
The Bored Last Boss

Join Vin on his desire to get stronger as he climbs up from nothing to become the most powerful of them all

Carl_Joe · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

Back to the dungeon, Vin stood at alert looking tense with both of his weapons at the ready. Beside him was a dead black wolf but he had no time to pay attention to that. He was surrounded by a few black wolves, three of them to be exact.

Vin had stumbled on the lone wolf and killed it by himself but not before the wolf managed to howl out before Vin could deliver the killing blow. That was what led to the current predicament. The lone wolf was apparently not so alone and had called for help.

At the back of the pack was a much larger wolf but the wolf was white in color. The alpha of the pack. Currently a distance behind the encirclement, the large white wolf was sizing up the foolish prey that had dared the kill one of its pack members.

Standing in the middle of the encirclement, there was a mad grin on Vin's face. He did not know why but his blood was boiling in anticipation. He stood there with his weapons on high alert, not because he was encircled; He had already dealt with a few black wolves already, granted they were alone most of the time. No, his high alert would be the level 6 element wolf standing a little distance away looking down on him.

The wolves stood in place growling and baring their teeth at their prey, but none moved, as if waiting for permission. "Well, what are you waiting for you ugly mutts?!". On cue, the alpha in the back growled.

The wolves charged at Vin attempting to rip him apart at the signal of the alpha. One lunged at Vin wide mouthed wanting to bite off his head in a single chomp. Vin quickly ducked under the wolf and drove the broken thirteen-inch dagger sized spear into the neck of the wolf.

Another wolf was already behind him ready to bite when Vin used the momentum of the first wolf to drag the daggered wolf behind him just in time. The wolf bit down hard but all it bit was its now dead comrade. Vin quickly side stepped to the left of the wolf and drove his other broken spear into the head of the wolf killing it instantly.

Vin suddenly felt danger as he quickly rolled forward. He picked himself up in a hurry, readying himself for any kind of attack. Looking back at his previous location, he saw the stone floor with scorch marks.

Suddenly towering before him was the large alpha, and it did not look the least pleased. Having to watch as this worm killed off its pack had pissed it off. Obviously, the earlier attack had come from the alpha.

The reason why he had been on high alert earlier was because he had used his [APPRAISAL] skill on the alpha the moment it showed up. Vin had truly fallen in love with this skill of his. With the skill he had been expecting such an attack for a while now.

One needs to understand that at the right level, [APPRAISAL] skill can be a real cheat skill. Using it, the person knows what skills his or her opponent has in their arsenal and with that it was easier to prepare for it, and that is exactly what Vin did.

Name: Element wolf (Alpha)

Level: 6

Skill(s): 1. Pack leader - 30% increase in attack power as a pack of five (Alpha included). 3% increase with each one addition

2. Lightning Shot – Sends out a surge of lightning towards a target. 50% chance to stun higher level targets for 1 second.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

He had been expecting the [LIGHTNING SHOT] for quite a while. That was the only reason he had been on high alert. This is what he had been waiting for. Vin readied his weapons, his face plastered with a wide enough smile almost threatening to split his face. He run at full speed but not at the alpha but at the remaining black wolf standing a bit of distance away from the alpha.

The black wolf by the side moved towards the incoming Vin the moment it noticed it was targeting it. The alpha also moved, enraged at the fact that it was just ignored by this insect.

Seeing all of this, Vin only picked up more speed running towards the black wolf. Using the momentum of his speed, Vin stepped hard and with all his might, he threw the longer broken spear at the black wolf. The spear flew at great speeds, driving itself through the eye and into the brain of the black wolf.

Without missing a beat, Vin rolled to the side and quickly picked himself up. Due to the speed of the alpha, it was unable to stop itself in time but it still tried to take a bite out of Vin who was now crouched on one knee by its side.

Vin crouched even more as the bite of the passing alpha barely missed his head. Vin pushed off the ground with all his might from his crouch as he threw himself at the alpha, extending his dagger length spear, aiming for the neck of alpha. Unbeknown to the alpha, behind it was a dead pack member sliding towards it at full speed.

Because of the speed at which the black wolf was sprinting towards Vin, when the spear went through its head, although dead, its body continued to slide forward, barely losing its momentum. Using that sliding force, it pushed the unsuspecting alpha forward. Exactly what Vin was aiming for.

The alpha was unable to control its body. Using the force from the push it suddenly received from behind and the lunge from the crouch, Vin drove his dagger into the neck of the alpha. Yelping in pain, the white alpha swiped at Vin which threw him a few meters away.

The alpha thrashed around a bit trying to get the weapon out of its throat but it had been lodged very deeply in its throat. The more it thrashed about, the weaker it got until it finally lay on its side continuously weakening from the injury.

Feeling pain from all over his body, Vin forcefully picked himself up. The swipe had done some heavy damage. Vin dragged his battered body as he slowly walked closer to the dying alpha. He was in pain but he could not help himself from grinning. His heart was pounding in elation.

The battle was heart stopping. No matter how he looked at it, a single mistake or miscalculation could have caused him his little life. Vin reached the alpha who was lying on its side. Looking into its eyes, aside from light fading from the eyes of the beast, Vin saw rage.

The beast was angry at the fact that the puny thing that it could have ended anytime it wanted had bested it. If not for having no strength it would have already tried to attack one more time. To die together. Alas, it closed its eyes waiting to just die. It no longer had the strength to whine in pain.

"It must hurt" Vin slowly walked to the black wolf and pulled out his longer spear. It was about the length of an adult man's arm. Slowly walking back to the alpha, Vin looked down at it, "let me put you out of your misery."

Of course, he could just stand by and let the wolf die slowly but he did not want that. No, not when he just had such a heart pounding life and death battle. Vin was now beginning to understand why slashface enjoyed rushing into fights the way he did. Maybe it was in their blood?

It did not matter, the best thing to do now would be to put the beast out of its misery. Vin slowly lifted the spear when suddenly danger bells began ringing in his head. He quickly ducked as a loud whoosh sound passed overhead. Without much thought Vin threw himself forward to get away from whatever just attacked him.

He quickly picked himself up against all the protests of his body, readying himself for battle. He finally got a good look at whatever it was. Standing in his former place was a slightly large goblin. Although not that large compared to Vin himself. He held a large chipped axe but what was more distinct was the three claw marks on his face.

Seeing who it was Vin instantly became enraged, "Slashface you bastard, you just tried to kill me!". Looking at the axe in his hands Vin could not help but think; his head would have been separated from his body had he not ducked just now.

Vin tightened his grip around his spear so hard that it began to splinter. He was truly mad at the moment. Sure, he may have decided to leave the group, sure he left without letting him know but he did not believe it warranted his death. Unforgivable.

Vin was in absolutely no shape to fight right now, and he knew it. He may be angry but it had not clouded his thinking. Just as he was about to speak, he saw slashface slash his axe downwards, decapitating the dying alpha in one quick swing.


Vin screamed out, his eyes blood red from rage as he prepared to lunge at slashface

[A/N: Hi guys. Here's another chapter. Thank you for all the support. Especially slimeysocks12395 i really appreciate. As always please let me know what you think. More chapters incoming. Please enjoy]