
The Boy Who Wore A Cape

"I am a squib." The realization hung heavy in the room, each syllable a dagger to my heart. The future I had always envisioned, the excitement, joy, and success that came with being a wizard, were all crushed by this cruel reality. As my world crumbled around me, I began to weep. I curled into myself, and soon the once distant pain began to numb. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the darkness that threatened to consume me. Being a wizard, walking the halls of Hogwarts, meeting the great wizards and witches, learning magic, and forging friendships – they were all dreams now, shattered by the harsh reality of my existence. The knowledge of being a squib was like a dagger in my heart, but what hurt more was being part of a magical world and yet being unable to see it. The despair and sorrow engulfed me, I felt like I was being swallowed whole. My existence seemed pointless, void of purpose, devoid of hope. Feeling a burning sensation in my chest, I curled into a tighter ball, cradling the despair that was consuming me. But then a spark ignited. 'No... I won't give up just like this...' I clenched my fist in defiance. 'Even if I have to become the next Dark Lord....' [Request Confirmed. Acquisition of Unique Skill “Haki” Has Been Acquired.]

Crazy_Penguin · Movies
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13 Chs

Mistress of Magic

The towering monstrosity of the troll cast an ominous shadow over us, its hellish red eyes glinting ominously in the dimness, an almost taunting reflection of our desperate situation. The unforgiving heat from its formidable aura - a potent tempest of raw, primal energy - enveloped the room, causing my skin to prickle and my heart to pound with mounting trepidation.

"Gotta love it when a party starts with a bang," I mumbled to myself, attempting to keep my trademark sarcastic humor intact despite the grim prospects of our situation.

A wry smile ghosted across my face as I tasted the bitter tang of fear lingering in my dry mouth. My mind whirled like a tempest, desperately sifting through my arsenal of skills and spells in search of a lifeline. My <Great Sage>'s advice seemed like a mere consolation at this point. The gaping chasm between our powers was simply too vast to bridge by normal means.

"Timothy," a familiar voice punctured my frantic thoughts, pulling me back to the harsh reality of the moment. It was Zee, her face an unreadable mask of determination, her gaze unflinching as it locked with the monstrous troll's. "I need you to trust me. Can you do that?"

Trust her? In our dire straits, I hardly had time to question her motives. Whether allies or not, we were stuck in the same sinking ship, staring at the same iceberg that threatened to sink us. I swallowed my doubts, forcing a curt nod. "Alright. What's the plan, chief?"

"We need to run it ragged. Keep it on its toes while I throw everything I have at it. Meanwhile, you focus on brewing a spell. Something potent enough to knock this brute off its feet."

Her words ignited a spark of hope within me. With Zee's help, perhaps we stood a fighting chance after all. Her strategy made sense, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt a sliver of control return to me. I nodded, already putting my <Thought Acceleration> skill into action. This skill was my lifeline, twisting my perception of time and allowing me the luxury to strategize despite the chaos.

Right on cue, the troll let out a deafening bellow and charged towards us with a speed that was entirely inconsistent with its colossal size. Zee was on her feet in an instant, her lips rapidly moving to the rhythm of her Logomancy. "Sllaf niatnuom!"

Her incantation echoed in the cavernous space, the words distorting reality as an illusory mountain materialized from thin air. The advancing troll stumbled, its forward momentum halted as it struggled to regain its footing. This gave us a much-needed respite.

While Zee held the troll's attention, relentlessly bombarding it with her magic, I delved into the intricate process of focusing on my spell. A trump card of sorts, it was a skill I had used sparingly due to the severe mana drain—<Possession>. A spell that allowed me to commandeer my adversary's consciousness for a fleeting moment, turning the tide in our favor.

With Zee fending off the troll and buying me precious seconds, I continued to marshal my magic, channeling all my remaining energy into the <Possession> spell. The energy built up within me, the pressure of the <Possession> spell felt like a storm contained in a teacup. It strained against my control, threatening to shatter me from the inside out. But I held on, teeth gritted against the relentless storm of pain.

Then came the moment of release. "Possession!" The word echoed in the eerie silence, my consciousness forcefully embedding itself into the troll's primitive psyche.

A tidal wave of unfamiliar sensations swept over me as I struggled to make sense of the troll's chaotic thought processes. Its mind was a tempest of raw emotions and animalistic instincts, almost impossible to make out any coherent thoughts.

Yet, despite the chaos, I clung to the fleeting control I had, guiding my focus towards the creature's brain. The robust resistance I encountered left me questioning how such an unintelligent being possessed such mental strength.

A formidable force resisted me, raw magic that made my head pound in agony. But I didn't relent, I pushed harder, pressing through the swirling chaos. Finally, I breached its mental defenses, seizing control of the troll's mind.

As I felt its prodigious strength flow through me, its untamed power bending to my will, I compelled the troll to land a punch on itself. Its gargantuan fist smashed into its own face, the self-inflicted blow sending it staggering back. The brute force behind the hit was a testament to the troll's immense strength.

As I continued to manipulate the troll, a series of images flickered into my mind. The scene played out like a dimly lit dream, hazy yet undeniably real. The troll stood within a cavernous expanse, its domed ceiling swallowed by an impenetrable darkness.

The space was bathed in an eerie glow, emanating from a luminescent red room. The energy that rippled through the room was almost palpable, the air pulsating with raw, unbridled power. The aura was eerily familiar, mirroring the energy that currently enveloped the troll.

As the scene unfolded, I watched the troll kneel before a man garbed in dark robes, its nostrils flaring in anticipation. From the man's wand flowed a rivulet of red magic that called out to the troll, a siren's song promising strength and power beyond comprehension.

With a deep, rumbling inhale, the troll drew in the crimson magic, its body convulsing as the raw energy surged through its veins.

The red magic seemed alive, sentient, as if it sought to merge with the troll, intertwining with its essence. The troll's muscles bulged, its size doubled, and a brilliant red aura enveloped it. Its eyes snapped open, a burning red that mirrored the potent magic it had just consumed.

It stood, a colossus of raw power, a vessel for the terrifying red magic. The cavern echoed with its triumphant roar, a declaration of newfound might that shook the very foundation of the space.

My momentary triumph was cut short as the troll's psyche roared in protest. A wave of fierce energy violently ejected me from its mind, hurling me back into my own body.

The sudden disorientation and acute pain were almost too much to bear. Through the haze of my faltering vision, I saw the troll rising, its blazing red eyes radiating unadulterated rage. Its earsplitting roar echoed through the corridor as it charged towards me once again.

The chilling realization dawned on me - the magic that the troll had absorbed wasn't just power. It was a sentient force, a primal entity that had found a host in the troll.

In the midst of my horror, Zee's voice sliced through the cacophony, sharp and commanding. "Ecitsuj fo eht ecaf ot emoc, snaem ym dnoces, tuohtiw ecalp a ereht s'tnella!"

Her incantation resulted in a radiant blue energy barrier, halting the troll in its tracks. The beast slammed into the barrier, its furious howls filling the corridor as it struggled to break free.

As the troll fought against Zee's spell, I took a moment to gather my scattered senses. The taste of iron flooded my mouth, and my body felt drained. There was no time for rest, not when we were so close to victory.

I squinted through the pulsating red light emanating from the troll. Its muscles were bulging, its size nearly doubling. It was not just recovering; it was powering up.

"Timothy, stay with me," Zee shouted over the monstrous roars of the troll. "We're not done yet."

Summoning the last vestiges of my strength, I reached into the deepest corners of my being, activating my <Material Creation> skill. It was a last resort, a skill I used sparingly due me not wanting to reveal my cards.

I decided on a simple blade. The strain of the creation nearly knocked me unconscious, but I clung to awareness, barely.

As the translucent weapon materialized in my trembling hand, I braced myself, ready to face the monstrous troll. My thought, even throughout the fight, was something peculiar about Zee. Her incantations, her movements, they seemed... familiar. Was she... could she be...?

"Zee... Who are you?" I managed to ask, my voice echoing ominously in the empty corridor.

She didn't respond.

Ignoring the uncertainty gnawing at me, I flung myself towards the troll, the magical blade gleaming ominously in my hand. The troll swiveled, its demonic eyes locking onto me. Its gargantuan arm swung in my direction.

As the world around me seemed to slow down, I activated my <Thought Acceleration> skill once again, narrowly evading the troll's attack. I swung my blade with all the remaining strength I had, the weapon slicing through the troll's tough skin as if it were paper. The troll roared in agony, its massive frame stumbling back.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Zee, her eyes ablaze with unwavering determination. "Niap fo eht dne, htaed si eht ylno esaeler!" she chanted.

Her magic exploded from her, colliding with the troll's chest. The beast howled as it was thrown back, crashing into the wall with a ground-shaking thud.

I stared at the fallen beast in disbelief. Our combined efforts had finally brought it down. But as I turned to share a triumphant smile with Zee, my legs gave way, my vision spiraling.

The last thing I saw before darkness consumed me was Zee's worried face rushing towards me, her voice a distant echo, "Timothy, stay with me!" As I slipped into unconsciousness, one thought seemed to resonate louder than the rest. Zee... or should I say, Zatanna?