
The Brutal Dragon's Queen

In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where mystical creatures roam and magic flows through the veins of its inhabitants, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unexpected love unfolds. Alana Nightshade, a witch with a resilient spirit, for years endured the chains of servitude in the opulent Kingdom of Veridia, ruled by the tyrannical King Argus. But destiny weaves an intricate tapestry when the realm faces an imminent threat from the fearsome Dragon King, Baron. Desperate to protect his kingdom and maintain peace, King Argus hatches a treacherous plan. He strikes a dangerous deal with Baron, offering his own daughter\'s hand in marriage and a peace treaty in exchange for safeguarding Veridia. However, the princess, Amara, is too loved by her father to face the perils that await her in the dragon's lair. King Argus, knowing of the slave\'s beauty, coerces Alana to assume the role of the princess and accompany Baron to his kingdom. In exchange for her cooperation, he promises to free her mother and brother from the shackles of slavery. Alana embarks on a journey filled with uncertainty, disguising her true identity while residing in the majestic Dragon Kingdom. She is determined to protect her family's future. But as she spends more time in the company of the enigmatic Dragon King, she discovers a different side to Baron—one that defies the tales of his brutality. The scars that mar his body are a testament to the battles he has fought and the sacrifices he has made. Alana\'s unwavering courage and unyielding kindness captivate Baron, drawing him closer to the very essence of love he had believed himself incapable of experiencing. As their hearts intertwine amidst the flames of destiny, they face myriad challenges—political machinations, ancient prophecies, and the unforgiving flames of war. This epic fantasy novel that explores the power of love and redemption, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Alana and Baron on an extraordinary journey through a world where magic and destiny collide and where love may just be the key to salvation.

Ludinor · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Winter Changes

Winter is finally approaching, and as days pass, Alana is completely recovered from the poison.

Alana feels that winter is colder in Galard Kingdom, but at least now she has proper clothes, and she doesn't have to take hay and put in her bed to help warm the nights.

Baron is anxious because what he ordered to build for her is ready, and he also doesn't want to wait anymore.

He talks to Dante and asks him to prepare the surprise for Alana.


After one day of training and studying, Alana goes back to her chambers and finds it weird that the bathtub wasn't ready as usual.

She shrugs her shoulders, thinking that Mia might have got stuck with some other duty and takes the chance to try her powers.

Concentrating, imagining the bathtub filled with warm water, she watches the water appearing slowly.

She goes to the wardrobe, but there's nothing inside. There wasn't any of her herbs and soaps she made in the bathroom, too.

- Is this my room? - She asks herself.

She walks to the corridor and looks around to make sure it is her bedroom. After double checking, she's sure it is her bedroom.

Fear naturally comes inside of her. Did Baron think better and decide he doesn't want a slave? Did he think she doesn't deserve a better treatment since she was used to sleeping in a storage?

Walking on the halls, worried and deep in thought, she's found by Mia.

- My Lady! Finally I found you. King Baron is calling for you in his chambers. - Mia says.

- Really? All right. -

Mia is oddly happy for some reason. Alana and Mia walk together to the King's chambers.

The massive double wooden doors with many carved details called Alana's attention. She never came to his chambers, so she can only imagine what it looks like inside of it.

- You can knock. - Mia says.

Alana knocks.

- Come in. - Baron answers.

Alana goes inside after finding it weird Mia leaving giggling to herself.

Everything looks weird today.

Alana goes inside and is impressed with the massive bedroom. It's beautiful, but not what she imagined coming from Baron.

- Baron? - She calls for him.

- I'm in the bathroom. I'll be out in a moment. - He says.

For some reason, she felt he sounded nervous.

Alana looks around and thinks it's a beautiful bedroom. The bed is massive, the bedsheets look clean and warm, having light colors and dark gray fur on the lower corner of the bed to decorate. It has many pillows, too.

There's a table and many shelves with books, also with an armchair near it and a little table on its side with a lamp.

There are writing tools and papers on the tables. And the tapestries around the bedroom look so fluffy that she wants to lay down on them.

The windows to the deck are massive, too, and the curtains are dark red and white. With golden ropes to tie them when need be.

There are two doors on the right side of the bedroom. One must be the bathroom, and she's not sure where the other one leads.

This bedroom looks nothing like she imagined. She now wonders why he would sleep with her every day in a simpler bedroom.

He finally comes out from the bathroom, and she looks at him. He is always handsome in her eyes, but tonight, he looks even more handsome.

He's wearing black pants and a dark blue long sleeve shirt with some black details on the collar.

- Good evening, love. Did you call me? - She asks.

Smiling more relieved, he walks to her and holds her hands.

- Why do you smell clean but your clothes are dirty? - He asks, curious.

- Well.. My things are not in my bedroom anymore. Do you know what happened? -

- Oh… I haven't thought of that. I'm sorry. - He softly says.

- Thought about what?... -

He doesn't know what to say, and he looks around trying to think.

- You don't want me in there anymore? - She asks.

- Yes. I ordered Mia to remove your things from there. -

She felt her heart stopping, looking shocked at him, and he noticed that she got tense. Like scared to death.

- What is it? What happened? - He asks, worried.

- You… You don't want me anymore? - She asks, wanting to cry.

- It's not that! I don't want you in those chambers anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't want you! I want you more than anything. -

She visibly relaxed after hearing that, holding her chest like trying to soothe her heart.

- You scared me… -

- I'm sorry. I'm not good with expressing my feelings, but come.. If you see this, you will understand. - He says and brings her to the door she didn't know where it would lead.

He opens that door, and she looks inside. It's a walk-in closet. There are his clothes and armors on the right side, and on the left side, there are feminine clothes.

She realized what that meant when she recognized some of the clothes. She looks at him amazed.

- I want you here. With me. This will be our chambers now forward. I renovated it so you like it to be here. - He says.

She lost her voice, she looked around again.

- Before, it was too dark, cold, and lifeless. It looked the same way from the time my father stayed here with my mother. It was smaller too, because it was built only for sleeping. They didn't spend time together so… Did you like it? - He says to her.

- Yes! It's amazing and beautiful. It looks so warm and comfortable. It's perfect. - She answers happily.

She hugs him happily, relieved that he wasn't kicking her out and was actually bringing her closer.

Due to past traumas, she couldn't stop her mind from going to bad conclusions or thoughts. She feels bad thinking he would kick her out for no apparent reason.

- Sorry. I thought you started to feel ashamed of me and didn't want me anymore. - She softly says.

- I will never feel ashamed of you. I don't care what you were in the past. Now you're here, and you're mine. - He answers, passing his fingers on her face.

They kiss and hug each other again.

- Will you stay with me now? - He asks.

- I will! Of course I will! -

He smiles happily. He smiled more after he met her than during his whole life.

She changes clothes and then meets with him on the deck, where dinner was waiting for them.

It looked so pretty with candle lights and flowers on the table. He was being very romantic, more than usual.

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