
The broken Royalty

Being a "delicate" princess is something you hate but you have the guts to be a strong and fair ruler. Sadly the rules of your kingdom are "Land controled only by men" and worse a powerthirsty enemy comes to make your life more hell than it is. Will Accalia fix this problem and save her home or will she loose the fight?

Andrea_Castro_4463 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Leader's beginning

Four kingdoms united, living in peace and harmony, and together they were the strongest and respected by many others.

The Nocter kingdom, known for their great intelligence and cold demeanor, was under the command of King Nerios, a man known and admired for his war tactics and saving other minor kingdoms from horrible invasions, described as a man with black hair and ice blue eyes that intimidated anyone, to tell the truth many could say that he never got scars during wars, but his back hides big fighting scars. His beautiful queen Comet, a serious but kind-hearted woman, described with beautiful blue-gray hair, blue-violet eyes and soft freckles on her face. Her 2 year old son Yettier, very similar to his father, same eyes and hair but with the attitude and freckles of his mother. Their lands were characterized by their beautiful starry skies , the typical clothing of their people was light blue compared to their kings and other high-ranking people in the palace, which was on a mountain with a beautiful silver waterfall. , its blue-gray walls, sharp towers and a huge bridge conecting the palace to the town. The king wears an elegant navy blue tunic, along with a long cape with star constellation figures, Comet wears a beautiful vibrant blue dresses with silver details and her hair pulled up in a well done and good bow. Yettier had the typical clothes of a prince, the same color as his father and a thin leather belt.

Then we have the Daviel kingdom, known for its elegance and perseverance, under the command of King Darius, his queen Helen, along with his 1 year old daughter Sky.

The people belonging to this kingdom wore yellow or copper colored robes, the king, a man with dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a notable scar over the eye, wore pure gold colored robes, with a long cape made of gold threads. with a beautiful symbol of a sun. The queen wore a beautiful dress of the same color and some brighter tones, her long orange hair looked like dangerous but beautiful flames every time she approached an area with more clarity and clear blue eyes. Their 2-year-old daughter had a fine little dress the same color as her parents' clothes, the little girl had the same hair color as her mother and curiously she came out with one eye the same color as her father and the other the same color as her father. his mother. The lands of this kingdom were known for its endless and warm climate, along with its beautiful meadows full of yellow, white and orange flowers, regardless of the time of year it never seemed to change its weather.

Its castle was of a cremish color, which with the fall of the sunsets turned a delicate orange tone, the windows of the palace shone and with the reflection of the light of all, when falling to the floor on the outskirts of this they created the shape of a unique sun.

Next we have the Brimidian kingdom, known for its great strength and impeccable fighting tactics. This is the kingdom that spilled the most enemy blood after liberating other kingdoms previously invaded, earning the respect and admiration of thousands. The representative color of this kingdom was clearly red and the territory had imposing mountains and red-orange skies in the afternoons and the most beautiful thing was the arrival of the rain, the carnations, a beautiful reddish or bright orange flower whose petals flew through the skies with the arrival of the gentle spring winds, giving a unique scene. Their king Helfus, handsome, muscular, red hair, made into a long braid, a green eye and a patch covering his blind eye. His queen Myst, a woman with long, ash-blonde hair, along with penetrating turquoise eyes, made him have many suitors and even until now, although he always remained faithful and firm to his king and 2-year-old son. Marek, a little boy with ash blonde hair and green eyes. Helfus wore his leader's robes, with a cape of elegant red tones and with the symbol of a black wolf. Myst wore a blood-red dress with soft black tones, along with her son who had the typical prince's outfit along with a wolf's fang necklace. Mentioned the castle, it is of a terracotta color, tall with small golden tones, its location was on a mountain overlooking the meadow to observe the flight of the carnations in more detail.

Finally we have the leader of the kingdoms the Vialen kingdom, known for its sense of justice and cunning. Located in a beautiful territory of skies that turned purple in the afternoon, with soft winds and the smell of its typical flower, the heather. The kingdom was under the command of King Trevor, a man with a serious face, light brown hair, gray eyes, a huge scar on his chest and back, hidden under his royal robes, respected by the other three kingdoms when saving the lives of his people. and their leaders themselves in different situations. His queen Breeze, a woman of outstanding beauty, was Trevor's right hand, helping him on thousands of occasions, her hair a beautiful light brown color, blue-green eyes with a unique shine and a contagious smile. The king wears red-violet clothes with an elegant cape with the sign of a silver heather surrounded by golden roses. Breeze wears beautiful dresses of different shades of purple with golden tones at the base, with her hair down, mostly with her royal crown but her preference liked more that her people made her flower crowns. The palace they lived in was silver-gray with white stones, surrounded by a huge lake and imposing trees giving it a magical touch. Although the territory of that kingdom was described as perfect by many, there was an area that not even the king's bravest men dared to enter, a dark and wooded area, in which, whoever entered, never came out alive again. , for which it was baptized as the "Devil's Mouth" from which thousands of stories emerged among its people.

But that was not all, at this time of year, spring to be exact, the people of the Vialem kingdom were spreading the word, until it reached the leaders of the other 3 kingdoms, who did not hesitate to send their congratulations to Trevor and Breeze. The people in the leading kingdom were more cheerful than usual and there was a lot of movement, even the typical flower of the kingdom was in abundance. The reason for all this? Breeze was pregnant with her first baby.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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