
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs


With a couple of people vomiting, and a few passing out, we were left with 5 left, all male. "Oh, you guys seem to be strong-willed! Excellent. Now, hold tight, as you might feel a little lightheaded." I warned as I have not tried sucking skills before. Sitting back down on the fleshy body of the monster, I closed my eyes and activated my skill. The familiar layout of people with two glowing origins in their bodies assaulted my senses.

"I'll kill you!" One brave soul said, hopefully trying to get to me while I was distracted. Luckily, Spike was there to save the day. Chopping off both of his legs with a wet squish, the man screamed in agony, clutching what used to be his legs. At the same time, I was looking through all of the skills I could find, as I have temporarily gotten rid of their entire life through their memories.

Now standing immobile and unconscious, the System-users were now at my complete disposal. "Damn, all of these skills suck…Oh, here is one!" I exclaimed, looking at a legendary grade skill.

[Passive Defense|Legendary|Passive]

This skill allows the user to be able to gain a new base stat Defense. As well as this new stat, every time the user gets attacked or injured, one point will be added to the defense stat, making the host's skin harder to pierce, and bones and organs harder to destroy. [No Mana required].

"Damn, this is such an OP skill!" I said, looking over to a scrawny boy, who looked like he wanted to die rather than stay here. I assume that his little attempts, like stabbing himself with a pencil or something, did not work, as each time he did so, he became even more invincible. Well let's test that theory out, the wanting to die part, I mean.

Lifting the Manipulation on a small student, whose name is Darek, the first thing he did was try to run. "Spike, kill him," I ordered. Without hesitation, Spike did his disappearing trick and appeared right in front of the boy, slicing downwards with all his might. Normally, Spike would only have to use maybe a tenth of his strength, but I think he sensed something is different about this kid.

With a clean cut to the noggin, the kid was cut as easily as a knife through butter, a slight changing noise when he first came in contact with Spike's massive halberd. Good thing I already took his skill before I took his life. Anyways, with a surge of power flooding through my body, I looked at the four, slightly crazy children in my presence. Huh, seems my mentality has changed a lot from when I was System-less. Not that it is of big consequence now.

Looking over the kids, it is sad that I am only able to manipulate five memories at once. Although it never said so in the restrictions of the skill itself, I found out by running past a group of students while trying to find the other members of the 12 lizardmen. It was a group of 8, to be exact. Without much thought, I tried to get all of their memories erased, but only got to five of them, and the six were just confused.

The other 2 were completely untouched by my skill, which ticked me off a bit. Eh, I can't be too OP yet, I still have yet to build a harem. Back to the task at hand. Once the energy dispersed through my body, I immediately erased all the memories of the rest of the students, putting them in a coma that would last forever, hopefully. Even if they did wake up, they would not remember a thing, thus posing any threat.

Now, stepping over the bodies of the students, I beckoned Spike to follow me, which he did after flicking the crimson blood off of his weapon, almost as big as him. Now, for the best course of action. As for what that is, I need my phone. Pulling out the item, I went onto the main news channel, which is almost always reliable.

As shown before, there is the same reporter, in the middle of a report with what looked like a group of drunk people, slightly gray and groaning. Anyone with a shred of sense would know that these are Zombies, but apparently, the reporter did not think so. Walking up to one of the 'members', she tried to engage in conversation.

"Hey, what do you think of this whole situation-AUGHH!!" She screamed right after getting half of her face chopped off by the same man she tried interviewing. Of course, seconds later, the camera fell, tinted with blood. Screams of help could be heard and begging for the pain to stop could also be heard mixed in with the frequent screaming.

Well, the best source of info is right by my side. "Spike, what exactly is your purpose on this planet in particular? I thought that it was just me." I said sagely. Of course, this act could be seen as silly by anyone else, but my life was in danger if I did not keep this up.

"My lord, our purpose on this planet is to see what other universes could be taken over by different races. To be honest, sire, I had no idea that the other races also had their sights set on conquering this pathetic plant. It must be because of all the life force that can be extracted from the population. Normally, there are billions of other planets with higher populations of species, but this one stuck out to us not long before we invaded.

"What made it special is the sudden surge in Life Force or LF. As you might not know what this is, I will enlighten you, my lord. LF is a type of resource that every being coveted, and only some species, much like these diseases that inhabit this planet, are ignorant of. What LF can, and is used for is the increase of one's life span, as well as an increase in their power." Spike said, substitute teacher mode activating.

"So, you are saying that these pathetic meat sacks have been used after all? And what could have happened to increase the life force of these people?" I asked, already knowing the real answer. I just wanted to hear what Spike had to say.

"To be frank, I have no clue why there was a sudden surge of LF in this world, but it was not my decision to invade, as I only follow orders. Speaking of which, what is our next course of action, sire?" Spike asked, using the best segway I have heard in a while. Anyways, that is what I was wondering too.

"We will gather more people to serve me, to battle against the obvious uprising of the humans. I have gained a little of my power back, although in an unorthodox manner. I am afraid I will not be like my old self as I regained my power before I came to this rotten world. From what I have seen, this world is full of despair, corruption, and beings who will believe anything at first glance, not caring for evidence, even when faced with a valid argument.

"This world needs new management, and I feel like the one responsible for such a thing. It was just my luck that the invasion happened just as I was going to do this by myself. But anyway, we need to find more monsters to corrupt. Although I cannot tell you how I do it, you will just have to trust me. Do you?" I asked, knowing full well that he has to, lest he break his oath of loyalty.

"Of course, I believe you, my lord. I would never question any of your decisions. Indeed, as for the info that I have been given about this planet, it has few weapons that could affect us invaders, but since you have lost your power, and your ambitions will inevitably make you an enemy of the world, I believe that you do, indeed, need an army to protect yourself." Spike said with a bow. This facility is certainly admirable, as well as his deduction of our situation.

"Excellent. Now, time to find more prey for my army. The first species that I think I could use as meat shields to protect me from the current situation is the Undead. From the news, which is used to spread information, I gathered that people are still not accustomed to the new species, so having zombies would instill fear inside most people, leaving us to find a base, and also gather more species." I told Spike, who seemed to agree with this plan.

Although there were a lot of things that could go wrong, I still believe this is the best course of action. Of course, this was not the only reason I chose to go after zombies. As I still do not know the extent of the limitations of my new skills, I have to take this slow and carefully adjust to the citation, and not go around trying to brainwash anyone I want. I don't think I need to address how stupid that would be.

Walking again down Mainstreet, I tried my best to spot a small group, if not a solo zombie, but all I found were giant hoards of them. Were there no introverts in this town?! Upon seeing my concerned face, Spike seemed to bring up a very surprising idea.

"My lord, are you concerned about the undead we will have to face? If that is the case, then I should be the best tool to do it. You see, when you disappeared, our world was invaded by the Undead, such as the creatures you see before you. As such, I have honed my skills in keeping these unholy creatures at bay, so they are easy pickings for me." Spike said, puffing out his built chest. It would seem this would not be as challenging as I first thought.