
The Brutal Dragon's Queen

In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where mystical creatures roam and magic flows through the veins of its inhabitants, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unexpected love unfolds. Alana Nightshade, a witch with a resilient spirit, for years endured the chains of servitude in the opulent Kingdom of Veridia, ruled by the tyrannical King Argus. But destiny weaves an intricate tapestry when the realm faces an imminent threat from the fearsome Dragon King, Baron. Desperate to protect his kingdom and maintain peace, King Argus hatches a treacherous plan. He strikes a dangerous deal with Baron, offering his own daughter\'s hand in marriage and a peace treaty in exchange for safeguarding Veridia. However, the princess, Amara, is too loved by her father to face the perils that await her in the dragon's lair. King Argus, knowing of the slave\'s beauty, coerces Alana to assume the role of the princess and accompany Baron to his kingdom. In exchange for her cooperation, he promises to free her mother and brother from the shackles of slavery. Alana embarks on a journey filled with uncertainty, disguising her true identity while residing in the majestic Dragon Kingdom. She is determined to protect her family's future. But as she spends more time in the company of the enigmatic Dragon King, she discovers a different side to Baron—one that defies the tales of his brutality. The scars that mar his body are a testament to the battles he has fought and the sacrifices he has made. Alana\'s unwavering courage and unyielding kindness captivate Baron, drawing him closer to the very essence of love he had believed himself incapable of experiencing. As their hearts intertwine amidst the flames of destiny, they face myriad challenges—political machinations, ancient prophecies, and the unforgiving flames of war. This epic fantasy novel that explores the power of love and redemption, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Alana and Baron on an extraordinary journey through a world where magic and destiny collide and where love may just be the key to salvation.

Ludinor · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Life By Thread

Baron ignores the situation and focuses himself on Alana. Zain and himself are taking care of her all the time.

Zain tries healing her from time to time when she starts to feel pain and the poison is trying to take over again.

She has no strength to eat, so they give her water and soup. Baron holds her carefully and Zain feeds her.

She wakes up only when they call her, but she sleeps non-stop if not called. Her life is by a thread, so they barely rest to keep her fine.


Francia was in a cold dirty cell, using an old blanket to not sit on the dirty rock. Where she has to do her necessities.

Her clothes and hair are a mess, and after three days without eating and drinking anything, she's starting to feel weak.

She hears the door opening and hears footsteps. It was Leo and Dante.

- Father! - She cries and runs to the gate bars.

Leo is in silence, watching his daughter in such a low state. But she was in a low state even before this situation, acting like a maniac.

- Please, father! Help me! I don't want to die! - She cries.

- I love you, Francia, but you, as princess of our Kingdom, put all our Kingdom in jeopardy. In danger! You didn't put the safety of your kingdom first! - Leo says coldly.

- I did it because I love him! I want to be his Queen! -

- THAT WAS NOT YOUR CHOICE! - He roars loudly and she lowers down her head. - Don't lie to me. You don't love him. Love is what he feels for her. She asked him to not start a war because of her, so she asked him to spare us in other words. -

Francia is shocked.

- He won't kill me..? - She asks.

- I didn't say that. She asked to spare us, but she's on the verge of death for three days. If she dies, King Baron will see only red. And I will not be capable of holding him. Because of you ALL of our Kingdom might be killed. You better pray for her life, because she's the only one who can save us. - Leo says, then he turns around and leaves.

Kneeled on the cold rock, Francia cries.

- I warned you. - Dante says to her and leaves.


After four more days, Alana's body is recovering better. Everyone in Galard is worried about her. Knowing that if Queen dies, their King will have no salvation from the darkness.

Zain and Baron are exhausted, they sleep sitting next to her. The morning of the next day arrives.

Alana opens her eyes with the shining of the sun, then she looks at Baron on her side. His tired face is evident. Zain's too.

Her heart melts. They were with her during all the hard times. She tries to move and she feels her body is just sore, but she can move.

She turns to her side and then pushes herself to sit slowly. Her movements woke up Baron and he jumps to catch her.

- Alana! What are you doing? - Baron asks in a panic.

Zain wakes up and stands up too.

- I'm all right. I just wanted to sit and move a bit. - She softly says, and smiles at them.

They're so relieved to see her stronger and smiling like that. If she wants to move, that's a great sign! Before she didn't want to even drink water.

- I'm fine. - She repeats it, holding Baron's face.

He's thrilled and then finally kisses her. Something he didn't feel since she was attacked.

- Alana.. I'm so happy you're better. I was scared I was going to lose you.. - Baron says, actually crying.

- I told you I would be fine.. Thank you for taking care of me. - She speaks, cleaning his tears, then looking at Zain. - Both of you. - She answers.

Baron hugs her again and buries his face on her neck.

- Even if you're feeling better, don't force yourself. You were poisoned. And the poison was mixed into your blood and that's why you were not capable of healing. Little by little the poison is leaving your body as I'm healing you. - Zain explains.

Baron is overjoyed watching her eating by herself, Dante is shocked when he sees her sitting at the table.

- Alana! You're up! - Dante says happily.

Mia was overjoyed and thrilled too. The news that Alana was up and feeling better ran through Mia and the castle guards, the castle's energy got happier.

After bathing slowly with Baron's help, Alana dresses in clean clothes and then sits down tired in the bedroom.

Mia helps brush Alana's hair when they hear a knock.

Zain opens the door and sees King Leo. Zain sighs already imagining what he wants.

- Tell him to leave. Alana needs to rest. - Baron speaks already scenting Leo.

- Who? - Alana asks.

- King Leo. - Zain answers.

- He's still here? Let him come. I would like to hear what he has to say. - She says to Baron.

Baron sighs, hoping Leo doesn't beg for forgiveness and to spare his daughter in front of Alana. Baron nods to Zain.

Leo gets inside when Zain opens the door entirely. Leo comes inside and looks at Alana, who's still pale and she got thinner. Baron's energy is tangible, but he tries to endure it.

- Queen Alana.. - Leo bows to her.

- King Leo. - She says.

She stills is not used to being called Queen, but she will have to get used to it.

- I know that what my daughter did to you and King Baron was inexcusable and unforgivable. I came to apologize in the name of my Kingdom. What she did to you does not reflect our Kingdom's wish and culture. - Leo says lowering down.

- Are you here to retort to my Queen's good heart so I don't kill your daughter? - Baron asks, with crossed arms.

- Even if you decide to kill her, Baron, I can't win against you in a war. I'm here only to ask for not having a war against my kingdom. -

Alana sighs. For some reason, she knows she doesn't want to blame on anyone but herself for not anticipating Francia's movements.

- Do you have another daughter, King Leo? - Alana asks.

- Yes… She's the youngest. And I have a boy, he's 23. He's my heir. Why do you ask? -

- Are they eager for power like Princess Francia? -

- Well… I don't think they would retort to the same ways she did to have power, Queen Alana. -

- You know that it's your responsibility as a father, and your Queen as a mother, to educate, right? Francia is the reflex of you two, but with her bad choices. Her choices are not your fault, but her wish for power came from you. Unfortunately, it is something common in royal families. Superficial feelings, partnerships, love. Do you remember when I said that you would win more being Baron's friend, than just being an ally kingdom? And you answered you didn't know how to be his friend? - She asks.

He answers with a nod.

- That's my point. I won't ever forgive what she did to me and to Baron, but I don't wish your death and hers, because I believe you, King Leo, deserves a second chance to change how your royal family will act now forward. As you can see, only wish power will destroy someone. I'm not talking about me, her life ended too when she decided to do that because Baron would find out it was her if I lived or not. Your kingdom might perish if you don't change its chore. Might not perish in your hands, but in your child's hands. - She explains.

What she said hit deeply inside of everyone there. They stayed quiet for some moments.

- For me, it's a harder punishment for your daughter if she knows I let her live and her life is our hands. Will be a better example for you and other kingdoms that you owe us. However, Baron is the King and who has the final word here is him. He was also very hurt and also humiliated by her. I exposed my thoughts, and it's up to him to decide on what to do. - She says.

Leo nods and bows again. He leaves still deep in thought with all the truth he heard from Alana.

- How can you be so good to her? - Dante asks Alana.

- Good? How would you live thinking that anytime, if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and decide to hunt and kill you without giving you any notice? - She asks.

They think deeply. Zain smiles, proud of her way of thinking.

- It would be a torment everyday. - Dante admits.

- Yes. But will also give you a chance to change. - Zain says.

Baron kisses Alana's head and he's proud of her.

- You're the greatest Queen that ever existed. - Baron affirms.

She smiles.

- Now if you ask me to organize a party or a greeting banquet, I'm doomed. Greatest Queen. - She jokes about herself, making them laugh.

They let her rest.


Whenever Baron leaves her side, two of his greatest warriors guard her bedroom. However, since her health is still weak, Zain stays with her always.

Baron goes with Dante to the dungeons to finally see Francia. And when she saw him, she started to try to run, break the walls, jump the windows crying frenetically.

He watches her with a serious face, remembering all the pain he went through while fearing for Alana's life.

However, as he watches her screaming for forgiveness and in panic, he also remembers Alana's words.

When Francia stopped a little and watched Baron, with a dead scared face, he got closer to the cell.

She cries again and has another panic attack. He only watches her again, then he orders Dante to open the gate and he steps inside, then watches her crawling on the ground in a panic trying to create more space between him and her.

Francia begs and begs, cries loudly and bows her head on the floor.

He's so disgusted he doesn't want to even touch her, but he grabs her hair and raises her from the ground.

She cries and tries to remove his hands, screaming in agony. He throws her on the wall and she loses her air.

He grabs her face and makes her look at him.

- You will remember this feeling everyday of your pathetic life. Everyday you will fear me going after you. My Queen will only need to say the word and I will only stop when I watch you die, after I skin you and let you suffer with poison for many days. Live, but you will live in fear and knowing that my Queen spared your pathetic useless life. Take this chance and do good with it, because I think it's simpler killing you. - He says so coldly that the place grew colder too.

She nods, trembling. He throws her on the ground and then goes wash his hands outside.

- Leave the gate open. She can go back to her father. If she gets near Alana, if you find out that she is attempting something against Alana through somebody else, you don't need to even ask me anything, Dante. Kill her and bring her head to me. - Baron speaks

- Yes, my King. - Dante nods, satisfied.

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