
The Boys AU: Thrown Into Crazy World With Mating Abilities

At the end of life, Vincent Zayne, a grandfather, is thrust into a world of superheroes and superambitious villains. With unheralded twists. Twists AND turns. -Plot twists, such as him working part-time at a travel agency where he has to flex the city for a whip-wielding, woman of wonders. Others, such as his stupidly beautiful face, or the unbendable childhood friend, who has a longing and reproachful eye on him. -There are also the turns, like him sharing a college room with a blind boy of improved hearing and body balance. Then, as if all of the above wasn't plenty, there's a totalitarian, strong, and fascist lady, one day coming to claim him as her biological "son" after class....

Shinpachi_Shimura · Movies
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11 Chs

(Last) Extended Prologue: Baby vs. Mean Witch

Time passed as many events occurred.

Vincent had a sullen baby face as he watched the news. Fortunately, he could understand the language even though he couldn't speak it.

It didn't take him long to understand that he was only getting started with his stupefaction today.

On the screen of the television. A young female anchor, presumably fresh out of college but neither timid nor embarrassed, was breaking news. Not too seriously, given that the issue at the time had little to do with the American homeland:

[… Now, viewers, on the story of the hitherto unknown adolescent girl who appears to have fallen through the Russian sky in a spaceship last night…]

[… According to our Russian transmissions, Mother Russia, the country's most outstanding superheroine currently, immediately outwitted and detained this little girl, who looked to be a humanoid extraterrestrial. Due to the humanoid's extraordinarily powerful resistance, Mother Russia did so with the cooperation of senior Russian officials and their military…]

[… A smiling on-scene witness also talked to our cameras about the incident. According to this individual, he was the first to give the adolescent girl the following nickname as she was traversing the streets of Moscow barefoot, snatching food while provoking commotion but no casualties. The Supe's alias is Superwoman…]

[…. This individual took special delight in telling our on-land team that he was the first to recognize that the diminutive extraterrestrial with piercing and beautiful blue eyes was indeed not an uncongenial but a friendly alien. You may see how and why this humorous fireman got her the moniker by watching this short recording….]

'Superwoman? And a Russian one! The heck, where did I land?'

While seeing the video, the newborn Vincent nearly spewed out the infant formula he could ingest at such a young age. He felt unusually energized, yet he was clearly in something more perilous than merely Marvel… He couldn't unwind.

Vincent was stunned again and again.

He discovered the identity of her two devoted subordinates. Morgan had turned on the big OLED TV hanging on a living room wall and tuned to the 7:00 news, startling him even more.

Yes, he had discovered the identities of Morgan's subordinates once they removed their giant cloaks.

Julia Koenig was the first lady he discovered, not through his memories of Marvel Comics, but from something fresh that came into his eyes. In addition to a few other things…

Vincent wouldn't have been a true Marvel specialist without the new thingie, but even before it came, he could tell that this tall woman with biceps was some kind of Nazi… Her armband was a red and black swastika.

Not to say the other wasn't a Nazi.

Everyone in the room appeared to be from that faction…


++Julia Koenig:

++Sexual Status: Single. Sadistic. Great Sperm drinker.

++Interesting Information: An ex-Nazi Spy. Super Soldier. Enhanced Physiology. Understands how to manufacture Super Soldier Serum. Knowledge about Compound V. Apprentice witch. Longer lifespan...>>

++Mutant Strength: Level 2.


++Lady Lotus:

++Sexual Status: Single. Masochist. Deep throat lover.

++Interesting Information: Spy. Nazi sympathizer. Apprentice witch. Martial Artist. Psychic. Telepath. Longer lifespan…>>

++Mutant Strength: Level 2.


++Morgan Le Fay:

++Sexual Status: Single. Sadist and Masochist. Aroused by pee during the act.

++Interesting Information: Ageless. Enchantress. Longevity sorcerer. Time and space sorcerer. Reality and fate warper…>>

++Mutant Strength: Level 9.


With this new thingie, Vincent had obtained more information than he would have wished to know…

But the information was just that: information. There was no information that was either positive or terrible. There was merely knowledge that was either beneficial or worthless.

Lady Lotus was the name of the second woman. And she was a sultry Asian with long hair. Vincent had no idea whose nation she was from. And he wished he had read more comics when he was younger. According to the scrollable drop-down information, she was not a new-age Marvel character.

Every woman in the room sported massive boobs. This was something Vincent soon recognized. What he didn't understand was the proper significance of those levels.

'Does it have anything to do with the considerable global shifts that Morgan mentioned?'

Baby Vincent questioned himself. He had no idea what the thingie in his eyes was; maybe a reincarnation cheat he had gotten. But Morgan herself seemed to be classified as a Mutant.

When Morgan turned off the TV jeeringly, Vincent didn't have to think about it for long. She and the two other women on the couches, who looked comfortable, began conversing about various issues.

Beginning with Julia, she brought up the subject of Serums. Lotus, the other Nazi, mentioned Japanese incarceration camps in America back in the day and the time she appeared to have spent in prison. She was some kind of war evader. Julia's attention was drawn to the subject of sorcery traineeship when Lotus thanked Morgan for liberating her and accepting her as a student.

Julia grumbled with a mature yet endearing pout, "We've all been weakened due to the unusual shifts in the world, Milady Morgan. You stated it wouldn't be long, but when can we expect to learn more? I'm excited to learn more about witchcraft now that the young master has been born. I'd prefer not to fall behind the heroes of the Grand Alliance again; I want to be your finest soldier if I can."

Morgan, who was holding Vincent, laughed and sneered,

"Are you saying this on enemy soil? Haha. You and Lotus must be ecstatic today. Just like me. But you don't have to keep reiterating your devotion and thanking me. I know you two are committed to our cause, but there's no need to rush with the wizardry; we now have plenty of time with all the developments that have transpired. We have at least a decade or two before we truly contemplate recruiting and reactivating our network in New York and other areas of the world."

"I haven't even regained a tenth of my capabilities and talents yet, and I'm scared I'll be weaker than before…."

Listening to them, Vincent realized what was going on, but he had no idea who the "HE" person they were talking about was.

At least until he came up with a theory.

He was taken aback at the time and thought,

'Am I Voldemort's son? 'It couldn't be….'

Vincent, despite his protestations, understood who the "HE" person they were referring to was now. The women dropped enough indications for him to realize it was also his father. It was only that, for some reason, this man appeared to be some sort of Voldemort to the ladies in the room.

This universe, like his reincarnation cheat, was mad. Vincent had no clue what to do with it apart from gathering worthless information about individuals.

The talk in the room became increasingly odd during the next few minutes.

"Calm down, you two lovely fools," Morgan remarked. "It isn't just me. You probably won't grasp what I'm saying. Still, great wizards like myself, Omniverse overseers, and others great ones are all undergoing a significant fall… They'll never be the same again, Hahaha…."

Morgan chuckled viciously when she told this. Her facial features were a little too joyful.

Vincent, who listened, comprehended more and more… He was thinking of someone he knew, Saturnyne when his new mother said,

"Right now, in terms of strength and skill, I'm on par with them all. All the greats are hiding out in their shitholes. All the rules have been altered, and mutants now rule; everyone is a mutant. I am, and you are."

"Before I completely adjust, I can't ensure I can securely bestow positive powers onto you now. Due to his overwhelming fate, we had to strike an arrangement back then, even with HIM. If only…"

"Not to disturb you, Madam, but they appear to call it Supes now," Lotus said as Morgan seemed contemplative, staring sadly at the ceiling. "Particularly with that compound V…."

Morgan, who had regained her attention, giggled when she heard her. "Does the name really matter? Anyway, you two must keep practicing before we do anything even more insane than what we've already done. People who can impart powers, such as me, are naturally talented in other areas in this odd new age. I'm not going to die easy. I'm not leaving; I will wait for you to be ready."

Done saying, Morgan started talking about gods. She was mocking some deities, such as Asgardian ones and other beings from hell and dark planes, who appeared to be mutants today.

Listening, Vincent felt entirely out of his depth with his little skull. He no longer understood anything.

'Can mutants become gods in this world, then?' He pondered.

If that was the case, it was both hazardous and intriguing.

Vincent was so comfortable at the time that he didn't notice anything… Morgan, on the other hand, soon did. "Why is it suddenly smelly up here?" she wondered.

When Morgan's grunts removed his dirty diaper, and he proceeded to take a pleasant bath with her, he was all smiles. He could detect changes in the windows he could observe, and he eventually saw his own.