
The Boy whom she hated

Well this a college live story about Aria, a childish chaotic girl and Alex a cold grumpy senior will they end up together??you will find many joking moments in this story and I'm sure the story won't be boring at all ! Aria and Alex get separated after college and meet again after 4 years . what will happen next ? read the story to find out ; and also I would like to tell y'all that it's my first story so please ignore my mistakes and kindly support me feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section and this story is available on wattpad and neobook the link is given below https://www.wattpad.com/story/365005995?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=library&wp_uname=Rivieradreamer https://neobook.org/book/KrPaJzEM/

Rivieradreamer · Others
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Finally the day of freshers party arrived

Everyone showed up with their respective couples

Aria with Alex , Selena with jackson....

But Clarie was jealous by seeing Aria with Alex but she had no choice other than coming with her bestfriend Liam

Then arrived the college sweethearts , the couple which was loved by everyone....

Kristoff AND Emilia

Everyone was having fun at the party until one senior announced dance with their partners . It was mandatory to do a couple dance with your respective partners . So everyone started dancing but Aria and Alex....

Aria:- should we ?

Alex :- yeah

Aria was hesitating to move closer to Alex but Alex 😅 pulled her by her waist and started dancing.....Aria was feeling a bunch of butterflies in her stomach by his sudden touch 💓

They were dancing slowly and were so close that they could hear each others heartbeats 💞🙈

Aria ( in mind ) :- why is my heart beating so fast ? Uhhh someone control this thing

Alex (in mind) :- Am I scared of her ? Why is my hand shaking while dancing?? No Alex be calm don't let her notice ...

Aria noticed his hand shaking and the sweat on his forehead 😂 she decided to tease him

Aria :- nervous huh 😂?

Alex :- not more than you 😑

Aria :- why are you always so rude ?

Alex : Don't know . I'm habituated being like this 🤷

Just then Clarie and Liam comes to them and says :- hey should we exchange our partners??

Alex :- yeah sure let's dance Liam💀 (while smiling sarcastically)

Liam :- uhh i meant i want to dance with Aria and you with clarie 😶

Alex :- in your dreams 😒 let's go from here Aria

Aria in mind :- oh my goshhh is he jealous ?🤭he looks sooo cute while being possessive 🌚 STOP DREAMING ARIA he is your bestfriends brother!!!

Alex and Aria came into a park away from the party hall and were walking . There was drop dead silence until Aria decides to break it .

Aria :- Umm...can I ask you something?

Alex:- go on

Aria :- why is Clarie always behind you?

Alex :- why ? Are you jealous 😏?

Aria :- No!!! I'm just asking

Alex:- oh that Clarie is just obsessed with me and wants me to be her boyfriend. She is a bitch dude . I don't like her .

Aria(in mind) did he just call me dude ?? Does that mean he thinks me as his friend now😁 ARIA stop overthinking and ur delusion

Aria :- ohh ok

Jackson comes there and

Jackson:- hey aria and Alex let's go the party's almost over

Alex :- we'll be there in 5 minutes

Jackson :- 👍

Aria :- oh my god!! It's 10:30 . My hostel gate has been closed .....now what do I do??

Alex:- you can stay with me and Selena for today

Aria :- is it ok for you ? Is there place in your house for me ?

Alex :- No. I am going to make u sleep out of my house 😑

Aria:- 😒

Alex :- come let's goo

Alex , Aria , Selena sat in the car and drove off to their house 🏡 Alex made the spaghetti with egg and it was looking delicious 😋

Aria :- Did you make this ?? It's very tasty

Alex :- thanks ☺️

Selena :- I am feeling sleepy 😴 I am going to my room

Selena goes to her room and closes the door and there's only one room left which is Alex's . 🤭