful and that's what I'm doing, don't you think?" Qin Min rolled her eyes and continue serving.

After she was done, she sat down and started eating. But Huifei was just picking on her food.

"Why aren't you eating your highness?" Min asked and everyone looked at her.

"Are you scared your food is poisoned?" She asked again sarcastically.

Huifei smirked under her veil.

Only God knows how she's controlling herself from attacking that shameless brat right now.

"And why are you acting like you poisoned my food?" Huifei asked and then took a bite from the food but then she spit it out immediately.

"It tastes so bland. Your queen doesn't eat food like this.." Huifei then dropped her spoon on the table.

"Lingyun.." She called.

Lingyun ran forward holding a paper in hud bands. Huifei collected it from him and then stretched it out to her uncle.

"Uncle, you are suspended from the board.."

Immediately the family stood up except Qin Huifei who was smirking under her veil.

"What do you mean by this, Huifei. I know you are the queen but what gave you the audacity to do this!" Qin Bo yelled and Huifei stood up.

"You just said I'm the queen. You should watch your tone with me!"

"You brat! Just because you became the queen, you now insult us any how you like.." Min yelled and Huifei sighed.

"At least, be patient. Your father is being suspected of fraud. He was the one in charge of repairing the road of a remote area in Bejing city but he squandered the money and because of the bad condition of the road, a fatal car accident happened.."

"Do you expect me to stay calm as your queen? I'm just fulfilling my duties.."

"Huifei, I swear. I didn't squander any money. I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Then let's wait for the investigation results. Then I will really know if you are innocent and you! Qin Min, anytime, you try raising your voice at me! You will find yourself in the dungeon.." Huifei said and then threw the paper away before she walked away closely followed by Lingyun.

"Are you okay your highness?" He asked and she nodded but stopped when she got to the entrance of her room.

"Call Zhang Feng. Tell him to come to the palace tomorrow.."

And with that she entered her room and shut the door tightly.

She removed her veil and fell on her bed. Then her mother's last words rang into her head.

"Don't trust anyone Huifei. Not even your family. Harden your heart if you want ascend the throne.."

Huifei's eyes became watery but she closed them.

"I won't cry.." She kept on mumbling to herself.

But then tears began to run out from her eyes.

"Mum, Dad, I wish you are here with me. It's so hard being the queen. I want to love and feel loved but it's so hard.."