
The Breath of conspiracy.

'George freaked and muttered unconsciously but audibly "It cannot be!" He was not at a point to bear it. This was her sister in-law to be.This was Claire, Angela's sister. ' Angela finds out that her boyfriend George has been a criminal and also responsible for abducting her younger sister, will she forgive him? What will be George's fate after he decides to stop crime and is impoverished ?

GidamPotent · Action
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35 Chs

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George reminisced the live event of him and Angela in Tanzania the weekend before this day. He envisioned how gracious and elegant Angela would be even after he decides to take a move and bear with her children. His life would be a real paradise if he married her. He thought of how dedicated and loving she was and couldn't help but feel that strong sense of fulfillment as though he achieved one of the hardest goals many fail to. The only dark spots in the whole love life was Harrison. The man who had intercourse with Angela when she needed money some months ago. That was the only thing that tainted how he viewed Angela. But he remembered that day vividly. When Angela broke into tears and claimed that she was afraid of forcing money from him and that is the reason for falling into Harrison's snare. He yearned to have a look at this ill-fated, mannerless and barbaric Harrison. He still remembers his voice and how he spoke so arrogantly with the littlest euphemism.

But all in all he was not in a point to leave Angela. He had already proposed to her and she too seemed to have the seriousness of a girl in courtship. He thought of making a point of buying a piece of land and building a home on it with her. He had the money. He thought of buying one of his favorite automobile. He still could afford it because money was there. If it's setting up a well running business ,he still could do it so easily. After all he is the manager of the big blue and could pretty well transfer the skills to his business if he had one.

The rise in his salary also proved to him that for real he could do all those things. All those things could however be fulfilling and legal if all this money had also been generated legally. There would be no worry or fear at all. If he only knew Hussain to the terms of the Big Blue only, and he got promoted as he has been, he could rejoice and relish on that account. But shocking reality is that he had seventy percent of this income from crime and the remaining was the one legally accrued through renumeration.

All this envisions and thinking was cut short when Hussain called and demanded for an evening meeting at the Blex towers . This was lunch time and he decided to carefully deliver the message to Collins and Bruce (who had just arrived and shocked by the news that Hussain was back). He went to the familiar truck that Bruce drove and luckily found him in a siesta inside the truck. Knocking the side window of the truck loudly made Bruce to wake up with a start. He opened the door but remained seated and greeted George. " My message was to let you know that we are having that thing today bro." George explained."What thing." Bruce wondered.

" Meeting at the Blex. Hussain has just called me now and demands that."

" Have you talked to Collins?" Bruce quizzed with concern.

" That is where I'm heading." replied George seriously before leaving to Collins office immediately.

Bruce was left with puzzle and wonders of what could be the agenda of the forthcoming meeting. He knew such meetings were never summoned without a concrete reason which in most of the time entailed planning for the ' harvest'. He felt an inevitable ecstasy at the thought that after the execution of the ' harvest ' , something worthwhile will be available in his pocket. The only fear he had was how daring and life threatening the dealings were. They really demanded a lot of courage.

Upon entering Collins office, George was surprised that for once he found him without Susan. He focused his eyes on the screen of his smartphone and George certainly sensed something like a discontinuity of whatever fishy thing existed between him and Susan. He greeted him and again to his surprise, Collins replied warmly and with his normal humour. It seemed that the strong loathe towards George had diminished markedly. It was like he never had a grudge with George at all. George meant to inquire about this but felt that it could divert the mood and vibe of reconnecting the brotherhood. Hussain's missions to 'harvest' demanded a more understanding and brotherhood between the three for the fruit of cooperation to be realized.

" Do you have some cash?" George joked.

" Cash? You want cash?" Collins replied.

" I mean I have a deal to give you extra cash!"

"Why are you beating around the bush? What's that thing that I don't know?"

"Okay I'm not the one to give you cash. It's Hussain."

"How is that brother. I mean tell me." Collins was becoming alarmed and then like one who has remembered something,he wiggled his index finger in the air and continued "Or are we having some of 'our' missions? A 'harvest?' ."

"You are there Collins. Hussain has just informed me of a meeting that we should attend at the Blex. Do you think it's something out of that?"

"It nothing other than the obvious. If it was something ordinary he could just make it here not at the Blex towers."

"Exactly!" George affirmed.

That evening, it was a toil to convince Susan and Alice to go home. It was evident that the two ladies knew or had a whereabout of the three men. Susan specifically, was more concerned of the use of the black van that always seemed grounded in the parking lot of the Big Blue. She became more skeptical of what Collins told her during their date . Her feminine instinct always told her that the vehicle was used for something sinister. She had arranged with Alice to pretend that they were held back with something . "Susan! You need to leave your friend to look for it. She will find it or else we will also help her." George came to urge her while Alice was busy searching for her keys that she falsely claim had fallen somewhere around the parking lot. She pretended to be more worried so that the men could continue with their plans.

"I can't leave Alice alone! She must find the keys to her house. Where is she going to sleep tonight?" Susan challenged still in pretence .Bruce and Collins were becoming more irritated by this. They did not want the games that these ladies are playing to delay them to the meeting. George thought for a moment. He too felt that the ladies were hiding something and it wasn't anything to do with lost keys. He promptly hatched a plan. "Do this Susan. Accept Alice to sleep in your home today. Tommorow I will make sure you find the keys or else I'll pay someone to come and work on your door and thereafter buy you a new door lock if it proves difficult okay?" George suggested. Susan stammered and tried to defend herself.

"But.. But..."

"It's okay!"George cut in while patting her shoulders promisingly. Susan had nothing to do but to give in. Their plans had eventually failed. They reluctantly walked away to their homes leaving the men behind.

In the surety that the two suspecting women had gone and were out of the vicinity, the three men boarded the van and went to the Blex towers. Upon entry, they were shocked by the presence of Hussain's car. He had already arrived and was waiting for them in their usual room 15. The evening sun had just set thus paving a way for the creeping darkness. All this blended perfectly with the kind of rendezvous here.

"Where were you stuck? It's like you have delayed a bit." Hussain complained slightly without showing his extreme anger.

"We had to fill in more gas to the van and the nearest station was closed. So we had to drive a distance further away." Bruce cheated tactfully.

"It's okay." Hussain accepted in displeasure and proceeded.

"I have the obvious news to you . On 8th of next week we will be having our 'harvest'. I wanted to notify you earlier."

"It's okay master." They commented almost in unison. Bruce and Collins made a smile while George tried to force it but failed .

Apart from the usual normal meetings here, beside Hussain, was the black leather back on the coach. Collins assumed it altogether while Bruce tried to connect to the obvious. George was troubled as he also was thinking of the same thing as Bruce. Hussain fidgeted uneasily about his seat and seemed to struggle with the right words. Hussain was always a man who went straight to the point but today he found it difficult. He placed his hand on the bag for a moment then started "I thought of helping you with your work."

"Our work?"George asked in surprise.

"Yes! Yourwork as harvesters. " He said as he gathered courage and placing the bag on his lap, he unzipped it slowly. He then dipped his hands inside the bag and removed three new Beretta pistols.

Geoge squirmed in fear. He had never in his life touched a gun. His body was soon bathed in perspiration.Collins fidgeted uneasily. Bruce only sighed slightly but got over it. It seemed like he was acquainted with this kind of things. George in particular, wondered why Bruce was so comfortable with whatever Hussain had exposed them to. He then remembered that it was the same Bruce that at first suggested that during one of their meetings here.

" I want each and everyone of you to come and take your extra arm here." Hussain ordered. Bruce was the first one to rise from his sofa towards Hussain. He picked the Beretta APX compact. Collins followed and landed the Beretta 92 Fs. and George picked the last pistol,the Beretta PX4 storm. They retired to their seats and waited for Hussain's instructions. "I will not give you instructions on this. Make sure to protect yourselves very carefully. Please make this one of your secrets for if you're caught by the government in possession of this,I swear you'll suffer on your own. " He warned and sore in few Arabic articulations that he will not be responsible for any of their blunders.

With that, Hussain adjourned the meeting and reminded them to prepare for the mission on the 8th. They were now fully backed up for it.