



I grabbed my bag and slung the strap over my shoulder, Matt charged before me grumbling profanities about my existence. I didn't care, I had more important things to think about. The most important being whether or not Cryssy was mad at me. I kind of blew her off last night, i didn't mean it but Matt was ranting and just answering set I'm off more. I wanted to call her back, I really did but there just wasn't any time.

/"i expect you back in 2 weeks/" Matt hissed, /"and no more of this shit. I swear to god if I have to bail you out of jail again you wont see her for a year, yeah?/"

/"fine, fine/" I muttered, ruefully. /"I'll be back in a week/" I promised, even though there was no way he was keeping me from her that long.

Matt scoffed. /"Get out of here Styles/"

/"With pleasure/" I bit back, leaving the building and hailing a cab. Twenty minutes and I'd be home again. Just twenty minutes.
