
The broken Royalty

Being a "delicate" princess is something you hate but you have the guts to be a strong and fair ruler. Sadly the rules of your kingdom are "Land controled only by men" and worse a powerthirsty enemy comes to make your life more hell than it is. Will Accalia fix this problem and save her home or will she loose the fight?

Andrea_Castro_4463 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

One side

The months of Breeze's gestation passed faster than one thought, although the queen loved to visit the town or walk quietly through the beautiful and huge gardens of the palace, or go out on horseback on her own, her husband forbade her to do that, not until it has to give birth to the baby. The queen somewhat disappointed and reluctantly gave in to her husband's orders. After all, if it was for her own good, there was no reason to whimper and raise objections.

Breeze's belly was big, her face showed tiredness by not being able to sleep well, having to sleep on her back and carefully not doing anything that could harm her baby, not to mention the continuous fatigue and having to take a break to be able to catch your breath and be able to walk through the wide corridors of the palace. With a longing sigh, the future mother walked to the window, the meadows looked beautiful, the soft sound of the trees being shaken by the wind and the heather growing everywhere.

-. I love this kingdom and how I would love to go out to greet my people, go to the beautiful gardens of the palace, feel the fresh air and enjoy the soft aroma of the flowers that recently opened to show their beauty-. but she makes a little jump when she feels a hand on her shoulder.

A black haired and handsome man with a long scar on the side of his cheek makes his presence known, his gray eyes and serious gaze, would petrify anyone. His gaze meets that of the queen, his armor and leather parts make it obvious that he came from an expedition or something similar.

-.The look in those blue-green eyes give you away, you know? Sadness for being locked up?.-He asks while taking a step back giving her space.

-I am so obvious? hehe shame -. gently caress her belly.

.-Way too obvious Breeze. Being pregnant does not mean that you have to neglect yourself, look at those locks that are almost over your eyes, you almost look like a crazy person.- He smiles softly while placing her hair behind her ears causing a slight blush in her.

.-t .... thank you very much Albatroz. Tell me how is the training of new knights and how is the town. I have so much desire to go there, but you know that by orders of my husband I cannot. Nor go to the garden to see the flowers.

.- I would have understood not going to town, but not going to the palace gardens already seems exaggerated. Did you ask the cooks if he didn't accidentally ate a hallucinogenic mushroom? maybe his brain is not working properly.

.-Hey! Don't be mean! .- She laughs low giving a gentle push before continuing.-Trevor's behavior usually is a bit distant and serious but I know he loves me and he is making these decisions for my good. I know that he is like this Albatroz, but I trust his decisions.

The man raises an eyebrow slightly and shrugs at the queen's words .-Remember that if you need anything you can come to me without doubts. I am and will always be there for you Breeze.-He takes her hand gently as her gazes meet.

"And I really appreciate the gesture, Albatroz." she smiles gently at him while the other looks away somewhat embarrassed.

.-Anyway, I have to go back to the training grounds and-

.-Albratroz. You are offered something at this time or something that you want to inform me?

.-Trevor, I was just speaking calmly with the queen. Don't you think stressing her out and keeping her locked inside the palace can be bad for her pregnancy? I think-

.-I KNOW what I'm doing, I don't need the opinion of a general to know how to take care of my pregnant wife. If I make that decision, it is for her sake.

.-YES .... well you're stressing her with a stupid decision.-he whispers between his teeth.

.-Anything else that is offered to you? otherwise you can retreat back to the training area and do your work. That's your

Albratroz was about to open his mouth to answer him but he remained calm, although his gray gaze collided with the king's causing an uncomfortable tension. until Breeze interfered by stepping between the two men nervously and cleared her throat.

.- We are a kingdom whose people live in peace. Don't set a bad example by showing that you don't get along

Both men snorted low looking away and slowly nodded.

.-whatever. With permission my queen and ..... king.-makes a slight bow as she leaves the couple alone in the quiet corridors of the palace.

.-What did he want?

-Calm down love, just a simple talk and that if I needed something he could help me-

.-Breeze you don't need it, I'll take care of you. Agree?

.-O ... oK, but I thought-

.-No. I don't want Albatroz to get so close to you that much . I am fully capable of reigning, taking care of my queen and my future son.

.-I trust you Trevor. W... wait , son? w ... we do not know the gender of the baby yet , we will only know once it is born. What if instead of having a male heir ends up being a girl?

The man was silent for long moments analyzing her wife's words before letting out a soft sigh as he took her hands.

.-I'll love her anyway, though-

.-Yes? What's up?

.-I do not feel that a daughter has to have the skills to reign these lands alone.

.-Trevor we're not sure about it. Maybe if she ends up being a daughter instead of a son, she could end up being a great leader. Only time will he give us answers.

The king nodded, as he gently kissed his queen on the forehead.

.-You shouldn't be standing so long, pretty. Take a break on the couch or go to the room, I will tell the cooks to prepare food for you.

Without further saying, the man turned and started walking, disappearing from sight once the door was closed. Breeze took a long breath and then a heavy sigh as she looked at her belly with some concern but a lot of affection at the same time.

.-I don't care if you end up being a boy or a girl. I'm going to love and protect you anyway.

Meanwhile Albatroz was blading his sword against another knight of the kingdom, of course it was practice but he was serious, while the new soldiers watched carefully each attack and counterattack movements. Long minutes, which rather seemed interminable, were over, both men took off their protective helmets and greeted each other, shaking hands cordially.

.-Well you saw the basic attacks and counterattacks against an enemy, newbies. Don't just stand there and take the wooden swords; and do not give me those faces of capricious little children, if you cannot fight with those how are you going to be able to handle one that literally kills.

The rookies only nodded, though with long faces they walked over to the wooden swords and begin their practices, while Albratroz sat on a big log and gazed at the palace, though not by long as a hand shook his shoulder slightly, it was the same man who he was practicing with. His eyes were gray and semi-long brown hair, raised in a short tail and a conspicuous scar running parallel from nose to cheek.

.- Another problem with the king?

.-of course not. What kind of crap are you talking to me Hawk?

.-Yes yes of course and I was born yesterday dear brother. When something bothers or bothered you, you go around with your ass face all day, you know? pfft

.-Excuse me?

.-Yes. You go ass-faced when something happens that ruined your day and you are grimacing from moment to moment along with some grunts of clear annoyance.

.-Heh then I'll have to hide my ass face so that no one notices.

.-Meh you were already born with that face. Too bad there is no cure to fix it.-he laughs while Albratroz gives him a slap behind his head with a slight laugh.

.-Idiot.-snorts slightly and smiles

.-But getting serious. Is it because of Breeze? Or another tense moment with King Trevor?

.-I can't hide things from you, brother. Right?

.-Nope you can't. I know Trevor isn't to your liking, but you have to show him respect. One way or another he has the highest rank and luckily he doesn't know that you-

Albatroz quickly puts a hand over his mouth shutting him , while his gray gaze showed some anger and pain.

.-Don't even think saying it, you're the only one he knows.

.- I know and that secret is safe with me, but you don't think maybe it's time to ... well ... let go?

.- I.... . I think you're right, she would never notice and she already chose a side to stay on for the rest of her days.

.- It only remains to remember the good times of the past. By the way, you know that my son is turning 4 years old in two more years and I was wondering if you could train him to be a knight.

.-We have enough soldiers at the moment Hawk, but the current hunter of the kingdom is already getting old, so he will need an apprentice.

.-Say no more, Harret will be an unbelievable hunter ..- He smiled as he handed him a canteen with fresh water. Albatroz took the object with a slight nod before looking back at the palace.

.- A decided side and destiny cannot be changed. Just accept.- Sigh

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