
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
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17 Chs

It's a 'Date'

Arriving just in time for me to see all the students handing over their hero costume designs to Aizawa. I stepped in through the door, making my way over to my table, not really caring for everybody's looks as I enter.

Nor did I care for when I sat down, however, sitting down and listening to Aizawa's boring class I started to doze off due to boredom, when I suddenly felt a piece of paper hit my cheek, startling me awake.

Parting my almost closed eyes, I found a scrunched bit of paper laying on my desk, and picked it up in between both my thumb and index finger, moving my head in the direction I thought it might have come from.

Only to see Momo with a slight blush on her face, to which I moved back to the ball of scrunched paper in my hand and thought it was quite cute of her to send me a message via paper. Opening up the folds of the paper delicately, to gradually see letters appear through the folds.

With those letters leading into an actual sentence that was written quite neatly even with the wrinkles of the paper trying their best to ruin it, but nonetheless, I placed my eyes at the beginning of the paper and started reading through which written like this.

'The date is still on for today?'

[] yes [] no

To be fair, that got a little chuckle out of me, seeing she went the full giddy girl mode, but I can't say I didn't like it and writing the words 'date' did surprise me a little as I thought we weren't there yet for her to say that word, but I gave it an approving smirk.

Twisting my head towards Momo and merely smiled, noticing she glanced away upon my turn. Whispering, trying to get her to hear with a devilish smirk "Oh, so this is going to be a date, I like that, Momo"

It didn't take long before her face grew a brighter shade of red when I finally stopped teasing her and asked, "Can I borrow a pen though" as I began extending out my hand expecting her to give me one.

Watching her sheepishly reach out her slender arm to place a colourfully, decorated, red rose-covering a white pen into the palm of my hand. Clicking in the pen, I moved it over the yes box and gave it a tick, making sure to throw it back in a ball.

Now that, that cringy stuff was over, I went to look at the front of the class where Turo sat, to see if she listened in on the conversation, however, with her facing away from me just meant I had to listen in on her heart to hear if it was elevated.

I was able to tell that her heart was raised wasn't really able to tell me much about her condition, but I could only hope that she did hear in after all I tried to aim my voice as I was saying it, but it was my first time trying such a trick even with my powers.

After that ordeal, I could only wait for the end of the lesson to go on the date and trying to use the time I had, I started running through some plans and some ways 'Conquering the world' could be made easier, however, I don't know whether I have to complete the mission without killing or if I am allowed to kill and if that is so, is there a limit before the goal fails by default.

Getting started, I plan to make myself a Kryptonian Ai module, then install it within this planet's digital mainframe, although I might also need to build a base strong enough to be able to withstand anybody's attack to protect the hub of my Ai.

Whilst I was thinking more plans, I was pulled back when a hand pressed itself on my shoulder whilst a soft breath hit the back of my ear, "Dylan, are you ok?" as I looked her way saying "I am fine, I was just thinking"

Momo raised her hand from my shoulder and started talking, "Would you like to go get something to eat" as she stepped out in front of my desk holding her bag over her shoulder with a big smile.

Stepping out to the side of the desk when I replied to Momo as I gazed down at her, "I see you are ready, and if you would please" with my hand I jested for her to begin walking to which I followed.

Going down the corridor side by side, I noticed how hard Momo was clutching onto the strap of her bag and merely placed my hand onto her slender shoulder to say, "There is no need to be so nerves about the 'Date'" whilst I finished off with a chuckle.

With both of, us in toe, we left the school grounds heading towards the food district, and strolling through the district, we walked past the, cheaper place that sold stuff like ramen, and fish and chips whilst the other side sold the extravagant cuisine of beef, wine and but you needed to pre-booked your table.

Gazing down at Momo who was frantically looking around, probably looking for a place we could eat, but seeing her like this was funny and that's when I thought that I should help the poor girl out, and because I don't want to search till dark.

"Momo we should try that ramen place back there" as I pointed back to the way we just come from but when I looked back at Momo, her face was filled with confusion, so I asked "What?"

She kept looking at me like I just destroyed her world as she said bluntly, "But I am looking for the place to eat" to which my face grow perplexed "I asked for a place to eat not, for you to waste your money, here let's just go eat some ramen"

Directly after finishing my sentence, I began making my way over to a simple looking ramen stall that was set up just out on the street, passing through the cloth that hung down I reached a high stool and gave an approving nod turning around I opened the cloth to call Momo in.

Sitting down, patting the stool next to me, waiting for Momo to take it. After she took the seat, I swivelled on the stool to pick the menu up from the table and read through it, picking out the beef ramen soup that I liked.

Placing my menu down, I gazed at Momo to see her struggle through the menu, so I asked "Are you ok there?" I tried to give off a soft tone as I watch her turn to me, "No, I don't know what any of this means"

Giving her a smile, "Well, look here" as leaned in closer to point out each of the ways they would make the ramen and all the extra stuff you could put in if you would like to. Subsequently, after I told her all that, you could see her face light up in realization.

When she finally made her choice, I called over the chief to put mine and her order in. Whilst we started waiting, we asked each other questions, starting with me "How are you finding UA?" as I swivelled to look at her.

"It is really quite fun making new friends whilst being in a new school, but I also would like to know how you came in later than all of us?" I sighed thinking of a way I should explain it "Well, it's a long story but let's say someone helped me get in to see Nezu who gave me a shot at staying for UA"

Momo looked at me with a deadpan face and said "Wow, that was boring, Dylan can't, you explain more and not with all this vagueness" I answered back "I see maybe one day I could, but we need to get closer first"

All in all, it was pretty meaningless questions that she asked me that I had to give vague answers to, and with the time flying by the chief managed to get back with our food, allowing me to swivel towards the table and picked up the chopsticks to snap them apart.

Digging in, I heard Momo moan, causing me to peek at her whilst I was putting noodles into my mouth, to see her shovelling in more noodles, which I ignored and continued to eat. I finally managed to finish savouring all the flavour and to see that Momo was on her second bowl.

To which I said "You seem to enjoy it" after hearing me she frantically nodded her head to say "Yes, it tastes really good how did you find such a place" I just touch my nose and said "Trade, secret"

I would love some Power Stones!

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