
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The Jiyuu clan and Ryuu's past (Part 2)

Aizawa was Nezu's office with detective Tsukauchi.

"It's a pleasure to talk with you again detective !" Nezu stated as he turned his armchair to face the two men in front of his desk.

"It's a pleasure for me too !" Naomasa replied. "But what do you want to talk with me exactly ?"

A grin appeared on Nezu's face.

"Did you heard about the new vigilante that appeared lastly ?" Nezu asked.

The detective's expression changed instantly, he was also searching for ingormations about that person.

"The canceler, right? Yes I have heard about him !" the detective replied. "Why do you ask ?"

Aizawa sighed and talked before the principal could reply.

"Our dear principal is giving him support ! The canceler is doing some part time jobs for him !" Aizawa said with his usual bored expression but some anoyance could be felt in his voice.

"Huh ?" the detective turned toward Nezu waiting for him to confirm what he just heard.

Nezu just noded.

Naomasa sighed as he leaned on the chair on which he was seated on.

"And what is it exactly ?" he asked.

A scary grin formed on Nezu's face.

"I asked hil to clean the street a little !" He replied. "And I want you to support him with us !" he added.

Naomasa froaned a little, he was part of the police after all, how could he support a vigilante ?

"May I ask you one question ?" Naomasa asked.

"Obviously detective !" Nezu replied.

Aizawa was remaining silent.

"Good ! Do you plan to make him kill someone or something like that ?" he asked.

"No !" Nezu replied with a serious look.

Naomasa closed his eyes and sighed before continuing.

"Why are you supporting him then ?" he asked.

Nezu turned his armchair to face the window.

"The symbol of peace is weakening, I think that you know it well detective !" he began. "And that boy's project will give us a little amount of time until the next Symbol of peace appears !"

Naomasa knew well that Nezu was right, All might was weakening quickly, and until his successor appears, the villains would be out of control but that boy's project would reduce the amount of new villains and would help the next generation of heroes to be able to face them without being pressed.

Aizawa agreed with that fact.

Naomasa asked one more thing, "Why him ?".

Nezu sighed and continued.

"Do you know the history of the Jiyuu clan ?" he asked.

Aizawa was interested.

"From what I know they are a group of yakuzas that was really powerful at the time when quirks didn't exist but after that they lost their power and few years ago they changed into as group that helps their neighborhood and helps heroes !" Naomasa stated.

Nezu sighed.

"So you really don't know about their past !" he stated.

"Their past ?" Naomasa asked wondering what he meant.

Aizawa was even interested but he remained silent.

"Their story has begun long ago, really long ago before the quirks appearance…"




During a distant past, even before the growth of technology, at time where samurai still existed, Japan was ruled by the shogun.

And under his orders there were a several clans, Jiyuu clan was one of them, that clan was know to be the most loyal to the shogun.

They were those that were always at the frontline to protect the country.

All the members were readu to hive their life for the sake of the country.

The shogun was proud of them and trusted them a lot.

They fought for the country several time to protect its liberty.

And one day the shogun decided to accept a treaty with a foreign country, but the Jiyuu clan tried to convince him that it was bad decision.

That foreign country only wanted to exploit them.

But the shogun's advisors were corrupted.

Because of them the great Jiyuu clan was accused from rebellion.

The leader of the clan and his lieutenants were publicly executed.

The son of the leader full of hatred toward the country for that betrayal created the rebellion group with the same name.

They fought with the shogun's forces and pushed them to the edge. But with the help of the foreign country and their technology, the Jiyuu clan was nearly blown away. Only a few of them survived.

After several generations that hatred still remained and they acted against the whole country and became the yakuza clan named Jiyuu clan.

After the growth of technology, they began to gain influence as one of the most dangerious clan of the country.

It was then that the quirks appeared, that blew all their power, the appearance of heroes made them look like nothing more than a group quirkless villains.

But about two generations ago, the leader of the clan decided that it was time for some changes, he was the one that established the actual rules of the clan, they began to help heroes and people around them. He wanted to take the clan back to its real role.


"That what the Jiyuu clan really is ! Some betrayed heroes from a far past that finally want to change things in our society !" Nezu stated.

"But why don't he just become a hero ?" Aizawa asked.

Nezu turned his armchair to face him.

"Because he consider himself as unworthy !" Nezu replied.

"Unworthy ?" Naomasa was intrigued.

"Yes !" Nezu replied. "Do both of you remember what happened three years ago with that kid who killed several members of clan ?"

Naomasa and Aizawa instantly understood where this was going.


Flash back

Three years ago


Aizawa was restraining a boy that was wrestling hardly. In front of them, there was a tall man that looked like a tiger and behind him a little girl.

"What are you doing here ?" the tiger looking man asked as he faced the girl behind him.

"Stop resisting Dad, you have done enough crimes !" the blond little girl stated.

"No I won't go to jail !" the tiger looking man replied.

"What in the world is going on here ?" Aizawa asked.

"It's none of your business just let me go and it will be fine !" the man stated as he began to step back slowly trying to get away.

"Stay right where you are !" Aizawa ordered.

"Do you really think that I'll just let myself get caught that easily ?" the man said mockingly. "Do you really want to see that man die ?" he asked as he put his claws on the shady man's throat.

Aizawa couldn't do anything.

He was thinking of a way to save tha hostage while continuing to restrain the boy with the sword but iy would be difficult.

While he was lost in his thought, the boy managed to escape his cloth to his surprise and jumped at the man taking hostage.


Ryuu freed himself from Eraserhead's cloth by removing its tautness effect what made him able to escape.

He was still in his rampage mode when he jumped at his uncle with killing intent.

He rose his katana high above his head while he was in the air aiming for his uncle's head but a blond girl appeared out of nowhere and jumped between them.

Ryuu was distracted by the sudden appearance and couldn't react when his uncle claw dug in his flesh.

The blow left a deep diagonal wound on his chest and abdomen.

His quirk weakness was the surprise effect.

The man laughed like a madman.

"So you're not untouchable after all !" he said as he threw his hostage at the wall at his right.sending him unconscious.

The girl cried while she was trying to stop him.

"Please Dad stop this !" she begged him.

The man annoyed slapped her.

The nlow sent her crashing in the wall.

Her nose bled from the shock.

Ryuu was on his knees, he has lost a several amount of blood and was losing consciousness when Tora kicked his head what sent him rolling on the ground. "Like your father you're such a pain !" he stated.

"Stop that !" Aizawa shouted as he threw his cloth to restrain the man.

Tora was agile and evaded it by jumping in the air but Aizawa was faster and deployed his cloth to form a circle in the air. As he bound it Tora got caught.

"You won't go anywhere !" Aizawa stated as he activated his quirk.

As Aizawa'eyes turned red, Tora turned back into his normal state.

"Nooooo ! This is your fault useless kid !" Tora shouted at the little girl.

She cried when she heard these words.

Her own father was treating her like that, poor girl.


Sometimes later Tora was taken by the police and led to Tartarus.

Ryuu was in a bad state.

The girl had only some light injuries.

Aizawa went near her and asked if she was fine.

"Are you alright kid ?" he asked her.

"Yes, I am fine but please, take him at the Jiyuu hospital !" she said as she pointed at Ryuu.

Aizawa noded and took both of them to the hospital.

Naomasa and the police were cleaning the mess and investigating on the whole area.

The shady man was also led to the hospital.


"So you are telling me that the kid from that night was Ryuuji Jiyuu ?" Aizawa asked.

Nezu noded in response.

"I remember that his uncle wanted to replace his father as the clan leader !" Naomasa stated.

"Yes indeed !" Nezu said.


Tora Jiyuu was the younger brother of Ryuuga Jiyuu.

From their grandfather time, the clan changed from a criminal group to what it is actually.

Their father agreed with his father's opinion and did his best to continue on that way.

But it was when Ryuuga Jiyuu was named as the leader of tge clan that the things changed.

Tora Jiyuu was thinking that the country deserved to pay for what it did to his ancestors and he was mainly wanting to do some illegal stuff under someone's advices.

He then tried to put pressure on his brother who was wanting to continue his father's will.

He kidnapped Ryuu and his mother for that.

But it failed.


"…that was the whole story !" Nezu finished.

Naomasa and Aizawa were silent.

It was shocking to know that the teenager has killed many people before.

"And that's why he cinsiders himself unworthy ?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes !" Nezu replied.

Naomasa and Aizawa were speechless.

That kid had that much burden on his shoulders.

"That kid wanted to become hero when he was little !" Nezu stated. That statement surprised Aizawa and Naomasa, the kid never showed any interest in becoming a hero.

"When I met him for the first time when he was just a kid, he wanted to help his father restoring the honor and reputation of the clan by becoming a hero !" he added. "But from that day he abandoned that dream !"

Aizawa then understood what the boy wanted to do.

Naomasa tgen spoke.

"I can support him in his vigilante job !" He stated. "But I have another proposal…"

Sorry dear readers, I had some stuff I needed to take care of so I couldn't update last week but I'll try to be more active now.

And I'll be realising a new book soon, it's fantasy one (one original work), the title is “My Monster Evolution System”.

It would be awesome if you could give me some support.

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I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

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