
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 11: The end of the exam

The battle ended like the blink of an eye, and that can show you just how powerful the teacher are, after that the wedding went ahead as planned, and the first exam ended.

When we returned to the academy i I was called to the teacher office, I already had an idea why I was being called so when i opened the door, the professor was looking at the glass that was giving a view of the academy, turning his back to me.

« You know this academy is fucking amazing, Not only because it offers you many horizons, but because it only stands for strength, not your status, that you can see all kinds of people here Elves and dwarves even the uncivil who see mere slaves and everyone here is watched to prevent any conflict between the races,(then he turned and the look of anger fills his face) and who was assigned to watch you it was me. To be honest with you, I hate you in The first day when I saw you, I sensed a great deal of mana in you, as time passed, I discovered that you were not only a monster with enormous mana, but also a genius in all fields and that what make me more angry at you. why a guy with all these talent never take it seriously, (his tone of voice grew sharper and rougher)As someone who has only made his way through hard work, I will never accept a lazy guy like you to be a student in this academy so that's why I will always make sure to be in your way (after that he took a deep breath), do you have anything to say" the teacher said.

".... Did you call for me just to talk to me about these things, if that's the case i will leave » i said

« you damn brat, no that not it, i call for you to let you know that in the first exam, the one who claim the best grade is you aurelian moonstone,but do not be deceived by your achievements, This exam is nothing comparing for the future things….that's all you can go » the teacher said

While I'm leaving the office an expected guest came by

« You know that eavesdropping on others is immoral for nobles, especially for an ancient family like yours » i said

« .... »

No one answered me, so i had to look to were she is hiding to let her know that this foolish trick won't work on me

« Im surprised i didn't think that you will find where I am, while I'm using Shadow Veil »Isla Blackwood said.

« Shadow veil???? » i said

« Yes it's a skill that can hide you from the enemies it can hide your presence and cover your scent and even erase your aura from your body, to think that you will be able to overcome this skill, i think alliance with you was the perfect decision after all »she said

After hearing that i went directly to my room, and i finally haded some sleep. And after 3 months the second exam began.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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