
The Brutal Dragon's Queen

In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where mystical creatures roam and magic flows through the veins of its inhabitants, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unexpected love unfolds. Alana Nightshade, a witch with a resilient spirit, for years endured the chains of servitude in the opulent Kingdom of Veridia, ruled by the tyrannical King Argus. But destiny weaves an intricate tapestry when the realm faces an imminent threat from the fearsome Dragon King, Baron. Desperate to protect his kingdom and maintain peace, King Argus hatches a treacherous plan. He strikes a dangerous deal with Baron, offering his own daughter\'s hand in marriage and a peace treaty in exchange for safeguarding Veridia. However, the princess, Amara, is too loved by her father to face the perils that await her in the dragon's lair. King Argus, knowing of the slave\'s beauty, coerces Alana to assume the role of the princess and accompany Baron to his kingdom. In exchange for her cooperation, he promises to free her mother and brother from the shackles of slavery. Alana embarks on a journey filled with uncertainty, disguising her true identity while residing in the majestic Dragon Kingdom. She is determined to protect her family's future. But as she spends more time in the company of the enigmatic Dragon King, she discovers a different side to Baron—one that defies the tales of his brutality. The scars that mar his body are a testament to the battles he has fought and the sacrifices he has made. Alana\'s unwavering courage and unyielding kindness captivate Baron, drawing him closer to the very essence of love he had believed himself incapable of experiencing. As their hearts intertwine amidst the flames of destiny, they face myriad challenges—political machinations, ancient prophecies, and the unforgiving flames of war. This epic fantasy novel that explores the power of love and redemption, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Alana and Baron on an extraordinary journey through a world where magic and destiny collide and where love may just be the key to salvation.

Ludinor · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Alana was on the bed, wearing Baron's shirt and waiting for him in bed.

It's late, she imagines he had a lot to talk to Leo. When she was about to decide to go to sleep, she heard a knock.

She goes open the door, and it isn't Baron. It was Francia. She was dressed like she was ready to leave.

Before Alana asks anything, Francia acts quickly and stabs a dagger in Alana's belly. Alana gasps with the pain.

- Did you really think you would end up on top of me? If I can't be his Queen, neither do you. You foul witch. - Francia says with gritted teeth.

Alana falls on her butt and pulls out the dagger.

- Not even that wizard can save you. This dagger is poisoned. I wish you a slow and painful death, b*tch. - Francia speaks, and then she walks away quickly.

Francia got inside one carriage and ordered to leave quickly. Leo and her came in two carriages, so she took one.

Alana tries to heal, but it's not working. The poison is burning her whole body. Like if her veins were being ripped.

Mia was walking in the hall and she heard a loud cry. She runs and finds Alana on the ground, holding her wound and blood pool forming under her.

- My lady!! HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!! - Mia is a monkey, so her cries are loud.

Soon, a castle guard arrives, and he gets shocked when he sees Alana on the ground. Mia is pressing Alana's wound to stop the bleeding.

- Go find our king and wizard Zain!! NOW! - Mia cries.

The castle guard transforms into a wolf and runs to bring Zain and Baron. They arrive together, and Baron's heart stops seeing Alana bleeding on the floor.

- Alana… Heal her, Zain!! - Baron roars.

- It's not working… - Zain says and takes the dagger and smells it. - Poison! Quick!! Bring her to my room!! - Zain orders.

Baron carries the almost unconscious Alana in his arms and flies to Zain's room. Everyone follows him running.

- Who did this to you? - Baron asks her, feeling his heart breaking.

- Fr..Fran..cia. - She answers weakly.

Baron wants Francia's blood at that same moment. Leo went pale when he heard Francia's name.

- She's still having effects of the truth-speaking potion. She's not lying. - Zain says, working on finding the right tools and medicines.

- FIND HER NOW!! I WANT HER HEAD!!! - Baron roars louder than he ever did.

Leo and Dante ran to Francia's bedroom and they only found a letter.

- "I'm feeling too ashamed to stay here. I'll go home first. Love, Francia." -

- She left. I want the best trackers finding this b*tch and bringing her alive! - Dante orders his men that were in the hall.

- What did she do?... We're doomed.. Baron will kill her, will kill me and my kingdom. - Leo says to himself, but out loud.

- Baron will kill her. That I can assure you. If you prove again that you're not responsible for this to him he will spare you and your kingdom again. However… If Alana dies, there's nothing you can do. He will kill every one of you. - Dante speaks and leaves the bedroom to report.

Dante arrives in Zain's bedroom. Baron is pressing the wound and Mia is helping Zain with what she can.

- What can I do to help?! - Dante asks.

- Mix these two until I say it's enough. - Zain points at the jars.

Dante does what he ordered. Zain holds her head and shows her a cup.

- Drink this, Alana.. It will help. Come on. - Zain speaks.

She drinks slowly and coughs blood, he makes her drink all the jar. Then he takes what Dante was mixing, then holds the jar and looks at Dante and Baron.

- Hold her. Do not let her move. - Zain says.

They hold her, but they get shocked when Zain pours the liquid on her wound and she screams loudly in pain.

- You will be fine, my love. I promise. Just a little more. - Baron says to her as he holds her arms.

She faints after feeling so much pain, and Baron panics calling her.

- She will wake up. Let her sleep a little, she might wake up as I'm stitching her wound. The healing will be slower even with my magic or hers due to the venom. - Zain speaks.

- Will she be all right? - Baron asks.

Zain sighs, also worried.

- I believe she's strong and will make it. But I did what I could, and I'll take care of her all the time. I won't leave her side to make sure she's alive. - Zain answers.

That means he's not sure and is afraid for her life. That made Baron's heart feel like breaking apart.

- What about that b*tch? Did you find her? - Baron asks Dante.

- She left only a note behind to her father, saying she was too ashamed to stay and left first. I sent a party after her. King Leo is in panic knowing he will lose his daughter and also might lose his kingdom if you believe he has something to do with this attempt of killing Alana. - Dante reports.

- I don't care about him or his kingdom now. I only want that mangy lioness back here so I can kill her. - Baron states and sits closer to Alana, to hold her cold hands.

- I know.. We will get her. -

Baron doesn't leave Alana's side. She doesn't wake up, and stays asleep the rest of the night and the next morning.

- Zain, she's not waking up. - Baron says, worried.

- She lost too much blood. Remember, she's a powerful witch, but still in a human body. She's not a beast like us. I'll try to force her awake tonight if she doesn't wake up until then. I don't want to inflict any more pain in her weak body if not highly necessary. - Zain speaks.

Baron kisses her hand, watching her pale face.

- Wake up, my love.. please. - Baron pleads.

Almost nightfall, Dante opens the door, and Leo is with him too.

- We've found her. She was already far, but our hawks could get her faster. She's in the dungeons. – Dante speaks.

- Leave her there. No water or food. Even if I want to kill her, I don't want to leave Alana's side. - Baron says.

- King Baron… - Leo says.

- I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU BEGGING FOR HER LIFE!! - Baron roars angrily.

If his instincts weren't telling him to stay with Alana, he would have already killed Leo and Francia. He wants to unleash the beast inside of him and to see a blood bath.

- Baron… - They hear a weak call.

Baron's bloodthirsty eyes faded and turned into worry. He rushes to Alana and holds her hand, and looks at her face.

- Alana? My love? - Baron calls her.

She slightly opens her eyes. She tries to move but hisses in pain.

- Don't move. You're very wounded and poisoned. - Zain says, but relieved she woke up.

- Where.. Where's King Leo? - She asks weakly.

- He's here. - Baron answers.

- Baron… I'll.. be fine. -

- I know you will. You electrocuted me, remember? You're strong. - He says, trying to show he's not worried, but deep inside, he is in panic, holding his tears.

She shows a weak smile when she hears that.

- Don't… go into a… war because of.. her. You're.. bigger than… - She weakly says, then she starts to have a hard time breathing.

- Don't talk too much, love. Rest. Don't worry about that now. Just rest and recover. - Baron says.

He understood that she doesn't want him to create a war because of her. But he also can't let this simply go unpunished.

He doesn't care if he will need to kill a whole kingdom for her. They need to know what happens with who harms his Queen.

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