
The Boy Who Wore A Cape

"I am a squib." The realization hung heavy in the room, each syllable a dagger to my heart. The future I had always envisioned, the excitement, joy, and success that came with being a wizard, were all crushed by this cruel reality. As my world crumbled around me, I began to weep. I curled into myself, and soon the once distant pain began to numb. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the darkness that threatened to consume me. Being a wizard, walking the halls of Hogwarts, meeting the great wizards and witches, learning magic, and forging friendships – they were all dreams now, shattered by the harsh reality of my existence. The knowledge of being a squib was like a dagger in my heart, but what hurt more was being part of a magical world and yet being unable to see it. The despair and sorrow engulfed me, I felt like I was being swallowed whole. My existence seemed pointless, void of purpose, devoid of hope. Feeling a burning sensation in my chest, I curled into a tighter ball, cradling the despair that was consuming me. But then a spark ignited. 'No... I won't give up just like this...' I clenched my fist in defiance. 'Even if I have to become the next Dark Lord....' [Request Confirmed. Acquisition of Unique Skill “Haki” Has Been Acquired.]

Crazy_Penguin · Movies
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13 Chs

Familial Bond

"Only three in a boat!" The booming bellow of the giant was enough to send the other students scurrying onto the tiny vessels, their faces filled with the apprehension of crossing a river rumored to conceal monsters in its depths.

I found my gaze drawn to the water's reflective surface, my new crimson orbs, slit-like and eerily glowing, staring back at me.

"Do you reckon he's one of those dark creatures?" One of the students behind me muttered, and I remained observant, pretending not to have heard.

"Or maybe he's part giant. I mean, have you seen how tall he is? He's the tallest among us," another retorted, their whisper carrying in the soft wind. The gossiping whispers around me became a hum in the backdrop.

The once beautiful green eyes I owned were now replaced with crimson, and their constant glow only made me appear even more alien-like.

"I wouldn't fret too much about them," Zee whispered, her voice as soft as her sapphire eyes, which bore into mine with a knowing look. It was clear she had picked up on the suspicious looks I was getting from the others, even though her senses weren't as heightened as mine.

"Ever since we met, you've stuck to me like glue. Why is that?" I teased, arching an eyebrow at her.

"Meh." She shrugged nonchalantly, the moonlight making her pale skin glow. "No reason, really. I mean, muggleborns should stick together, right?"

Apart from her eccentric personality, I quickly learned she was something of a prodigy when it came to magic. It was bizarre how she could perform silent casting at such a young age, her magical potential rivaling that of my current self - being entirely made of magic.

If it wasn't for the existence of Harry Potter, I would have suspected her to be some sort of gender-bent version of him, considering how prominent she was. But, she didn't exist in the original canon.

'She wouldn't unless this world is a twisted crossover...' My mind rationalized, though I couldn't recall any character fitting her description. Then again, it was my fault for not being more knowledgeable about the world. After all, I had fled from the hospital, unwilling to have my freedom stripped away.

Soon enough, we found ourselves at the shore without any major issues, apart from a few students who, strangely enough, ended up taking a surprise swim due to their loose tongues.

"Welcome." A sharp, resonating voice cut through the air, bringing immediate silence among the students. Standing tall and formidable was a woman with a stern visage, her frame reminiscent of a noble - slim and elegant.

"I congratulate you all for being accepted into the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please, follow me to the Sorting Ceremony; it has already begun." She said, casting a disapproving glance towards the innocent Hagrid, who was clearly not to blame for the delays crossing the lake.

As the grand doors opened, an awe-inspiring hall awaited us. Decorated with immeasurable wealth, historical paintings, and a ceiling brimming with magic, it was a sight to behold. A sense of wonder filled my chest.

"Split into two lines. Boys on the right, girls on the left," the woman commanded, and the students obeyed.

The ceremony proceeded much like in the original canon, though there were some inconsistencies. Draco never extended his invitation to Harry, and Ronald, who appeared to be friends with Harry already, never insulted Draco.

'Hmm... Where's that bushy-haired girl?' I found myself wondering. Hermione was nowhere in sight, which concerned me. Without her, Harry wouldn't be able to navigate his way through the trials that lay ahead.

'Great Sage, do an appraisal of the man wearing the turban. I need to confirm if he is the same Quirrell from the canon.'

The result arrived quickly. {Positive. Quirrell hosts another magical entity in his body. The magical signature matches 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' - Voldemort.}

Nodding to myself, I carefully avoided looking at Quirrell as the sorting process continued. Familiar names rang out through the hall, each followed by the assigned house.

"Hannah Abbot" - "Hufflepuff" "Susan Bones" - "Hufflepuff" "Lavender Brown" - "Gryffindor" "Terry Boot" - "Ravenclaw"

As the sorting went on, my gaze inevitably landed on the teachers' table, and I found myself locked in a gaze with beautiful emerald eyes.

'Lily...' The name echoed in my mind. An unknown feeling surged within me, a mix of pain and anger that made me question the sudden surge of my emotions.

{Responding. Timothy shares a familiar bond with the woman 'Lily Evans Potter.' Timothy was named by her, placing a strong bond. The bond is significantly stronger than what an offspring typically shares with their parents for unknown reasons. Great Sage suggests that Timothy learn 'Mind Arts' and 'Ancient Runes' for a possible solution.}

"Harry Potter!" The tall woman, who was none other than McGonagall, called out, her voice slightly louder. I could see a hint of pride radiating from her as her eyes landed on the young boy, who was immersed in a lively conversation with the girls around him.

I found Lily's gaze again, her curiosity evident. But as her son was called, her attention shifted, and I was forgotten. An unfamiliar sting of rejection pierced me. As a grown man, I was seeking validation from the ones who had abandoned me.

The sorting hat was placed on Harry's head, and, unsurprisingly, it immediately shouted, "Gryffindor!"

One by one, students were sorted into their respective houses, until I was the last one remaining.

"Timothy?" McGonagall asked, glancing between the parchment in her hand and me. As I nodded in confirmation, she signaled me towards the stool.

"What do we have here... Hmmm.... I can't read his mind!" The Sorting Hat announced aloud, surprising the entire hall.

Annoyance twisted my features into a scowl. The damned hat was supposed to keep its findings to itself, but it seemed it was all too ready to blow my cover.

'Great Sage, perform a thorough analysis on the hat. Check its materials, the enchantments it's running on. Especially, I need to know how it's able to read minds.'

{Affirmative. Estimated time: 2mins.}

"Ahem... Can you repeat that?" McGonagall asked, to which the hat replied, "He seems to have a natural shield around his mind. I can't even read his surface thoughts, hence I don't know where to place him."

The reaction from the students was less of awe and more of whispers and curious glances. To their knowledge, only magical creatures possessed such a natural defense, a feature often associated with giants, who were born with powerful Occlumency shields, earning them the term 'thick-skulled.'

"Interesting..." A new voice traveled from behind me, causing my heart to thump uncomfortably. I didn't need my Magic Sense to know the aura behind me was dangerously powerful.

Having watched numerous videos on Dumbledore, I had initially dismissed him as less than noteworthy(senile). Now, however, I was forced to confront my ignorance. I wasn't in a children's fantasy story anymore. I was in a world where wizards plotted every day for control, a world filled with twisted beings that wouldn't hesitate to use their magic for unspeakable deeds.