
the forest

As Suki walked through the forest he could hear the mud splashing up he knew that it had been raining. Suki looked around only to see a landscape he had never seen before. "Great I'm lost," Suki whispered under his breath. His black hair was tied up in a baby ponytail, his honey coloured eyes glistened as the sun started to go down. Suki was wearing a bright yellow hoodie that said chargebolt on it which was a reffrence to his favorite anime he was also wearing Black jeans and some vans. As he walked he could feel his eyelids starting to get heavier as the sun went down more. Suki knew he wasn't going to get home in time and his parents wouldn't even notice him gone so he had to find a place to sleep. After around ten minutes of walking he could see something up ahead but wasn't sure what it was because of the fog.

The more he walked he could identify that it was a building but not any building a mansion. He decided that it would be best to see if someone lived there and if so see if he could stay the night. He knew not to trust strangers but if the person who lived there was nice he would easily pick mansion over sleeping outside in the mud. Once he got to the front of the house he could see every detail clearly from the desings craved into the stone wall to the lights that shined on him it was beautiful. The house had an old sort of style it looked more like a Victorian castle then a mansion. when he walked up to the door he saw a gold knocker that he used to nock on the door as he did he could hear the sound echoing through the house, whoever lived hear was filthy rich. Suki could hear shuffling before the door opened. Once it did it showcased a a very attractive boy around the same age as Suki which was 17. Suki hadent even noticed that he was staring until the teen at the door spoke "Um may I help you," the boy said in a quiet tone of voice it was so difrent to the one Suki heard a lot which was loud very LOUD. "Oh hi um I got lost and its stating to get dark so I was wondering if I could maybe stay here for the night and if not, do you know somewhere I could sleep," Suki wasn't good with people so he wanted this to be over soon. "Oh of course you can stay" the boy said now with a smile on his face" My name's Leo by the way" Leo was happy he had someone to talk to as for he lived on his own." Suki" " sorry what was that" "Suki that's my name," "oh well than it's nice to meet you suki now please suki come in it's cold out." And with that Suki walked in to the house to see a butifull decorated home it definitely had an old style as it wasn't very modern but that's what made it that much better. As Suki walked through the house he saw a window that looked out onto the garden, it wasn't very clear because of the frost on window but what he could see was a lake that had flowers growing around it. It was beautiful but as the boys walked on he could smell something like cookies or maybe cupcakes whatever it was it smelled delicious. " Hey Leo right what's that smell," "oh that's the smell of cookies I made earlier today if you want you can have some in the morning," "Please."Suki was ecstatic but something botherd him " Umm are you're parents ok with this," he whisperd. "Oh my parents they," Leo took a second before he spoke again " My parents live abroad making money." "Oh sorry if it was a sensitive subject," "no your alright" then it hit suki. HE LIVES ALONE IN A MANSION also he 17 so it must get lonely. As the boys walked through the many halls they finally came to a stop "here you can sleep here for the night," Leo said in a confident voice. "oh thank you" "No problem". Next Suki opened the door to show an incredible room. As he walked in he could hear the door close behind him "Huh he gave me privacy," for anyone this would be a normal thing but for him it ment a lot. Suki decided to just sleep

because he was tired very tired.

As Suki walked into the room Leo decided to turn of all the lights and go to sleep so that's what he did. When he got to his room he got changed and went to bed. HE was happy that he had a visitor all tho he would never admit it he was very lonely in the mansion and longed for someone to talk to.

The next morning Leo got up hoping that Suki was still there and that last night was not a dream but at last. Suki was not there and neither was any sign of life in guest room that he had slept. This really upset Leo but their was nothing he could do about it so he decided to just leave it and get ready for school.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

G_gamesquad11creators' thoughts