
The Breath of conspiracy.

'George freaked and muttered unconsciously but audibly "It cannot be!" He was not at a point to bear it. This was her sister in-law to be.This was Claire, Angela's sister. ' Angela finds out that her boyfriend George has been a criminal and also responsible for abducting her younger sister, will she forgive him? What will be George's fate after he decides to stop crime and is impoverished ?

GidamPotent · Action
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35 Chs

Rekindled Love!

Discrediting the raw and self sufficient evidence of her fears,that George was a criminal, Angela still found herself caged and breed well in George's love . She felt that she was the most luckiest woman to have a decent man like George. Her heart still yearned the pamper and care this man generously provided. She did not want to think of terminating this strong built bond she felt for him.

At one instant ,She conceived a thought that people, especially women had very complicated minds and can do anything for what they loved. That tired to neutralize and object what Susan told her . She for once thought ill of Susan that she could be having a healthy and active crush on George that's why she decided to mould a tale that could sway Angela's mind away from her lover. As much as that was and could be a more probable occurance, it's chances were slim . She remembered those eyes.She remembered that voice vividly.The voice that beared seriousness and sincerity of highest level. Susan was very serious and did not leave a room for doubt on her words. What Susan said was also perfectly aligned to the ever growing mystery of George's wealth.

Despite all these, Angela found it easy to accept an outdoor date with George when he one day, asked her out. George was more confident in his means and for once since his courtship with her, he booked an air ticket to a recreational site in Tanzania. That day he prepared normally.

A silk blue business suit was his choice for that day . He stashed his wallet with a bundle of notes that he intended to convert into Tanzanian shilling while there. He then carried a small traveling bag and headed to Karen to pick Angela. In her house Angela had preened in the mirror and overdone make ups and spangles on her body. She had decided to put on a pink silk trouser that was tightly fitting and a pink t-shirt that was embellished with girlish flowers on the neck hemline. She did a simple push back style to her blow dried hair and pink stiletto on her feet. She looked like the real definition of George's pet name to her; Angel Angela!

Entering Angela's house , a usual ritual hug was performed . Amidst all the raiment he had put on, Angel could still feel the warmth and protection under his bosom. They cried the usual ' I miss yous' to each other affectionately and the once lost bond was now felt again. They drove to the airport minutes later while enjoying the aura of each other.

The final destination of their journey, which George had meticulously chosen was the famous and glorious Mnemba islands. This was were he intended to spark ardour and love into his girl. Angela sat besides her in a the plane and certainly enjoyed the realm of being the most adored female by this all complete man. " Babe! Are you sure of the island you're claiming is exquisite?" Angela joked while grabbing his arm and placing it playfully on her lap.

" Leave alone claiming darling, it is a real heaven I say. " George confirmed confidently. He tilted his head slightly and rested his bearded chin on her tender shoulders. Tuffs of smooth strands of Angela's hair caressed his face. He almost could feel her heart beat when his cheek touched the corner of her neck. A mixture of perfume and the hair jelly she wore produced a strong fragrance and as if he wanted to kiss her ,he whispered softly. " Know that good things are only meant for my lovely angelcake!"

Without turning her head, she twanged vulnerably." I love to hear your heart my handsome.Thank you very much!" Angela couldn't bear the affection and love she experienced during the flight. She held his hand throughout the journey and occasionally smiled and felt giddy when he tickled her fleshy pink palms playfully.

In no time the couple walked into the Mnemba islands pretentiously as if they were the only couple destined to love.Few other couples lurked around the white beach sand. Some spent their time considerably swimming and basked in the glimmering bright yellow rays of the mid morning sunshine.Dolphines could swim so close enough to amuse the swimmers. Few but ostentatious modern designed hotels punctuated each and every corner of the thick Casuarina trees that formed an amazing forest at the center of the island. This Island had remarkable characteristics.The hotels here had the most ridiculous high charges. Only some of the people here were from the small segment of Tanzanian natives and all other were foreigners termed as high and mighty. Angela regaled at the social class that she had been endowed to be with.

Undressing for the swimming and other activities here, George wondered wildly if at all Collins also loved Susan to this extent . The extent of waking up one day and deciding to take your love abroad and treat it with the special tender it deserved.He momentarily felt guilty of becoming a great impediment to Collins and Susan's love. He wondered if the same could happen between him and Angela. He would have to fight it to death. He was more determined to keep her.

Angela joined him later at the edge of the shore with a more soliciting swimming costumes . All her fleshy feminine organs tightened attractively in this costumes. George was cought off guard when she ran some few steps into the warm salty water and scooped some and playfully splashed it right into his face. He squirmed foolishly before letting out slight giggles. She ran back and tenderly wiping his face with her hands carelessly, urged him to go take a step and feel the warmth of the sea water.

"Can you do better than me? Swim faster?" Angela challenged happily

" Who are you to give me such a simple test? I dare you I'm the best. " George brugged and proceeded "You do not have an idea of how I liked the water environment when I was young. My dream was to be a navy soldier."

" And what happened that you can't swim now?" Angela mocked. She had now immersed herself deep into the water so that she could only be visible from her torso. She now had to shout for George who was still adamant , standing few inches from the water, to let a drop of water touch his skin. "Come baby come!" She shouted as she swam deeper and further into the sea.

George threw one of his feet into the water and ran towards her rather than swimming all the way. He could now appreciate how a fantastic swimmer Angela was. She must have gathered this skill long ago and her competency demeaned that of George. He looked inept in this thing.

When Angela turned back, she laughed to learn that George didn't have any bit of swimming and had stack in the midst of water covering up to his shoulders. She swam back to him as he also retreated to the shore. When she was near him , she joked amidst a sarcastic laughter ." Our navy soldier has fallen. How will he fight?"

" No ! the soldiers just decided to be unpretentious." He defended in chuckles.

Later in the afternoon, when the couple relished on a special Tanzanian delicacy in one of the hotels, Angela wondered if really George was a bad man. What Susan said went in total odds to what she is having in reality. She asked herself if really gangsters had such hearts . If they really treat their girlfriends tenderly and specially like this. If they walk in decent business suits rather than some scary masks and dark horrifying attires. George certainly was not one of them. She convinced herself that Susan must have done her research wrongly. After all man is to error.

"Babe I have a question." Angela peeked after the meal.

"Go on it's your special day."

"Do you...!" she stammered and paused for a moment. She learnt it was the time for broaching that sensitive question. It might upset George should it be true to Susan's word. She thought wisely and morphed the question tactful " Do you think you will marry me before or after introducing me to your family?" George looked at her and his smile changing gradually into a serious expression answered "I did not expect this kind of a question. But I think it would be appropriate for us to start the preliminaries first of all. I'll plan that okay?"

"Okay and sorry to ask this. How long is our courtship. I mean is your mind playing some arbitrary dates for the pre-wedding, wedding something like that?" She asked while practicing a captivatingly special smile only evident when she is most happy.

" I'm also planning for that but it would be something close to four more months. "

Angela was filled with inexplicable merriment on finding out that for real George purposed to take their love to other grounds. She regaled and recalled with amusement, the engagement at Allgrace park. Even when the couple travelled back to Kenya ,the bond between the two had grew stronger and stronger than before.