


/"Lou I don't know what to do. She won't listen to a damn thing I say!/"

/"Harry, calm down. She's a girl who's had a lot of trust issues with men I mean Max? The ass hole cheated on her twice and tried to violate her in the middle of a club!/"

/"And who's the one that stopped him? Me! If anything I should be the person she trusts most./"

/"Well I can't blame her for being stubborn I mean you took her on a long vacation then disappeared on her, not to mention you almost...well kinda did cheat on her DURING that vacation. Maybe you need to do something to really prove you'd never do something like that./"Louis babbled, peeling the sticker from his beer bottle as he spoke/" I'm not saying put an engagement ring on her finger but let her know you're faithful, after all you are a million miles away from her with girls practically groveling at your feet/"