
At home

1030 words.

As Suki woke up he could hear three voices from down stairs

"hah I won"

"you did,well done"

"good job kid"

"o my your amazing Zach."

Great Zach as Suki opened his eyes he could see his room. He felt like something had happened last night but he couldn't member anything so he left it. "HAHAHAHA" Suki had forgot Zach was at his house.Suki hated Zach. HE was rude, annoying, and most importantly he was a bully.  Zach was his sister boyfriend. Eliszibeth was her name.She was the perfect girl, she had long blond hair and amazing blue eyes not a freckel in sight and the perfect body unlike Suki who was short and way to skinny.

Suki walked in to the sitting room to see Zach, Elizibeth, his mother and father."Hey nerd" Zach yelled at Suki. He turned around to face Zach "what do you want" "I need to talk to you" Suki knew this wasn't good news because Zach had a smirk on his face."what do you want Zach" Suki repeted in an annoyed tone of voice. " Is that anyway of talking to someone older than you," the guest said with a weird look on his face. Zach was talking to Suki as if he were a mere child. Which he was not and was actually 5 years younger than Zach 17 ( I did the maths Zach and Elizabeth are 22. 22 - 5 = 17 ).To Suki, Zach acted like a 3 year old who would not get his way (and Suki was the parent.)

" Follow me" Zach said and then turned around  to face Elizabeth and blew her a kiss. She had a bright pink blush growing on her face as Suki and Zach left "disgusting," Suki said to himself he didn't understand how boys could like girls. All the boys in his class were always talking about girls and how they could impress them. Of course Suki was never in these conversations because the boys in his class weren't always the kindest but he listened to some of their conversations. Suki never had a crush on a girl or even a crush at all but then again no one  ever talked to him anyways. Suki was snapped out of his thoughts by Zach stopping in front of his room "Okay listen hear nerd " as if Zach had completely changed personality he was now angry and staring into Suki's soul. Suki did not like that. "I have been talking to your parents and your perfect sister." Suki hated the word perfect because everyone always talked about his perfect sister and never to him. "And they said I could move into your room in two months, you have two months to move out and find a new home or you will be on the streets." Suki's family did it they finaly said they didn't want him.

Over the next few days Suki tried to reason with his family but they weren't taking any of it and school wasn't to helpfull because the teenagers who bullied Suki only got worse when they found out that Suki was getting kicked out of his own home. Now it was Saterdayhe had got the news on Monday. Suki had to get ready for part time job in a café.

As Suki woke up then sun beamed through the window  "ugh" Suki did not want to get up today and for a fact he never wanted to get out of bed. Not because he was lazy but because he found nothing interesting to do anymore then sleep. In the land of dreams Suki had an amazing life and Suki did not want to wake up if he  was just going to be told how worthless he is again. Suki didn't find his old hobbies interesting anymore, he hadn't touched his game console in ages never mind the thousands of books on his shelf. Suki finally lifted himself up of his bed and went to go take a shower but didn't in the end. He put on his café uniform grabbed his backpack and headed to work.

As he reached the café he could see loads of people coming up the street so he knew it was going to be busy . As he walked in he could see his friend Emma well she wasn't really a friend more like someone he knew. "Hey Sukey," she always said his name wrong it was Suki not whatever she was calling him. "Hi" Suki said in his normal monotone voice. " So I heard you are getting kicked out of your house how sad," Emma said this with a pout on her face then laughed. Suki just ignored her he was not in the mood for bullying right now. "Hey stop ignoring me meanie," Emma tried to reason with him but it was just not happening.

As Suki worked at the café he got way to many orders of pumpkin spice latte and to little of just black coffee's which were easy to make unlike the Autumn special dink. Once his break started he walked down to the nearest library and picked up a book called assassin "huh weird for a story title but okay." It was 400 pages very colourful. He finished the book in the hour he was given as a break and walked back to the coffee shop this time there was a line a MASSIVE line. Apparently some dude from the private school of goldtown ( also known as probably the most expensive school in the world) had bought a coffee and said it was amazing. And that made everyone go crazy wanting to buy a Carmel frapachino. Great.

After making almost 1 million Carmel frapachino's Suki was finally finished his shift and earned €48. Enough to buy the book assassin 2 (because the library didn't have it) and a new jumper because the one he had now was ripping and cold.

After going to the shopping centre and buying both things he went home, put on his knew jumper and crawled up in bed until something hit him the rich guy who went to coffee shop Suki worked in was "LEO!".