
The Butcher of Sargon (LoL x Arknight Fanfiction)

A story of a man with the soul of Renekton, the Butcher of the Sand, reincarnated into the world of Arknight If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon. Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon https://www.patreon.com/Thatsnakegirl

Delizard · Video Games
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Chapter 19 What's on the other side of the sea?

"Gene, where are we now?"

"Probably on our way back towards the waterfall. According to Survival-3 intelligence, we should be in a safe place now."

"Ding-ding, dear Rhine Lab staff, due to unknown reasons, the automatic navigation system is damaged. I'm not sure if I'm really heading back to our starting point. Should I switch to manual control?"

"*Columbia profanity*, Survival-3, stop!"

"Where are we now?"

Waking up from unconsciousness, not knowing how much time has passed, the environment around them has undergone a drastic change.

From the beginning, where lush herbaceous plants and shrubs could be seen, now even camel thorns are nowhere in sight.

"We didn't get lost, did we?"

"The positioning system is also malfunctioning."

"Survival-3, how long were we unconscious?"

"Three hours, twelve minutes, and six seconds."

"Then we shouldn't have gone too far."

The two Rhine Lab researchers relaxed.

They were experts in outdoor exploration, and as long as they followed the sun and moon, they could find their way back.

Moreover, they came in the direction of the river's end.

So, as long as they found the river and followed the direction opposite to the flow, they could naturally find their way back.

Besides, the speed of the engineering rover is not fast, and in three hours, it deviated at most sixty or seventy kilometers from the original route.

"I wonder how the director and Mr. Garde are doing now."

"I hope they're okay."

The two Rhine Lab researchers stopped the engineering rover and searched for the nearby river.

Soon, one of the researchers shouted, "Ulysses, come over here. I seem to hear the sound of flowing water."

Ulysses saw his companion walking up a hill and hurriedly followed.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

Gene, standing on the hill, seemed to have discovered something and remained motionless like a statue.

When he walked up the hill and wanted to take out binoculars.

But it turned out that it was no longer necessary.

Below the hill, what they saw at a glance was a crescent-shaped beach that sank inward.

A leaf obstructs the view.

The two researchers thought they heard the sound of flowing river water.

In fact, what they really heard was the sound of seawater hitting the coast.

Clear seawater splashed against the rocks on the shore.

Chaotic waves carried tiny shrimp and microorganisms and rushed ashore.

Using this as a barrier, the azure curtain extended all the way to the end of the sky.

Having lived on land for a lifetime, two researchers who made outdoor exploration their livelihood saw the sea for the first time.

For the first time, they knew that at the end of the land, there was such a vast sky.

Even an involuntary thought came up.

What's on the other side of the sea?

"Ulysses, is this the sea?"

"Yes, yes, Gene, this is the sea!"

Coming back to his senses from the shock of seeing the sea for the first time, Ulysses pulled on his companion's shoulder.

"Listen, Gene, I think we should capture this scene! Oh, I don't even understand why, until now, I haven't seen a photo of the sea in the big library in Columbia."

"Compared to the real sea, even the largest lake in Columbia is just a small pond. I finally understand why the sea is called the sea."

"I swear, if I could have seen this scene earlier, I would never have become a river water quality inspector. Exploring this vast sea is the romantic dream of a man!"

Ulysses's face turned deep red, feeling that just seeing this scene made his trip worthwhile.

"But now we should go back because we don't know what's in this... um, this sea. Just like those strange creatures we saw before, perhaps this place is also filled with those things."

Gene said seriously.

"And if they are really here, we need to flee, otherwise, we will die!"

"Damn, I know, I know. All my treasures have fallen into that river. We have no means to protect ourselves now."

Forcing himself to calm down, Ulysses turned helplessly.

"But I will definitely come back. By then, I will pay Garde to hire him. He can kill those monsters and surely protect my safety. Just running to the beach, he shouldn't refuse such a small matter, right?"

"Provided you can afford the price!"

The two researchers laughed heartily and turned back into the two intimate friends they were.

Ulysses reluctantly took another look at the sea, turned around, and left.

Unknown to them, as they drove the engineering rover, turned around, and headed back in the direction they came from, the azure sea slowly changed color from the end of the sky, as if a drop of red ink had dripped into the water.

In the Wilderness Will tribe, in Garde's room, Gladiia covered her face with a wide-brimmed hat and soaked her whole body in water.

The injuries in her waist and abdomen from Garde's attack had almost healed.

Although not completely recovered, at least she had regained the strength to fight.

What she was worried about now was whether her blood would attract the arrival of Seaborn.

However, she smelled the scent of two of her kind, and with them around, a small number of Seaborn should not be a problem.

With some free time, Gladiia began to review the battle with Garde in her mind.

A deep-sea hunter would not avoid their own failures.

Since she lost, she planned to find a way to win next time!

During the battle, Garde gave her the feeling of two different people.

At the beginning, when facing her, Garde was mainly avoiding.

Later Garde, both in terms of strength and speed, had increased significantly, and his attack methods became more fierce.

Even if she had another chance, if she were trapped by Garde in the same way as before, she would still inevitably end up defeated.

"Originium Arts..."

Gladiia muttered to herself.

The method Garde used to trap her, perhaps it was the Originium Arts of the land people recorded in the books.

Suddenly, Garde's bloodthirsty smile appeared in her mind.

Thinking of this, the pain in Gladiia's waist and abdomen started to ache again.


Her chest rose and fell violently for a while. Gladiia let her long white hair float on the water's surface, her thoughts gradually wandering.

Suddenly, as if she had smelled something, Gladiia stood up from the water, allowing various strange herbs to fall from her body with the clear water.

Turning around, she stared fixedly into the distance, in the direction of the sea, her eyes showing a hint of solemnity.

"This— How can there be so many of them!"

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If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 71: She's Not Legal


If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 71: She's Not Legal


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