
The Bullsh*t System

The Bullsh*t System, a system unlike normal systems, created purely to relieve the boredom of 12 divinities. 346 hosts have already died while striving to complete its quests, all in a futile attempt to reach a higher level of existence. It was now the turn of Shu Himo, the 347th host. Will he be able to survive its quests? Will he reach a higher level of existence? Or will he die, exactly like his 346 predecessors? Shu Himo: "Obviously I will be able to!" System: [Able to do what?] Shu Himo: "Become the strongest, obviously!" System: [Funny.] ---- This novel is being rewritten in another site, feel free to read it from there with this link: <https://moonquill.com/book/101>

BloodRequiem · Fantasy
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175 Chs

The Arena [C18]

The arena is located in the west area, the same as the slums, but compared to that lawless place, in the arena, there are enough guards to promise order. In the arena is possible to fight others for money, and based on the number of wins is possible to gain a determined amount.

In the entrance of the arena could be seen a pair of siblings walking to where they were about to be divided, one in the contestant area, and the other in the audience area.

"Beware ok? I will watch you!" The one who just talked is Shu Aria, now smiling toward her brother Shu Himo, who's walking toward the counter to register.

"Sure, just watch how I will beat everyone!" Laughing, he then went toward the counter to pay the ticket for Aria, while he needed to register to fight.

"Hi, I need a ticket to watch the arena, here, 2 silvers." Giving the money to the girl at the counter, Shu Himo just got reminded of the value of the money in this world. They are proportioned in the ratio of 1 crystal = 100 gold coins = 10000 silver coins = 1000000 bronze coins, but in a Kingdom like this is extremely rare find a crystal, so it could be said that the value here is 1G = 100S = 10000B coins.

Shu Himo has two reasons for coming here in the arena, the first is to gain enough money to get a Storage Ring, while the second is that he got a quest about the arena:

[Quest: Show your strength with a win streak in the arena!]

[In this Kingdom you are considered weak and lazy, isn't that embarrassing? Solve the problem with a good cleaning of the real weaklings of the Kingdom! Each 5 win streaks you will gain 1BS point. If you lose once you will fail this quest.]

[Quest Difficulty: C ~ A (Based on opponent)]

[Quest Reward: 1 BS point each 5 win streak.]

[Quest Failure Penitence: Depend on what the winning opponent do to you.]

"Sure, here is the ticket." Taking the ticket Shu Himo then gave it to Aria, and said: "Here is the ticket, remember to watch how your brother will get a big win streak!" Seeing that Aria was happily walking toward the stages Shu Himo then went again to the counter.

"Hi again, I want to register to fight in the arena."

"Sure, I wi- wait, aren't you a child? This is not a place to play, here you could die!" Shocked by seeing a child that wants to fight in the arena, the receptionist girl swore to herself to not make him die uselessly no matter what!

"Yes, I'm 6 years old, but so what? Is age a limitation? Is age a requisite? NO! I will not get blinded by the burdens of age and will fight forward!" Stunned by the nonsense from the child in front of her, the girl still did not allow him to go.

"Absolutely not! I will not allow you to kill yourself!"

Shu Himo's parents who were hidden felt this situation slightly amusing and did nothing to help him, meanwhile, Shu Himo felt unlucky to find such a receptionist, could he instead get a heartless one that gave fewer problems? Why was she this caring for him? Is it because of the karma from surviving from the system? Or... is it the system who put her here? 'System, did you perhaps put this receptionist here to not make me fight and get BS points? I knew you were stingy but I never thought this much.'

[Did User perhaps hit the head when waking up today?]

'Well, anyway I have to resolve the problem...' "Can you call the manager please?"

This surprised the girl, is this child this adamant about losing his life? Not having another choice she went to inform the manager about this, and once they came back she did not give up and still tried to persuade him;

"Little child, hear me; If you enter the arena you will have no security and you may die, are you still sure about it?"

While he knew what she was thinking about and he felt kinda happy about it, it was starting to get annoying, wasn't this a cultivation world? Usually, every person would somehow become an enemy of the main character but what is this? Why are they so friendly?

"It's just a kid that doesn't know how the world works... hey, kid, hear me right now: if you want to go and fight feel free but I will have you know that we will not take any responsibility if you die."

This time the voice was from the manager, but it felt way more calculative and cold than the one of the receptionist, normally a person would feel annoyed by his tone of voice, but Shu Himo was different: he was happy! 'Finally a typical person from a cultivation world, not someone that will stop me from a small fight! Arena arc, I'm coming!'

Finally free to fight, Shu Himo immediately signed all the documents and immediately went toward the arena.


A moment later, when the manager started reading the documents...

"WHAT?" A scream could be heard.

"What happened manager?" A worried voice from the receptionist could also be heard.

"That kid... That kid... actually put in the requirement only that his enemies would be under Dantian Core Formation realm, which means he could be against an Acupoint Opening phase! Is he rushing to die??"

Hearing the manager, the receptionist was extremely worried about Shu Himo and prayed for his safety.


In the arena.

A child could be seen walking toward the stage, under the stupified looks from the audience.

"A child? What is a child doing here?" This was a voice from a person who said what everyone was thinking. Then the voice infused with Qi from the announcer could be heard:

"At the right, we have Shu Himo, a 6 years old wolf-man at Blood Strengthening phase, while at the left we have a middle-aged wolf-man at the Meridians Strengthening phase that prefers remaining unknown! Please welcome our challengers!"

Normally the audience would be already filling the arena with applause and screams of excitement, but this time most people were reluctant and disdainful.

"Shu Himo, isn't that the noble guy who got kidnapped that just got saved by his family?"

"That lazy child that wanted live under his father's shell? Why is he here?"

"I don't get it, he just got saved, and he is already throwing his life, hahaha, hilarious!"

In a corner of the stands, there is a young girl of merely 5 years old, who should be innocent and naive at her age, filled with coldness and killing intent due to the comments from the others.

Shu Himo in the other hand did not care at all, instead, he was excited due to the chance of abiding the rule number 5 of the MC way: 'Always faceslap who think is better.', he was instead looking around the stands, trying to see Aria.

Sadly due to the high number of people spectating he did not manage to see her, after all, she was still small and was harder to notice in the middle of tens of peoples.

Seeing that Shu Himo was not even caring to look at himself, the unknown man was extremely angry, but as the match did not yet start he had to wait before being able to destroy Shu Himo.

"Now I hope that both contenders are ready because the match will start!" Actually, even the announcer was startled by having a child fighting, but he nonetheless still gave the start signal.

"Kid. I don't know if you came here to prove something but daring to show disrespect toward me the only thing that will get out of here is your dead body, even if you are from a noble family!" Finished his phrase, he was about to dash and attack Shu Himo only to notice that there was no one in front of him anymore. "Wh-"


That was his last word. Now all that stayed of him is a decapitated body in the middle of the arena surrounded by an audience that dared not speak again, completely scared of Shu Himo's speed.

Hi everyone I'm the author!

Hope you liked this chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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