
The boy, the vampire and the lie

Hi, I'm Karayan. You'll find out the meaning of that later. Yes, i am a vampire but i try my best not to drink human blood. So i drink animal blood instead. But if i smell a single drop of blood, it's hard to stop myself, although i just manage to. No i don't have red eyes, mine are a bright icy blue. My mother called them moon eyes. I have all of the typical Vampire traits: Extremely fast super strength able to jump high Being able to listen into conversations But i can also control people, make them do as i please. And the main difference, i can choose my age. I can choose to get older and if i do i keep aging and i can choose to get younger as well. So really, i don't have a specific age, but right now i'm thirteen. I go to Hogwarts (Third year) to get away from my bloodsucking family. They kill to get human blood, they steal it so they don't live with the feeling. I have light brown hair and you already know my eye colour with freckles dotted around the middle of my face like a mask. I thought it was going to be easier to hide myself from people if i went away, little did i know that i was actually a whole lot harder.

Just_a_slytherin · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

7. A dreadful morning

(Months later)

I felt horrible the next morning, I had a headache and stomach ache when I walked into the great hall. I also feel horrible for feeding on Draco, making him think it was a dream.

"Kara!" Fred shouted when he dragged George up to me. "He's been letting you feed?"

"Yeah? So what?"

"You could kill him!"

"But I don't! I let go when he tells me to"

"When did you last feed?"

"A couple of days ago" I shrugged. "Does that mean you're hungry now?"

"No I ate last night"

"Animal blood?"

I look at him for a bit. "No"

"Who did you bite?"

At that moment Draco walked in rubbing his shoulder with his sleeve rolled up as he looked at faint dots on his arm. I closed my eyes until he sat down and then looked at the twins again.

"Kara you didn't"

"I'm sorry! The smell got too strong and then when I was close I couldn't resist"

"Please say you didn't do it in the common room?"

"No! I kidnap him and take him to the woods"

"How many times have you-"

"Hey Kara?". I froze and turned around to see the blonde frowning at me. "What are you talking about?"

"Uh, I took a ferret into the woods to eat blood last night"

"I thought you couldn't eat animal blood?"

"I can't. I took him to have a try"

"Well uh, I had a dr- nightmare last night that you started sucking my blood out of me until I passed out. And then I woke up to this" he held his arm out to show the faint marks on his arm.

I frowned at it, the twins doing the same. "She couldn't have done that" Fred shook his act, I must say he's a very good actor.

"Draco I was in the common room when you woke up"

"You had the whole night to clean up"

"Anything could have bitten you!"

"Where did you bite George?"

"His shoulder?"

He looked around before unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt and showing the mark on his shoulder. "Did you bite me?"

"Yes" I sighed. "What did you mean I'm harder to ignore?"

I looked around and dragged him out of the great hall. "I mean that when I smelt your blood, you became my strongest scent. Which means that it's harder for me not to drain every bit of blood from your body. I'm struggling right now just to be around you"

"What were you staring at the other day at lunch?"

"Your arm"

"What do you mean by strongest scent?"

"It means that I would do anything for your blood. Even if that means I have to kill for it"

"Kill me?"

"No. Kill others" I frowned.

"I'm going to see that bird die. Do you wanna come?"


"Well I'm completely fine so, do you want to come?"

"Sure" I shrugged before following him out.

I was confused at how he just acted normal about me nearly killing him. Well that is until he kept inching away.

"Ah! Come to enjoy the show?" Draco grinned when he saw the trio walking up. "You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione shouted, drawing her wand and putting it to his throat.

"Hermione no! He's not worth it!" Ron shouted. Harry frowned at me as I stood and watched. Hermione lowered her wand and took a step away.

Draco started laughing and Hermione turned around and punched him in the face before he scuttled away. "Nice punch" I nodded.

"Why are you hanging out with Malfoy?"

"I don't know. He's alright if he likes you"

"What's up with you and my brothers?" Ron frowned as he changed the subject. "We're friends"


"Our family used to be friends. Apparently I was important to all of them but my parents removed your memories. Well everyone but the twins because they weren't there"


"They know my secret. They know what I am"

"What are you?"

"A Grief" I grinned. "I'm Her-"

"Hermione Granger, I know" 

"Ron Wesley and Harry Potter as well. I take it you've heard of Sirius Black?"

"How do you know about him?"

"I know everyone. I also even know your rat"

"You know Scabbers?"

"Well his name isn't Scabbers"

"We're heading down to Hagrid's. Do you want to come?"

"Yeah. I need to speak to him anyway"

"About what?"

"An incident"

When we got down there i scowled at the Hippogriff as we went in and then frowned at Hagrid. "Ah hello Kara. I wasn't expecting you today"

"Hagrid i snapped" His face went serious and he pulled me aside. "Who?"

"Malfoy. But he knows, i told him"

"And is he ok?"

"Yes he says he's completely fine"

"As long as he says that. Please be more careful"

I nodded with a smile and looked at the others who tried not to listen in.

My head lifted up straight when the smell of god filled my nose. "Black" I growled before storming out of the door and zooming to the shack.


"It's about time you found me.Come to get revenge? Or are you finally going to give me that hug i've been waiting for?"

I smiled and went up to him, throwing my arms around him with a slight giggle. "What are you doing Sirius? Dementors are everywhere"

"They haven't found me yet though have they?" He grinned.

"I heard you've been having trouble with blood. That poor boy"


"The Malfoy. That looked like it hurt"

"Well duh he had teeth digging into him"

"Listen, i found this" He held out a few flasks tied together. I took them and sniffed the liquid inside. "Where did you get human blood, Sirius?"

"I didn't do anything bad. I just stole it"

"That is bad"

"I know" He grinned again. "Thanks. How's your neck?"

"Fine why?"


"Oh right! Yeah its fine" He said, pulling the neck of his shirt down to show the bite mark. "I'm sorry again about that"

"I already told you it's fine, Grief. There's one more in there somewhere, i lost it"

"I'll find it, thanks" I said before heading through one of the windows.

I threw furniture around as the smell got stronger. I finally found it and went up the stair to where i imagined he was. I frowned and stopped in my tracks when i smelt blood again. I checked all of the flask bottles which were all closed and looked up before following the trail.

"Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius shouted when i walked into the room. "I found it- Oh"

"Kara?" Ron frowned.

I looked down at his leg, the whites of my eyes going black at the sight and smell of his blood. "Just wait one more minute, Harry has a right to know why" Lupin said. They glanced at me for a second when they realised i was actually there. Sirius came over to me when Lupin continued and looked me in my eyes.

He waved his hand in front of my face but stopped me when i stepped forward. "Corner, now"

I looked at him and did as he said and sat in the corner, not taking my eyes off Ron's leg. I didn't hear anything else, my mind was focused on wanting the blood.

I only just noticed Snape flying at the bed in the corner of my eyes.

Ron looked terrified, both him and Hermione did at my eyes and at the fact i hadn't blinked or looked away from his leg.

Then Peter was turned from the rat, the ugly man was dragged out of the door. "First of all, Kara drink what's in the flask, it will take your mind off of his leg"

I glanced at Lupin and brought one of the flasks out and unscrewed it. Ron studying my every move as i took a sip.

Finally whatever that was, was over and the three turned to me before they were about to leave. "What's wrong with her?" Ron frowned. "Why wont she stop looking at my leg?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"We only met today"

"Look what she's drinking" He grinned as i took another sip, a drop running down from my lip. "Is that-"

"Blood? Yes. She's a vampire. One of the strongest people i know because of her self control. Right now it's killing her not to dig her teeth into your neck"

"My brothers know about you?"

"Mhm. George is the one who helped me feed" I said as i stood up. "What?"

"When i was getting too skinny i went to the bathroom and he trapped me in there. And then said i could drink his blood so i wouldn't kill myself. I've tasted Fred's as well when he taunted me. You remember the animal attack?"

"That was you?"

"Mhm. He's right-" I said before grabbing Peters shoulder and forcing him back down on the chair. "It's killing me not to hurt you right now" I stepped closer again, Sirius grabbing my shoulder to help stop me.

"Help us get him out will you?"

"Ok" I nodded, gently grabbing his arm and lifting him off of his chair. He wobbled as i put his arm over my shoulder and walked him to the door. "We'll be out after you"

I frowned as i sat in front of Ron whilst Sirius talked to Harry and Lupin held Peter down. "Is it that hard to stop?"

"It took me three years to be able to only drink animal blood. Fred ruined that. Now im pretty much allergic. It's so hard not to attack you right now"

"What does blood taste like?"

"To me amazing. To you it would probably taste horrible"

"What's she doing?" I nodded at Hermione as she sat with her back to the both of us. "Don't know" He shrugged. I nodded my head once and took another sip of blood to avoid the temptation.

"You know, i wish i could stop this" I frowned. "What?" Ron frowned back. I launched at him at the same time as Lupin turned, a sharp pain in my stomach as i rolled onto my side. I curled up with a grunt and looked down to see sharp piece of wood sticking out of my stomach.

I laid shaking and grunting before i rolled onto my back. Harry had run off and i was left with Snape, Ron and Hermione who was scowling at me.

I growled and wrapped my fingers around the wood. I closed my eyes and tugged lightly on the wood, it sending a string of pain through my body. I opened my eyes and breathed a couple times before closing them again and ripping out the stake that she made. I growled again and rolled over, curling into a ball as i did so.

I grinned and stood up slowly. "Nice try, Granger. But there's one thing that you didn't do and you should've" I said as i walked over, the stake in my hand dripping with blood. I knelt down behind Ron, holding the back of his neck and putting the point to his throat. "And what's that?" She frowned, slightly fearful. "Always aim for the heart" I said before disappearing with Ron to the hospital wing.