
The Book Of Creation

A book That Creates reality or a whole Universe! A College student Named "Jay" His hands got on that book and now He can do what ever he wants! What ever means WHATEVER . And also he becomes The god of all the universes that he made! {See the story to see more~ and also stick with us to recieve the letest update first }

Rahul_kumar_roy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Mission deafet Abilene (4)

Jay stood frozen, his mind racing with confusion and shock. Abilene's words echoed in his ears, and he struggled to comprehend what he had just heard.

Jay: (shocked) Sister?

Abilene smirked, clearly enjoying Jay's bewilderment. She snapped her fingers, and Zara's consciousness returned. Zara blinked, disoriented, as she focused on Abilene.

Zara: (confused) Sister? Wait, what is your surname?

Abilene: (smirking) "SAINT." ABILENE SAINT.

Zara: (gasping) Abel! How did you go missing? I've searched for you everywhere, all my life! Why did you become like this? You look nothing like before!

Abilene: (laughing) That's right! I've become the strongest, the harbinger of death for all!

Zara: (desperate) Why? Why did you kill our parents and all our people?

Abilene: (shouting) DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? DO YOU? BECAUSE YOU ARE THE REASON, AND ALL THOSE HUMAN-FORMED DEMONS! They all deserved to suffer and die. Now, it's your turn. I will drag you to the depths of pain and death!

Zara: (pleading) Why do you hate me so much? Tell me the reason!

Abilene: (menacingly) I will tell you the story, but first, take what you deserve. If you can endure it, then I will explain.

Abilene's eyes darkened as she began to chant a spell.

Abilene: (chanting) "ATMA OF PAIN."

Zara's head snapped up, her eyes turning white. She stood still, her body beginning to shake uncontrollably.

Jay: (horrified) NOOO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ZARA?

Abilene: (coldly) It's a special spell that inflicts all the pain and suffering of the universe, page by page, like reading a book.

Jay: (desperate) Why are you doing this? What did she do to deserve this? Please, stop! STOP! Tell me the reason! Take me instead! Please, release her!

Abilene: (mocking) Oh, I see! Well, Mr. Romeo, if you're hungry and she eats for you, will your hunger go away? Are you stupid? Why did that book choose a dummy like you? Fine, you want to know the reason? This is all for my VENGEANCE COOLDOWN!

Abilene's face twisted with rage and pain as she began to recount the past.


When she was small she also wanted to become a great worrior like Zara, but some incidents made her fall away....

Abilene was like 4 years older than his sister zara, when she was 16 she started to train for the soldier position of the kingdom and after one year of dedication she finally succeeded to join the soldier position,

she was great with her combat skills and powers but oneday see got promoted by the king to be on upper class,

but some soldiers was jealous of her not only that the general who she replaced he was also intended to kill her so one day,

When she was sleeping in the night 10 soldiers included the general came into her room and successfully chloroforms her and then she went in a deep sleep,

After that when see was awake and saw her situation that her clothes are pieces and and she realised she got r*ped when she was sleeping she got freak out and then she started to scream,

All the other soldiers come into her room and she her like that.

After that day all the society started hate her and they all condemned about her on her back, so after that seamless incident because she didn't know who did it to her the law of the kingdom turned her victim to the guilty, because of the unfairness of the law she had to lose her job and dream so after that she got sited in home.

But on the other side of Abilene, Zara trying to be like his sister because she thinks her as her role model so she also started to train for the soldier position but they didn't allow after that because the father of Zara and Abilene was close to king, he got there with his request to join her to the army king also accepted the offer but three was one condition,

Zara's father have to sell his big doughter as his slave!! First first he hassitet and takes some days to think

So her father thought that she is a useless and cursed person now and if she continues to live with them they have to suffer more from insulting so after some day he finally got to the king and sells her as a slave of king and being the heartless person.

After that day her father never comes to visit her on the castle and the King was awful he torture her gave her unrested daily work and after long day the king use her as a human s*x toy to thrust his lust, every day same repeat and repeat one day the king's got a result as she got pregnant by the king!

Because this is a big thing for king's reputation he selled her to another Kingdom there she also got so much tortured, limited food, and all day long work with out rest in her that pregnant situation! But one day because she lives with more slaves so one of the slave leads all the slave's to escape that horrible place so in that group she also manege to escape that place but 90% of slave's got caught and killed,

So after running away from there she was so tired and she got in an middle of a forest so after that escaping running she find a tree to rest under it, suddenly she hear a music a smoothing music of the fiddle.

That music relaxed her but she wants to know where it's coming from so she started to follow the music's track and got front of a butifull waterfall there's so many butterfly's flying around and a man in a a reddish brown shrug a middle length black hair playing the instrument.

But suddenly he stopped and then

said :- I am here to save you!

Abilene:-who are you? And how do you know that I am here?

The man:- let's call me Tam! Don't know maybe the destiny pulled me at you so I can save you!

Abilene:- Tam ? That's a weird name but if you're really here to save me please can you help me to publish this little life out of me because I can't I can't take it anymore help me!

Tam:- yeah okay I will just close your eyes and push it as much as you can!

After some intense painful hours the screaming the pain!

Tam:- (Seeing some things he mind silence)

Abilene:- OH WHAT HAPPENED DID IT GOTTEN OUT? Hey why didn't you saying nothing? Hey !...!..!!!!!!!!!!! HEY LITTLE ONE WAKY WAKY.... WAKE UP....HEY WAKE UP....HEY YOUR MOTHER taking to you..... PLEASE.. PLEASE WAKE UP... PLEASE.....OHH GOOD WHY ME WHY ALWAYS ME!!!!

So Abilene's first child died in her hand, the child died because the torture, the limitations of food and everything.

Tam:- Let the little soul free there's no bothering to lock the soul anymore give here give him to me!

After some hours of crying she gives her child a kiss in forehead as a last farewell and then hand it over to Tam.

Tam close his eyes:- let the little soul free! (The body of the baby turn into golden dust and flickers and fly away

Tam:- I know why it's happened because

You got tortured so many times that not only you but it's also effected the baby!

Now it's your time to take your revenge and be the strongest I know your potential that's why I am here to help you (put his hands in front of her and said) be my side and I will help you to that point where your going to be the finest in survival!

Abilene:- (a anger and a colour of VANGENCE in her eyes Shak his hands)

After that he trained her 12 years given her all the knowledge of darkness and magic realism.

And then she first killed her parents she can't get to harm Zara before because she wasn't there in that time and she also cursed all the mens in that planet and then they died slowly slowly and a painful one! She hate Zara because this all happened because of he,

Her father selled her because of Zara and his parents always loved more Zara!

              BACK TO MAIN STORY

Abilene:- so that's my story hope you got all your answers!

Jay:- I am very sorry for your past but please release Zara that's past and it's happened like 100 years ago please I am being to you please please!

Suddenly Zara's eyes start dropping tears but blood one and her nose and ears started to bleeding too.


Abilene:- OH? OHH! So she can't take it anymore well I thought my sister will be much durable but this is what is this!


Abilene:- oh it's just you know over loading her brain so after that her brain experience all the pain and suffering her brain can't take it anymore and her brain's nerve system got blasted!!



JAY:- WHAT! what a little one!?....is dieing....

Abilene:- yeah well how sad but how entertain... what!! How!?

Jay suddenly broken her magic chain and take Zara on his lap and started to see her but she already dead then he slowly started to care her belly and then!

Jay:- he he he a little one! really a little one! Why! Why didn't you told me Zara why. (A kiss on her lips and his tears started to drop slowly, then he kissed her forehead and started to hugg her tight and started to think all the moments with her )

Suddenly Abilene saw some changes in Jay's apperance his one side releasing a black aura, his one eye left one is turned into red circle in black his eyes started to glowing and his hair also turned into some red lines his nails got bigger and his left side fully got black and only the right side is normal it's looking like Jay created a form that the negative energy of his emotions and connecting power with the book has unleashed and created something like this the energy is overflowing and turning into a black aura it's felling like the form is broken because he can't fully control the power of the book so it's just naturally over flowing and created something like this.

Abilene:- What going to happen if you cry now? You see they are gone for life...

A sudden speed and air hits Abilene's face! Her eyes got stuck in one place a terrifying horror born in her eyes what's she saw! Jay standing front off her inches away from her his left side eyes glowing seeing her and his left side mount got extended and his teeth turned into beastly teeth dropping saliva!


Hey guys how is it give me feedback and after this chapter the next chapter is going to be Last chapter of this season..

Rahul_kumar_roycreators' thoughts