
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
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16 Chs

The Alliance

Liu Feng talked to Zhao Yu and convinced him to join his plan. He used the information and tools that the system had provided him, such as the encryption code, the video, and the list of the organization and its members. He proved to Zhao Yu that he was a friend and a colleague of the Project Phoenix team. He told Zhao Yu what had happened to him and his parents. He told Zhao Yu what he wanted to do and why he wanted to do it. He asked Zhao Yu to help him and join him.


Zhao Yu listened to Liu Feng and felt a shock and a sympathy. He couldn't believe what Liu Feng had told him. He couldn't believe that Liu Feng and his parents had survived the attack. He couldn't believe that Liu Feng had a system and a plan. He couldn't believe that Liu Feng wanted to destroy the organization and avenge their colleagues.


He felt a surge of grief and anger. He remembered his colleagues and friends. He remembered their work and their dream. He remembered their death and their loss.


He felt a glimmer of hope and curiosity. He wondered if Liu Feng's system and plan were real and effective. He wondered if Liu Feng's system and plan could succeed and make a difference. He wondered if Liu Feng's system and plan could restore and honor their work and their dream.


He felt a mix of doubt and trust. He wondered if Liu Feng was telling the truth and not lying to him. He wondered if Liu Feng was sane and not crazy. He wondered if Liu Feng was good and not evil.


He heard Liu Feng's voice say:


- "Zhao Yu, I know this is hard to believe and accept. I know this is risky and dangerous. I know this is crazy and extreme. But this is the only way. The only way to get justice and revenge. The only way to expose and stop the organization and its crimes and conspiracies. The only way to save and protect the project and its legacy and potential. The only way to find and fulfill our purpose and destiny. Please, Zhao Yu, help me. Join me. We can do this together. We can make this happen. We can make this right. What do you say?"


Zhao Yu thought for a moment. He weighed the pros and cons. He considered the risks and rewards. He made his decision.


He said:


- "Liu Feng, I don't know if you are telling the truth or lying to me. I don't know if you are sane or crazy. I don't know if you are good or evil. But I do know this. You are my friend and colleague. You are one of the survivors of the Project Phoenix team. You are one of the dreamers of the Project Phoenix dream. And I am too. I am your friend and colleague. I am one of the survivors of the Project Phoenix team. I am one of the dreamers of the Project Phoenix dream. And I want to see that dream come true. I want to see that dream rise from the ashes. I want to see that dream be the new dawn for humanity. So, Liu Feng, I will help you. I will join you. I will follow your system and your plan. I will trust you and your friend. I will be your ally and your partner. I will be your brother and your comrade. I will be your wingman and your backup. I will be whatever you need me to be. I will do whatever you want me to do. I will go wherever you want me to go. I will fight whoever you want me to fight. I will die if you want me to die. I will live if you want me to live. I will do this for you. I will do this for us. I will do this for them. I will do this for the project. I will do this for the dream. I will do this for the world. I will do this for myself. I will do this with you. I will do this for you. What do you say?"


Liu Feng heard Zhao Yu's words and felt a shock and a gratitude. He couldn't believe what Zhao Yu had said to him. He couldn't believe that Zhao Yu had agreed to help him and join him. He couldn't believe that Zhao Yu had trusted him and followed him. He couldn't believe that Zhao Yu had become his ally and his partner.


He felt a surge of joy and relief. He felt happy and lucky to have Zhao Yu on his side. He felt confident and hopeful to have Zhao Yu on his team. He felt strong and powerful to have Zhao Yu on his back.


He felt a mix of respect and love. He respected Zhao Yu for his courage and loyalty. He loved Zhao Yu for his friendship and support. He thanked Zhao Yu for his sacrifice and dedication.


He said:


- "Zhao Yu, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my friend and colleague. Thank you for being my ally and partner. Thank you for being my brother and comrade. Thank you for being my wingman and backup. Thank you for being whatever I need you to be. Thank you for doing whatever I want you to do. Thank you for going wherever I want you to go. Thank you for fighting whoever I want you to fight. Thank you for dying if I want you to die. Thank you for living if I want you to live. Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for doing this for us. Thank you for doing this for them. Thank you for doing this for the project. Thank you for doing this for the dream. Thank you for doing this for the world. Thank you for doing this for yourself. Thank you for doing this with me. Thank you for doing this for me. What do I say? I say yes. Yes, Zhao Yu. Yes, we can do this. Yes, we can make this happen. Yes, we can make this right. Yes, Zhao Yu. Yes, we are in this together. Yes, we are the Project Phoenix team. Yes, we are the Project Phoenix dream. Yes, Zhao Yu. Yes, we are the new dawn for humanity."