
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Living Nightmare?!

Nodding in acknowledgment and approval, Spike disappeared again, reappearing in the swarm. However, I did tell him that I needed one, preferably the strongest one. I did not tell him why, but I assume his loyalty to me would outway his curiosity. Leaning against a crumbling market store, I watched in envy as I saw spike kill and slaughter those zombies with ease.

Something I noticed is that Spike always aimed for the head, and when he missed, which was a 1/100 chance, he double tapped it, piercing its head. It would seem that the movie stereotypes killing zombies, which is to either destroy completely or chop off the head of undead creatures, mainly zombies.

Eyes and smile widening, I spotted in the distance a zombie that was at least two times taller than the other, but very slim for its size. With little to no meat on it, and long legs and arms, It looked like something out of a nightmare, with a head so oval-like and eyes are so hollow that I don't think any amount of concept art could capture this horror. This is the one I wanted.

Looking back to see the progress that Spike was making, I was surprised to see that he was almost finished with the initial group. The reason why I did not want more than onesies was because if I could not control it, as it is undead and its nerves in the brain could not work, it might interfere with the magic, making getting an entire group of brain-hungry zombies be all for nothing.

I mean, if I just get the strongest one, I could kill it with the help of Spike, most likely giving me more experience than just some measly zombies. After concluding that this plan is the best course of action, I saw that Spike has already completed killing every tiny zombie, reaching the big one, which seemed to be more than a little trouble for Spike. Not wanting my first servant to die on the first day, I went over to try to help him.

If I could get agro of such a tall monster, then I think Spike might be able to disable it. When I got closer, I saw what was giving Spike so much trouble. On its hands, fingers were about as long as a normal human's forearm, had massive claws, which looked to be made of its bone, and were swinging them around with lightning-fast speed. I can say with utmost confidence that I would not last a second against this creature in my current form.

Getting an idea, I looked for a supply store, which is not hard to find in this compact city. Surprisingly, the building that I was leaning on originally was a tool shop as well. Digging through the rubble, I found what I was looking for. Metal cable. I think this is used for telephone cables or something of that sort, but it was much easier to handle with my newfound strength.

Picking up five rolls of it, I rushed back, which was about 60mph. Reaching Spike, I shouted at him to retreat for a second. "Spike, I have an idea on how to stop this creature without killing it. This creature cannot feel pain, lest it slows down due to its injuries. So, the only thing we can do is tie it up." I said, hefting the cable.

Understanding lit up Spike's eyes, and he just nodded, as he was out of breath from stalling the creature for half an hour, which was how long it took for me to find this damned cable. Before I ran back to Spike, I pre-tied all of the cables together into two big ropes, able to tie up a mega zombie, which is what I dubbed this monster. It is more likely a boss, but mega zombie sounded slightly better.

Taking one of the two cables and giving one end to Spike, I told him the plan. It was sort of like Luke tying up the AT-AT. With a simultaneous nod that is only seen in movies, we both ran at top speed toward the monster, which was tumbling towards us. No matter how much pain the monster could withstand, that does not affect the wounds it had accumulated.

Pulling the cable taut, at the last second we ducked under the swipes that the MZ, Mega Zombie, unleashed from its terrifying claws. Ducking as low as we could, we started the wrapping. As soon as we came into contact with the legs of the monster, we immediately set to spinning around it, making sure to avoid hitting each other. Once we made five wraps, Spike used one of his skills which used flames, soldering the two ends together and doing the same for the other parts of the cable.

Then, with me giving one of its knees a kick, it tumbled down in slow motion, knees first and then on its face. It slowly started to get up, however, so I could not rest yet. Time for the second stage of my plan. Jumping on its arms, both my weight and Spikes was just enough to keep them down. Luckily they were skinny, or else we would have gone flying. Taking the second cable/rope from off my back, I flung one end to Spike, who was holding down the monster's right arm.

Catching it smoothly, he started to tie it to the monster's forearms, not wrists, as the monster could probably break them easily just to escape. Can't have that, now can we? As the tension was too strong for us both to tie at the same time, I had to wait for what seemed like hours, worrying that this creature would somehow engage in a berserk skill or some shit like that. Of course, this was still amusing, so the smile on my face didn't waver.

As soon as I felt a little slack on the cable, I started mine. Wrapping it multiple times, I did as many knots as I could do, as you could not be too careful with something like this. Oh, and before I tied the arm, I tightened the slack, bringing both arms behind its back, making the thing groan loudly, making me flinch. If this guy can call subordinates, we might be fucked. After a couple of minutes, I was pretty sure that no other monsters is coming.

Speaking of a few minutes, that is all it took to tie it down. Wiping the sweat off of my face, I hopped off the skeleton like the back of the MZ, looking at my handiwork. "Alright, Spike, I am going to need some privacy for this. I will also need your sword for this, just in case, it wakes up. And don't worry, I am slowly getting back my former strength. If you have to do something, watch out for other monsters." I said firmly.

"Yes, my lord." He said hesitantly, not wanting to leave my side, especially near such a dangerous being. But it was his lord, so he had to obey his commands. Trotting towards the edge of a dilapidated building and rounding its corner, I activated [Mind Manipulation], as well as [Skill Steal]. The familiar grid appeared in my mind, but this time there was only one orb instead of two. I thought that it would just be the orb inside the head, but it was the opposite.

I guess my hypothesis about zombies was right, no matter how powerful they are. Anyways, let's see what this creature's skills are


[Fury Swipes|Uncommon|Active]

This skill allows the user to continuously attack without needing to rest. The duration of this skill lasts longer as the host levels up. [MP cost: 5]

[Bone Manipulation|Rare|Active]

This skill allows the user to manipulate their bones in such a way that they can be used as weapons, defense, or just to gross people out. [MP cost: 7]

Hmm, these are not the best, but still pretty good. At least they aren't common. In a world that got assaulted with alien lifeforms, any advantage you can get is worth it, especially when you are first starting. Of course, I could not take the skills without killing this beast first, and I cannot control this thing anyway, so there's no real loss if I kill it. Taking the sword and walking slowly over to the MZ, I did a quick stab at his dome. I kept adding a couple more.

The wounds I inflicted were too shallow to do much damage, so I was making this thing into a pin cushion. It's a shame that it can't feel anything. Well, to end its suffering or lack of suffering, I used all my strength to crack its skull, getting a squishy sound. But before I collected the skills, and with the monster's last breaths, I carved a smiley face on its back.

Though I did not see it, the red light that was constantly being emitted from the beast went out, more lifeless than it already was. Collecting the skills, I was about to leave, but before I could, a notification, embroidered with gold, showed up in my field of vision


{You are the first human in the world to kill a high-class [Zombie King]. As a reward, you will be given a legendary [Gift Box], as well as 100 [Reputation Points]!}

Author's note:

Hey Guys! I am going to discontinue the 1.5k words and go down to 1k for better updates. sorry for not uploading in a while, I have been working on my other book, Reincarnated as a Spore! Go give it a read if you want another quality work of literature. anyways, have a great day, and thanks for your support.