
The Boy Who Wore A Cape

"I am a squib." The realization hung heavy in the room, each syllable a dagger to my heart. The future I had always envisioned, the excitement, joy, and success that came with being a wizard, were all crushed by this cruel reality. As my world crumbled around me, I began to weep. I curled into myself, and soon the once distant pain began to numb. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the darkness that threatened to consume me. Being a wizard, walking the halls of Hogwarts, meeting the great wizards and witches, learning magic, and forging friendships – they were all dreams now, shattered by the harsh reality of my existence. The knowledge of being a squib was like a dagger in my heart, but what hurt more was being part of a magical world and yet being unable to see it. The despair and sorrow engulfed me, I felt like I was being swallowed whole. My existence seemed pointless, void of purpose, devoid of hope. Feeling a burning sensation in my chest, I curled into a tighter ball, cradling the despair that was consuming me. But then a spark ignited. 'No... I won't give up just like this...' I clenched my fist in defiance. 'Even if I have to become the next Dark Lord....' [Request Confirmed. Acquisition of Unique Skill “Haki” Has Been Acquired.]

Crazy_Penguin · Movies
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13 Chs

The Battle Of Wanda

The moment arrived, a moment suffused with anticipation. I inhaled deeply, extending my wand towards the seemingly amused Quirrell. His smile was a cruel parody of reassurance, silently taunting me as if he considered the entire exercise a trifle.

"Expelliarmus," I intoned, my voice slicing through the dense silence like a silver blade. A streak of red light sizzled through the air, targeting Quirrell. But with a swift, practiced flick of his wand, he conjured a shield, the spell dissipating upon impact like a firefly extinguished.

"The Disarming Charm?" He scoffed, an irritating smirk playing on his lips. "How… pedestrian."

A chorus of murmurs erupted throughout the classroom, whispers rebounding off the stone walls as stupefied students exchanged wide-eyed glances. I chose to ignore their reactions, focusing instead on my opponent. I continued my onslaught, "Stupefy!"

My spell struck his shield, erupting in a fountain of sparks. Quirrell simply chuckled, waving away the remnants of my spell with a cavalier flick of his wand. "Is that all you've got?" He queried, his tone bristling with icy contempt.

Ignoring the bait, I pushed my thought processes to accelerate. My mind, under the guidance of the Great Sage, began dissecting every minute movement, hunting for an opening, a chink in the armour.

Then, in a flurry of swift motions, I let loose a barrage of spells, each attack quickly followed by another. "Impedimenta! Petrificus Totalus!" Quirrell, despite the bumbling persona he projected, parried each spell with deft wandwork, his fluid movements speaking volumes of Voldemort's tutelage.

A sliver of doubt momentarily clouded my determination. Was I biting off more than I could chew? Was it sheer folly to challenge a teacher, moreover, one with Voldemort's essence seething within him?

"No," I hissed softly, my resolve hardening like steel forged in fire. Defeat was not an option. Not now, not ever. If I faltered against a puppet of Voldemort, how could I ever hope to stand against the real menace?

Shaking off my inner turmoil, I primed myself for my next spell, opting for a non-verbal one this time. 'Incendio,' I focused on my wand. A jet of flames erupted, surging towards Quirrell. He managed to quell the flames with a swift flick of his wand. However, the flames were merely a smokescreen, a diversion from my real attack.

While he was preoccupied with the flames, I seized the opportunity. "Levicorpus!" Quirrell was abruptly hoisted into the air, hanging suspended by an unseen force. His momentary shock quickly morphed into indignation as he corrected his stance, landing back on his feet gracefully.

"So, you have some tricks up your sleeve," he remarked, a hint of respect coloring his tone.

Even as my heart pounded an adrenaline-fueled tattoo against my ribs, I prepared myself for the next bout. Quirrell seemed taken aback by my strategy. A small victory, but it was clear the tide was still in his favor.

Our duel escalated, a symphony of magic unfolding, spell and counter spell reverberating in the room.

The audience watched with a mix of fear and fascination, their eyes wide, riveted to the spectacular display of magic. We danced around the room, a dance of sparks and energy, far surpassing any conventional classroom demonstration.

The room held its collective breath as Quirrell and I squared off, our wands held steady in the charged silence.

An electric undercurrent of anticipation threaded the room, my classmates' eyes wide, awaiting the next spell. The clamor outside had even drawn curious onlookers to the class.

"Incendio!" Quirrell's voice echoed, a torrent of flames erupted from his wand, barreling towards me.

Acting instinctively, and with the aid of Thought Acceleration, I pointed my wand at the incoming firestorm, "Aqua Eructo!" A geyser of water shot out, colliding with the flames and reducing them to harmless steam.

Without wasting a moment, Quirrell launched his next spell, "Tarantallegra!" I felt an irresistible urge to dance grip my legs. Thinking on my feet, I cast, "Finite Incantatem!" The compulsion to dance faded, my control regained.

"Adequate defense, Mr. Timothy," Quirrell conceded, a reluctant respect glinting in his eyes. But then, something unexpected happened.

Quirrell's normally swift movements faltered.

He stumbled, clutching his head as his energy visibly drained. It was clear Voldemort's possession was taking its toll.

Sensing my opportunity, I unleashed a charm I'd only seen in the books. "Confringo!"

A blistering bolt of light exploded from my wand, propelling towards Quirrell. The spell struck him square in the chest, sending him hurtling into the classroom wall. He collapsed in a heap, his body limp.

As the dust settled, a hush fell over the room. Wide-eyed, the students stared at the scene before them. A feeling of triumphant exhaustion washed over me as I panted heavily. I had done it. Against all odds, I had won.

"Is he...?" a tentative voice emerged from the hushed crowd.

"I don't know," another voice whispered back, uncertainty heavy in the air.

Despite my victory, I could not shake off the dark gleam in Quirrell's eyes before he was thrown off, a hint of malicious satisfaction lurking in those depths. I'd revealed my abilities in the lion's den. Yet, for now, the lion seemed to underestimate the sheep.

One thing was certain: This was merely the beginning. Voldemort would not be vanquished so easily. And I was ready to meet him head-on.

With a newfound resolve, I glanced around the room. Their faces reflected a mix of fear, awe, and respect. I may have had a rough reputation, but with the Great Sage by my side, I wouldn't bow down. This was just the beginning.