
The Broken Soul and Strings of Fate

In a world where fate and destiny rule, where one's path is decided, fate ties everyone to their partners. But what if you had no fate, no destiny? Or at least, none that anyone could see. Amelia is one such person. Ostracised by society, an outcast thrown to the edge, she struggles to survive each day, to find something to give her miserable life meaning. Though such a feat is not easy, the poison and venom spat at her by her peers eat away at her. Is this really all that life has intended for her? Does she truly deserve to exist? Join Amelia as she navigates her world of magic, mythical creatures, and fated love and discovers that perhaps her fate does exist, though only in a way that no one anticipated. Want updates on the novel, discuss with other fans, and interact with the author? Join the Discord server! The Broken Soul & Strings of Fate **WARNING** The story depicts scenes of suicide ideation, attempted suicide, abuse, war, gore, and sexual situations.

SteamyWriter · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Eight

The past few days have left Soren feeling haggard. All in all, their journey to this point had been uneventful, at least as far as what he expected. He had anticipated some bandits, or wild animal attacks, something common for such a large convoy to experience. Instead, all he had faced was arguments with a nosy elf and having to chase an annoying vulture away from what was his. 

Currently, they were leaving the forest behind and traveling through sparsely inhabited farmlands. Soren looked around at the fields and pastures that surrounded them. He was satisfied with what he saw. No one would disturb them until they reached more populated areas and started passing through villages and towns. He dreaded to think of how people would crowd around them once they got to Gilden though. Despite his harsh demeanor, people flocked to Soren whenever he was there. Being a general was enough to garner unwanted fame.